Thursday, March 27, 2025

33 thoughts on “Country Walking Bass Lessons For Beginners By Scott Grove

  • Hello Scott loving the country walking bass lessons mate . I’m still learning the root 5th and trying to get my head around what each note is and remembering them , I’ve down loaded the Nashville number system also . I’m making progress on your I think 1 and 9 uploads on country bass lessons . I love country music and would love to play along to stuff like Waylon Jennings , Merle haggard . Hank Williams and willie Nelson . Anyway brother I hope you upload more country bass lessons . In the meantime I’m just going over your 1 and 9 bass lessons , any other tips you can give me buddy ? I’m also teaching my self mainly the major scales like C , G , D , F ones . Any other suggestions would be much appreciated mate . Hope to hear from you soon Scott . Take care . ????

  • Thankyou so much for slowing down and remembering I don’t know a lick but you are the only one that I have found to be so patient❤

  • Thank you so much!
    Love this lesson
    Been working on this since a couple days.
    There’s everything I need right now in it.
    It’ll be the waking up lesson until I do everything real nice
    Love your teaching style and the calm.
    I love country and now I’m a country girl up a mountain in Portugal determined to play decently as I don’t think I’ll make it to great on account of quite a late start
    Very grateful for this ❤

  • Funny ive been rocking your bass lessons i bought a few years ago and here you are posting all these new bass vids! Bass is where its at for me!

  • Mr Grove I am writing to ask about the Klos Pro bass. You mentioned it is light, is it in the 7 lbs. range? It seemed that you really like it . I am almost 72 and find the 8.5 to 10 lbs. basses and guitars are to much for more than a 30 min. Thanks for your time and your great vids. Mike

  • Thank you for putting this together and sharing. I'm getting back into the bass after recovering from some injuries that took a long time to heal.

  • Thanks Scott just picked up the lesson package for 25 dollars!!! A steal in my opinion your lessons have helped me on my journey to grooviness. Have a happy and healthy New Year.

  • Thank you! I decided to learn bass during this pandemic with the idea of starting to play (well) with others. This is something I can work my way through and learn. Thanks again!

  • A better man on strings would to me be hard to find. I loved Roy Clark, Chet Atkins…. not so much. His perfectionism drove me bat shit bonkers and it I didn't watch him then a bit better as I still knew it was him playing… kinda like carrying a grudge. I never tried hard enough thinking I would wake up and be Jerry Reed or Buck Owens. I was really Jr. Samples… or less. It was one day out of the blue I heard the strings sound like it was someone elses playing. I had broke through and was on a roll. I did it till my fingers were bleeding as this guitar had bowed up like it had cramps. I did do far better for a while and practiced again and again. Use or lose, thats the story of my life or I would be walking again. Although I have worked hard most of my life, I have been so lazy that I deserve a bit of harshness. I think that you are the man I wished to be, superman all rolled into one. I had long hair, I don't know if you ever were into bikes but I did have a few, nothing to get excited about. I did have a talent and it was drawing cartoons, I did that a lot to get a few drink at the bar when broke. I guess to be honest I might of been broke a few more times than its comfortable to say. As I would get hungry, I drove a truck…. a eighteen wheeler and I did enjoy parts of that. Never being in one place more than a couple days can have its benefits. You are a solid Christian man who didn't flaunt it. I got involved with the church, stayed sober for about six years… my kids swear it was nine but that divorce changed me into someone I did not like what so ever. I let that person loosed with me for close to seven years. I stopped tho cause of two dogs. I liked them but I didn't need them…. they needed someone responsible and so I was for a bit and they grew to love me an me back. If it were a choice today between any I wanted to be or just be with them as they passed on at twelve and a half. I would be quick to choose them. Its the only love I have known since puppy love as a kid. Both very real and both not to have forever. Ya Scott, you stand with the giants in this business.

  • G'day from Australia All Dr Groovy patient's I just wanna testify to how good his paid lessons are bought them 10 years ago and he is true to his word everything you ever need is in them and more. Thanks Dr Groovy was playing that Conway twitty song "id love to lay you down" from your campfire songs such a great song always groovy being able to jam along with Dr Groovy


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