Saturday, February 22, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Checking out the sales, is there anything worth buying?

Check out the holiday deals from PRS and others at Sweetwater –
You can purchase my newest album now for only $5 and directly help us fund the next one! Thank all of you for all of the support! –—day-to-day-digital-download

Create your own wishlist for a chance to win a Earthquaker Devices Pedal! ( completely free, just email required ) –

Thomann Music –

Guitar Center –

Audiomo Store for merch like shirts, mugs, canvases

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#Checking #sales #worth #buying

Originally posted by UC3vBFQu7jVUl1KRN20nu8vA at

8 thoughts on “Checking out the sales, is there anything worth buying?

  • this black friday i picked up a Gamma G50 and a used True Spring that I plan to stick inside of the amp for a princeton on a budget. haven't taken the amp out of the box but the True Spring pedal sounds awesome.

  • Heritage guitars are fantastic… but not for Jim (because he doesn’t like LP shaped single cut guitars). But if YOU like Gibson Les Paul’s, I STRONGLY recommend you check them out. They cost less than Gibson, come from Gibson’s old factory in Kalamazoo, MI and feel spectacular in the hand. Bummer about the H150 review. My experience with them has been nothing short of great.

  • Wow an Agile! While im not fan of the 2XXX series (2000,2500,2800), some of the old school 3XXXs(3000 and 3100) were too good to be true! 3010s were odd in that they just didn't feel, play or look like 3XXXs, i really think they were made in the factory that produced the 2XXX series. This past summer my old bassist called me and asked if i would help write guitar parts to some songs he and his band had written, i went in with the full intention of using PRS/Vox since their guitarist was playing SGs/Marshall i thought it would be a good fit, NOPE sounded like ass and to my ears the guitars just didn't mix well, tried a Les Paul sounded dull(no mojo), tried a strat and it was an improvement but sounded too thin, ended up grabbing an Agile 3100 with a Maple fretboard, mini bucker in the bridge and a P90 neck and the clouds parted, the tone was a perfect fit and the guitar played just as good as any of the others i had tried, probably plays a lil better than my Les Pauls, the whole experience just reminded me why i still have five 3XXXs, i know i would never ever get the dollar value for what they are worth to me so i have never even considered selling. The one issue i do have with my 3xxxs is they are all effin boat anchors, every one of them, i would need some type of ridicules strap to ever gig an Agile i swear!


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