Compare guitars Peavey Razer guitar Line 6 spider amp review Click link to get a killer brand new Blues lesson not on YouTube and a Blues scales and lead guitar Ebook, all for free from
In this module we review a 1983 Peavey Razer electric guitar. Check out the funky body style. More lessons at
#Compare #guitars #Peavey #Razer #guitar #Line #spider #amp #review
Originally posted by UCMxQuIZh7sy5lSXA0IlsYyQ at
I know it's an old video but you missed one of the most important features, that being that dialing in the tone pots between 6.5 & 10 the pickups act like single coils. Dialing them back from 6.5 to 0 they behave like humbuckers. Thi applies to the Razer, Mystic, Mantis and JF-1 & JF-2. They are seriously underrated guitars. Good luck finding them although the JF-1 seem to be readily available at this time. Happy playing!~
Anybody has one too sell PM ME!!!!
best action on any guitar i ever played on
I found a black one in the dumpster. Fixing it up now. The shape is weird I get it, but I embrace it. I aint sceeered.
That's a great sounding guitar from back in the day. Marvo Marvo…..
I think the design is cool and Peavey made some great players that were rock solid. All the haters is funny. Mostly people don't know how these guitars operate so they think their shit. Put the tones to 10 and both pickups are in single coil mode put them to 7 and they're switched to humbuckers. Knowing how to use it and you can get almost any tone you want. I have the Razer in red and Mystic in red also. There great players!
Tones full on puts the pickup into single coil mode. Turn the tones down to 7 switches them to full humbucker mode.
I LOVE these oddball models! Have located one and plan on getting it. Hopefully, have my own review on here shortly.
EVH did NOT own a Peavey guitar. He owned a Kramer.
No he didn't.
T – Model Ford has one.
@MrHeindall I, is that a problem?!
Can a musician please do a review of this guitar?
it's based on the peavey logo:)
How did you do the pig squeal
bought one in a pawn shop back in '85 for a C note . Wish I had it back , can't find one ANYWHERE !! for less than ~ 1 K . Mine was black & still had mud on it ( not dirt clods … wet mud ) … probably hadn't been in the pawn shop for 10 minutes . I kick myself in the ass every time I see one ( child of the 80's ) and wish I had kept her . Garage sale junkie to this day , looking for my long lost honey . The RAZER rocked my world and I would give almost anything to get another copy ….
ok, let's be honest, the shape sucks!!!
glam rock ftw lmao
@LookAtMyComputer Kind sir, I must redirect you to the Squier SP-10.
@wolfhalen Not if you're playing classic rock…this thing looks retarded, but I'd much prefer a non reverse V, or a Jazzmaster to this thing
the 80s were a simpler time
it's called a pinch harmonic,
it's somewhat like hitting the string with your pick and thumb at the same time, almost like pinching it between the thumb and the pick. That produces that screaming sound:)
look for it on youtube, type in squealie or pinch harmonic
does it have 23 frets?
You can tell he was enjoying this guitar!
i want one!
its cool that the guitar is rare and old and in such great shape. but it looks like crap. i gotta be honest. I'd never be caught dead playing that thing…. Plus i need a floating trem. To me, a guitar isnt complete without a floating trem!!
@RandyRhoadsIsAwesome men is from the 80's nothing godd from that deacde
@RandyRhoadsIsAwesome Meh, I've seen worse.
i think this guy needs to advance to the next level.