Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Effects

CHEAP and NICE – ZOOM B3 review

Hi guys, some of you asked me to make this video and here it is – review after 2 years of using. I’ve recorded video and instantly sold this pedal, hah.
You can watch/listen some examples of this box in mix on ma channel.

Sorry for my monotone voice and some exposition fails, I’m trying to do ma best.

Gear used: Warwick Thumb BO 6 bass with Bartolini pups, Zoom B3 pedal, MacOS system, Sony AS-300 and Nikon D3200 cams, FinalCutPro.

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#CHEAP #NICE #ZOOM #review

Originally posted by UCJZfRJPHtCsip-3GHDVqegQ at

28 thoughts on “CHEAP and NICE – ZOOM B3 review

  • I have the same pedal got it for 70 bucks at a used bookstore. It really is amazing and unbeatable for the price

  • Cool video! I can see that it has a Pre/Post Switch in the XLR, this means I can send the "Dry" signal of my bass and also the "wet" signal in the other outputs? I need to send my bass clean tone to my PA, and the wet and processed effects to other channel in the same PA, can I do this?

  • Although the B3 does have a DI and a headphone input, it does not have an aux input. So, you cannot plug in an external audio player to jam along with. The B1on and B3n both have aux inputs and headphone inputs, but neither has a DI. The Zoom B6 is the first Zoom unit to have all three (3) desired components: DI, headphone input, and aux input.

  • Is it possible to record bass using this as audio interface. I mean this way Bass->Zoomb3->Computer

  • Does one of the "effects" always have to be an amp sim? I may have misunderstood, but I heard another video saying that one of the effects in the patch has to be an amp, otherwise it would not work.

  • Your backing music is in stereo but your Zoom demos are suddenly all in mono. Come on. How can you comment on phasing or delays? But you’re not the only one. Most other YouTube “experts” commit the same sin. You seem like a cool guy and I’m not having a go, but musically speaking it’s just really disappointing to see so frequently. Just saying.

  • Спасибо за ревью! Обязательно закажу себе! Дякую!

  • Ещё раз выражаю огромную благодарность за обзор!
    Приобрёл себе эту прелесть, даже две! Соединил в одну цепь и радуюсь-радуюсь-радуюсь новым возможностям!
    ПС. Кстати если запустить драм-машину на первом (в цепи) процесе, то можно влиять на её звучание с помощью эффектов второго. И тем самым наруливать классный саунд для неё 😉

  • I saw that after your joining SOEN. I really felt close. We are waiting for SOEN in Turkey concerts and this time with you Zlatoyar!

  • Thanks for this review! It cleared out a lot of the multi-effects. Do you need a D.I to connect the XLR to a mixer or main console, or it can be directly plugged from the output line, or the output XLR? Thanks again!

  • The pedalboard is really cool! I have been using it for two years and it has served well, mainly for recording. But about two months ago, it started to stop while plugged into the PC. I noticed while listening to music through the headphones output, and suddenly the sound stopped and the PC sent the audio to its own output.

    Has it happened to anyone else? any tips?

  • if i play a song on my pc or DAW and record my bass using zoom b3 via usb to pc can i hear both the song and the bass? Or just monitor the bass only?

  • Hi!
    B2.1u o B3 ? Is there a lot of different between sound efects? and for audio recording?
    Im from Argentina, sorry for my english.


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