Wednesday, March 26, 2025
BassBass Lessons

Critical Tips to Supercharge Your Practice /// Scott&’s Bass Lessons

Making the most out of the time you have to practice is an essential part of pushing your bass playing to the next level!

We all have busy lives… whether it be college study, kids, spending time with your spouse and family, finding an extra hour to waste on Facebook (don’t worry, I do it too!) 😉

I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from. There’s some kind of noise coming from all directions.

The tough part is – in amongst all of this noise, to push our bass playing to the next level we ‘have to’ find the time to practice. If we don’t our playing will stand still.

But, once we start practising what do we do with the time we have?!

It’s sooooo easy to actually waste time practising. Sounds weird, right?

Well, there are actually some great techniques you can use within your practice time to maximise the time you do have and drastically reduce your learning curve.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that time spent practising isn’t as important as what you practice or how you practice within the time you have.

In this lesson your going to learn:
– Why you should be narrowing your focus
– How to get faster results from your practice time
– Applying the 80/20 rule
– Why you should be focusing on simple chord progressions
– Why you need to practice ‘slow’
– The dreaded “plateau” and how to avoid it
– And much more…


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#Critical #Tips #Supercharge #Practice #Scott39s #Bass #Lessons

Originally posted by UCWTj3vCqkQIsrTGSm4kM34g at

39 thoughts on “Critical Tips to Supercharge Your Practice /// Scott&’s Bass Lessons

  • Hey Scott, those Lapel Mike's, are A Bitch! Pick up everything! You may sound like a Hog "Rooting" but it was in the Pocket!

  • Hey Scott man I’m a ol’ hobby player learned modes along time ago didn’t use them much so I think jus kinda played what ever sorta popped up no reason or purpose. All that said I love the way you move so easily across the fretboard so where do I start to make sense of what I’m playing and incorporating what I learn to put to use in what I’m already playing

  • I love that P bass there, not as much as the white heavy relic but that 1 is sick too. I'm so torn at the moment on if I want a P or J or even a PJ. I go back and forth all the time on which I like more. I want a P with a jazz neck so maybe PJ is the way to go

  • Guys and gals, anyone who sees this, can you please link me to a video teaching arpeggios. I know nothing about it and in all of Scott's videos I hear him say it's very important, and I really want to learn it. and it can be any video, i have tried to find a video by Scott, teaching arpeggios but I couldn't find it, if anyone can help I'd be really grateful! Thanks!

  • I'm a guitar player and have fallen in love with your channel. You talk a lot about the positive things I have picked up from wonderful teachers. Definitely very encouraging! Good stuff, thanks Scott!

  • On my notes on my phone, I have a list of songs to learn, and it says "In this order, or you never learn any of them"

  • profesor no se en que tiempo podria contestarme pero kiero k me aga un vidio sobre como conectar acorde mayore o menores

  • "I wanna climb Everest… in my pants" hahaha! Brilliant video Scott, thanks a lot for sharing this!!! 🙂

  • Hello Scott, the video is good, and I totally see, what you are saying. But I am wondering what is to practice about the D dorian mode. It is the same like C major just started on the second tone…. so why practicing it? I mean, yes, practicing a major scale is good. But then you can play all modes anyway….

  • Great advice. I've been playing bass for a while now and I love the fact that there's always something new to learn, so I never feel like I might get burnt out.

  • moro no brasil como faço para ter aula com voce.
    se houver uma maneira voce me diz o valor e como faço o pagamento que eu gostaria de aprender com voce

  • HI Scott Great vid as always!
    I have a question. What is defined as practice and what is the best way to practice?
    Some people put a click track on, put a TV show on and just play for the next hour the same thing, some people shut everything out and play the scales. Some people think that "fooling around on the bass" constitutes also as practice.
    So what Is and what Isn't practice, and how do You practice, i'd really like to hear your definition on this.

  • Very instructive video ! Thanks !
    Can you show us some example of "routine" you do every day.. Like a "vlog" ! It's could be great !

  • I'm sometimes finding it hard to threading the transcription part together with the rest of them. Mainly because it's hard for me to find licks that matches what I want to practice.

  • Ahead of the curve …. another very purposeful clip that applies to newbies and more advanced to music in general and not just Bass …. Always good to re-watch.

  • Great video as always! Will we ever see that interview that You did with Billy Sheehan, btw? 🙂 All the best!


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