Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

“David vs Goliath” Boost Pedal Challenge – Tone City All Spark vs Xotic EP Booster

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???? Want to know more about Boost Pedals? Check out our Ultimate Guide! – https://goo.gl/SNaFh1

Danish Pete engages in another “David VS Goliath” pedal challenge where an a very affordable goes up against a more expensive pedal. The Tone City All Spark and The Xotic EP Booster.

For more info on the Xotic EP Booster click here – http://goo.gl/8BZUQy

For more info on Tone City pedals click here – http://goo.gl/JFrgvq

What do you think, please comment below. Plus we’d really like to hear your suggestions for more David & Goliath battles! Just choose from the pedals we stock & suggest an cheap vs expensive shoot out – doesn’t have to be drive pedals either – can be anything you like!

Pete used a Fender Stratocaster Custom Shop into a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Amp.

#David #Goliath #Boost #Pedal #Challenge #Tone #City #Spark #Xotic #Booster

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nikrjo6DZq8

43 thoughts on ““David vs Goliath” Boost Pedal Challenge – Tone City All Spark vs Xotic EP Booster

  • I would love to hear what an xotic boost would accomplish (if anything) in a solid state amp. Thanks. I love the videos.

  • Well done comparison. As a lot of folks here have said, it's always going to be personal preference. I personally thought the EP sounded better, but as someone else pointed out, is it that much better for the price? Honestly, when it comes to pedals the EP is nowhere close to being an "out of budget" pedal for your average working musician. I looked at the TC pedal as well as the tc Electronics and the MXR boost pedals (going mini, need space on my board) and all sounded pretty good and none broke the bank. I went ahead and purchased the EP, not because of the name but because after reaching out to folks in a support group I belong to for my Quilter amp, it was by far the one guys were saying made the head sound "magically" better than it already does. Anyway, if you are really worried about $50 or so, get the TC and you will have a great sounding pedal for sure.

  • No fuzz in my boost please- hold the fuzz. Ep wins- that said, I remember back int he 70s and 80s most guys used different preamps to do what we do with boost pedals now- and the preamp might be part of some other effect that they rarely even kicked on, they just used the pre-amp mostly. The CE-1 Chorus is a good example- the preamp on it would push an amp into chewy perfection- sounded so good. I think a lot of guys used eq pedals to- if you get one with a separate volume control that adds- boosts frequencies instead of just being a hi or low pass filter- it can push an amp just like a boost or drive does. And you can choose which frequencies to boost- which makes a huge difference. You can turn it into a treble boost, a bass boost, a flat boost- whatever you need. My amp is super picky about boost pedals- many of them create dirt, grit- underneath the tone, not a good dirt or grit either- it sounds muddy, muffled sort of- not good. Took me forever to find a boost that worked and it's a cheapo Joyo budget pedal- but it just happened to be the only one that worked so- I use it. I want something better though- I'm going to try the Xotic Ep, RC, or SSB boosters- I think the Super Sweet Boost (SSB) is what I'm really looking for but if I can try them all, I will.

  • I actually like the Tone City better, more vintage n character, just ordered one! I do have a Fender Engager Boost already( two of them),
    but this TC got my interest for its FAT n BRIGHT colours!!????????

  • all spark more transparent.. great job till 2 o clock.. after that it is to much volume boost.. in most applications unnecessary

  • Tone city not a winner this time. It’s very clear why the EP boost is popular. I’ve been looking at boost pedals after using the pre amp in my fend tre-verb as a boost.

  • I use the one knob booster to add a bit of hair to single coil pickups so I can switch from humbuckers to single coils and match signal with a click of the foot switch.

  • Just ordered an All Spark. I like a little hair on a boost, which the EP does not have…

  • Its all what you like..one boost the mids and lows ..the other doesn't as much. Not one better than the other

  • The Exotic is cleaner at higher volumes but when Tone City flip the bright switch they were pretty much equal as far as clarity an when he flipped the fat switch didn't really get a chance to be explored neither the dip switches on the Exotic pedal

  • Reminds of what happens when you A B a EHX Soulfood against a Klon Centaur. Not bad, but not on par.

  • For anyone in the UK, don't bother with the £130 Exotic price tag. GMR spares do a DIY kit of the exact same circuit for £30 on ebay.

  • The EP is clearly a better pedal, but the TC might still improve (perceived) tone for those on a budget. It's not a win or lose comparison.

  • It sounds to me like the bright switch is set to on for the EP booster.
    These sound closer to each other than all the other parts of the video. I still prefer the EP, but not as much as I first thought.

  • Anderton you've got serieus site structure management problems
    All your links are dead

  • Identical
    EP initially louder but same sound
    Probably a fairly simple circuit

  • How do you have the internal switches set on the EP Booster? And are you running it on a 9v battery or the 18v AC adapter?

    Also, if you were o run this with an OD/Distortion pedal, would you put the EP Booster before or after your OD/Distortion pedal?

  • Can you folks to a comparison between these boosters and the DOD 250 and 410? Also, what about a Treble Booster shootout?

  • I think the EP booster is much more subtle, that being said the all spark has so much value in being more saturated like how spanky it is for instance

  • I don't think he played enough with the fat and bright controls on the tone city. It did sound ok to me with the bright on. The EP won hands down, but I would have like to hear the tone city with the bright on compared to EP

  • No real difference till at 3:00. After that both pedals are starting to break up, the Tone City just a little more flubby. I would have loved to have heard it with the bright switch on all the way to full up. That may have reduced that flubbiness. For my use, would never run a clean boost much past 12:00, the Tone City would do just fine. Especially after owning the SP compressor, and it being the worst compressor I’ve ever owned.

  • All spark sounded exactly the same until you turned it up to around 70% and then the EP really kicked its butt. EP sounds amazing!

  • It seems the boost range and knob ratios of each are different. Would have been interesting to crank the EP all the way up and then see how closely the All Spark could match it… Might be revealing?

  • The lack of distortion in this makes me qq, only reason I use a boost pedal is to fill out the dirty channel that's built into my amp (Marshall dsl5c + TC Spark in ultra gain channel with gain at 4, sick tone)

  • Only just seen this. I've had my Xotic for about six months, and I love it. I use it in always on mode, but I've been thinking about another one for more boost. I'm seriously considering this Tone City. It does get messy after 12 o'clock, but even when I use the Xotic in boost mode I only go up to 10-11, and the Tone City sounded great at lower boost levels.

  • The EP booster is $116 USD. It is neither Goliath in cost, nor form factor, so I fail to see the value of this particular comparison.
    It's like buying a Behringer over a Boss pedal. I mean…you could, but why.


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