Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Chris Buck [of Cardinal Black] Rig Rundown Guitar Gear Tour

Full Rig Info: https://www.premierguitar.com/videos/rig-rundown/chris-buck
Subscribe to PG’s Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribePGYouTube
It didn’t take too long for Welsh guitarist Chris Buck to go from making YouTube videos to playing the legendary Royal Albert Hall. Earlier this year, he brought his band Cardinal Black to the U.S. for a short tour that included a stop at Nashville’s Basement East. That’s where PG’s John Bohlinger caught up with Buck before the gig for a look at what’s powering his blues-rock sound these days.

Buck’s trademark goldtop Yamaha Revstar is out for the rip, and he spared little space on his double-tiered pedalboard, but a special loaner Gibson and a modded Fender amp added some extra flair to the Nashville show.

Shop Chris Buck’s Gear:
Gibson 1958 Les Paul Junior Double Cut Reissue – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/rQ6DM3
Ernie Ball Mega Slinky Strings – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Py3VxQ
Fender Deluxe Reverb – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/rQLg5B
Dunlop Cry Baby – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/AWa9Xx
Origin Effects Cali76 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/g1VyPr
Universal Audio Golden Reverberator- https://sweetwater.sjv.io/1rD3xg
Keeley Katana – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MmO4N3
Catalinbread Echorec – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/oqdnGo
Line 6 HX Stomp XL – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Y9Qnej
Universal Audio Starlight Echo Station – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/B0zQg9
Boss RE-202 Space Echo – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Mm6BOo

Full Rig Info: https://www.premierguitar.com/videos/rig-rundown/chris-buck
Subscribe to PG’s Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribePGYouTube
Win Guitar Gear: https://bit.ly/GiveawaysPG
Don’t Miss a Rundown: http://bit.ly/RIgRundownENL
Merch & Magazines: https://shop.premierguitar.com

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[Brought to you by D’Addario: https://ddar.io/wykyk-rr]

0:00 – D’Addario Strings & Joe Glaser
0:15 – Chris Buck Intro
0:58 – John Bohlinger Intro
1:35 – Custom Yamaha Revstar Professional
6:52 – Chris Buck’s Strings & Picks
9:14 – Springer Guitars Firehawk
13:29 – Gibson 1958 Les Paul Junior Double Cut Reissue
16:18 – D’Addario Strings & the Rig Rundown
16:49 – Fender Deluxe Reverb & Victory V40 Deluxe Combos
22:17 – Chris Buck’s Pedalboard
50:00 – D’Addario Strings

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#Chris #Buck #Cardinal #Black #Rig #Rundown #Guitar #Gear #Tour

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_V1YVyhi4

42 thoughts on “Chris Buck [of Cardinal Black] Rig Rundown Guitar Gear Tour

  • Shop Chris Buck's Gear:
    Gibson 1958 Les Paul Junior Double Cut Reissue – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/rQ6DM3
    Ernie Ball Mega Slinky Strings – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Py3VxQ
    Fender Deluxe Reverb – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/rQLg5B
    Dunlop Cry Baby – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/AWa9Xx
    Origin Effects Cali76 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/g1VyPr
    Universal Audio Golden Reverberator- https://sweetwater.sjv.io/1rD3xg
    Keeley Katana – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MmO4N3
    Catalinbread Echorec – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/oqdnGo
    Line 6 HX Stomp XL – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Y9Qnej
    Universal Audio Starlight Echo Station – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/B0zQg9
    Boss RE-202 Space Echo – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Mm6BOo

  • A Revstar AND a double cut Junior! Chris Buck is my spirit animal. If only I could play like him ❤???????????? Thank you guys for putting this together.

  • Dude, Chris buck has to meet up with the tedeschi trucks band. Imagine Chris and Derek playing together. There would be emotions on show

  • 120 vs 240 is because the 240 runs the full primary on the power transformer and the 120 has parallel primary. The two halves are never really equal so in parallel. Plus 240 is more differential and 120 have a neutral which is usually grounded at the panel.

  • I am just going to echo what most people are saying, Chris is great player and I am so glad he got his time on the Rig Rundown show. Next to being a great musician he is a True Tone chaser. Plus being true enthusiast he will engage in tone talks with people in comments on his channel. He surely does recognize people that are tone chasers like him self. Lovely personality.
    His Yamaha has awesome Sunbear pickups if I am not wrong. Man behind the Sunbear pickups is Stuart Robson. He is magician really. He makes all kinds off pickups and all of them are simply great. All I can say is that I do not own enough of his products ???? Many good things come from the UK. GigRig stuff is non plus ultra. ThorphyFx stuff is very popular. ExspressoFX makes awesome fuzz pedals. Zillacabs makes great cabinets. Plus That Pedal Show is practically school of tone, bringing their audience to next level of tone and understanding of it. Here in the Europe we tend to get those products because they prove themselves always. I have seen and played very good guitars that became great guitars by swapping pickups to Sunbear pickups. Even more true to vintage character. I even thought that some of those guitars are there and couldn’t be better and yet they got better. Awesome stuff.

  • This rig rundown is legendary, it’s like watching that pedal show and Friday fret works at the same time as rig rundown. My weekend viewing in a one stop shop ????

  • A band from 2020 that most people have never heard of gets a rig rundown? Come over to my house and you can do one here. I'll show ya what i play while in my undees while watching t.v.

  • My 2024 bingo card didn't have a rig rundown with a Mooer pedal on it. I'm not mad, impressed

  • I can listen to the soundscapes that emanate from the hands of Chris Buck for hours.

  • oh man that D'Addario ad in the middle of the video makes me want to buy those strings…. said no one ever

  • An absolutely awesome episode and a chance to see a real guitar hero. Such a shame you didn’t feature bassist Sam as well. He has a tone that I’d love to hear more about.

  • Great job Chris & John! Chris thank you for playing through all of your pedals, so much better than just talking about them. And your playing is so tasteful and top notch. Thank you.

  • Intelligent… articulate… comical – and a stunningly beautiful guitar player.
    This was a superb rig run down with John.
    Hope this opens more doors worldwide for you and the band Chris.

  • Well, I don't see much differences in all those OD-Pedals. BUT: His delay/reverb-sounds are matchless, fantastic musician, great band, great guy.

  • I would really appreciate if Chris put together a fingerstyle course. I really dig his tone!

  • The music of Cardinal Black is a bit too far out of my heavy metal comfort zone, but this guy's playing is pretty pretty inspiring, highly dynamic and touch sensitive but still powerful. I think I'll turn down the gain tonight and try some of that hybrid picking myself. Also, great tip about recording yourself every night and taking your own mixing and mastering seriously and continuously improve your sound as you go. This was a good rig rundown.

  • Excellent rig run down. So cool to see the details of Chris' set up. 50 Shades of Gain! Love that. I was at the Nashville show, "3 row" center of the pit and seeing that Firehawk start the show was a pleasent surprise. Beautiful guitar. Then old no. 1 was in action. ❤

  • What's the name of the Italian player they say is scary good? I can't quite make out what he's saying at 5:05 . I want to check him out too!

  • The delay parts are very John Martyn in style. Nice to hear it well done. Also the Roy Bucanin volume swells

  • Love this! How amazing is he! Every single pedal demo he plays a beautiful piece ???? what a player!

  • I accidently stepped on one of the "mash" switches on my tc flashback delay at church once during a very quiet moment….. was not the time for that effect

  • Thoroughly deserved and enjoyable. Also, GREAT to finally get a rig rundown with sound demos from the artist

  • Cool video …. 41 minutes in and I'm hearing sounds like the late, great John Martyn …. awesome …. time to listen to Small Hours off the One World album …. rest of video is great …. would be great if Cardinal Black ventured North of Glasgow on their travels … Lemon Tree in Aberdeen would be packed with 600 enthusiastic fans! … CMcG, Aberdeen, Scotland ….

  • Chris is just such an amazing player. One of my favourite "new" guitar players. His playing really hits you emotionally. It's not about being flash. It's about touching your soul. Just my opinion.

  • Chuffed to see Chris getting the recognition he deserves. Such an amazingly vocal player. One of the very best out there.

  • A pedal on the board I think they missed was the Xotic EP booster. Great little pedal – I bought it for a boost, but it sounds so darn good that I keep it on all the time.

  • Have been waiting for this one ! Chris is easily one of the most expressive young players currently walking the globe! Truly set to be one of the GOATS . His playing will capture you and keep you hostage for hours every time ! Super humble guy blessed with rockstar level talent. It’s no wonder his band ‘Cardinal Black’ are blowing up and selling out shows at places like the Troubadour!

  • Great player and seems to be a cool guy. Many of these pedals are redundant. Wonder if it’s more about marketing these days.


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