Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

demo | how to play “Samba Pa Ti” on guitar by Carlos Santana | electric guitar lesson tutorial

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An electric guitar lesson on how to play “Samba Pa Ti” by Santana, from the “Abraxas” album released in 1970.

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Thanks for watching. Cheers

#demo #play #Samba #guitar #Carlos #Santana #electric #guitar #lesson #tutorial

Originally posted by UCAwuvzhah0KUw5QNihSkEwQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha0staB-lkw

43 thoughts on “demo | how to play “Samba Pa Ti” on guitar by Carlos Santana | electric guitar lesson tutorial

  • Nnnnice! I don’t know whether or not to plug my guitar in and try, or put bit on eBay. Beautiful rendition of a truly landmark song.

  • My mother in law used to love this song. Seeing it played so beautifully literally brought me to tears. Missing you ma!

  • This is the most authentic version of the original as played by Santana on the 1970 Abraxas album, that I have heard. It is also very close in tonality to the original. Santana improvises quite liberally in his live performances and so long as his band keep up with the beat and timing, he literally does as he likes. Great job. This might even inspire me to try and forget the arthritis in my fingers and give guitar playing another go.

  • Any chance you could put the backing track up. If I manage to learn it, it would be great to have the backing track to play along to
    Thanks Bob

  • Ma Santana è in grado di suonare questo brano come iinciso sul disco ?
    Sembrerebbe di no.
    In tutte le apparzionivdal vivo suona questo branco in modo approssimativo.

  • If there is a rating from 1 to 10, you're 11. In my own opinion, you are the best of the best guitarists I've ever seen in my life and the best tutor ever in youtube.

  • i have only watched two of your youtube demos…this one and black magic woman…man, you are amazing…now i know how much work i will need to do to get to where i want to be…thanks for the kick in the ass…keep on keepin' on

  • I am working on part 2 it improved my playing immensely gave insight into the creative thinking of Maestro Carlos Santana

  • This is the song I've been looking for since 1977 or 78. I was working as a cowboy on the Gang Ranch a huge but remote cattle ranch as a cowboy and I was with my boss in his pickup driving around some cattle for some reason when this song came on the radio. I sat there silently listening to this while he was driving. I knew it was Santana but I never heard the name of the song announced by the DJ. I said to myself I will remember this song and look it up when I get a chance. For years I wasn't sure which song it was that I heard. Was it Transcendence? Was it Moon Flower…Europa? ….I was never sure…until today when I watched your video. I never would have guessed it had a name like "Samba Pa Ti". … Yup…this is the song.

  • Best tutorial of Samba Pa ti ever. I had always preferred the album version over his live concert versions. Thank you.

  • awsome job im self taught and u have touch me so much about touch and feel amongs other things so thank you so much i only play for the pleasure the guitar brings me im not out to become a musician or play inn bands i just enjoy playing and look forward to anything new u do i use 10/46 ernie balls can i ask what you use plz and thank you again for the great videos u give us

  • So wonderful to have you do these tutorials of great classics
    I remember first hearing this one and you do a really great accurate rendition with real soul
    Many thanks you are not just teaching you are inspiring

  • I think that, 90 percent of playing guitar frustration, comes from not being able to get "The Right Tone".. I know this because ; it has plagued me for years!!.. When I see people so effortless get the tones I get this great envy ( In a good kind of way). This was awesome !! As always ..top notch performance !!!

  • It's not 100% but even Carlos Santana himself cannot come even close to this fantastic performance when compared to the original recording. This is by far, the most accurate cover of Samba Pa Ti I have ever heard anywhere!

  • Exactly how I would have played it… Excellent work. Like everything else on your site. Thank you for your efforts

  • Dude , brilliant, do you have any original stuff on Spotify, or artists that you have played on


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