Sunday, March 16, 2025
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Depeche Mode- Songs of Faith and Devotion FULL ALBUM REACTION AND REVIEW


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#Depeche #Mode #Songs #Faith #Devotion #FULL #ALBUM #REACTION #REVIEW

Originally posted by UCoCnigPHrb-Fpim48wbKxLg at

41 thoughts on “Depeche Mode- Songs of Faith and Devotion FULL ALBUM REACTION AND REVIEW


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  • Indeed Trent Reznor has cited Depeche Mode as an influence. In fact, he has said that he began working in Pretty Hate Machine after seeing them on their Black Celebration tour.
    Depeche Mode fans have a tough time enjoying this album because we have trouble disassociating it from the tribulation and the band was going through during the recording and subsequent tour, and the toll it took. But they created a masterpiece. Both musically and aesthetically, it stands out. It is Wholly unique among their work.

  • Seriously I'm just not even gonna listen if there is a masturbatory fest over this album, calling it better than Violator. That's seriously like the worst groupthink. Y'all are gonna start looking for chemtrails with tin foil hats on next, telling people that JFK and Elvis sent you personally.

  • YES!! Phenomenal album!! I totally agree with you Justin, this album IS better than “Violator.” This album is in my personal top 20 albums of all time. It’s helped me in my faith walk as a Christian when I was at my lowest point. This album is very cathartic for a person of faith experiencing the turbulence of a broken world…

  • You need to react to Some Great Reward, Construction Time Again and Black Celebration albums, the Great electronic classic!

  • Allan Wilder was the Pineal Gland of DM.
    Im not a fan and i didnt know this until recent time, but when you listen their albums until Songs of faith and then Ultra, you can easily sense that theres something missing, and something really important. He added that substance, the details and that european sensibility that was so evident specially in Violator and Songs of faith. Im really sorry he left, they missed a great man and we all missed great music without him in Depeche Mode.

  • I loved Depeche Mode. But never ended up listening to this album. For some reason I remember reviews of this saying Gahan had decided to be a grunge star. That he wanted to be rock and roll. I didn’t hear that at all. I enjoyed a lot of this.

  • DM were at the absolute top of their game on this album. That said, their most recent album was very, very good.

  • Martin Gore has always included BDSM imagery into his lyrics, but here it’s at its heaviest, twisting with religious iconography, which I think is not only a critique of religion, but a sense of internal conflict comes across – also, I can’t rid myself of the sense that this album is biographical and documents the pain and struggle that all the members were experiencing, constantly bordering on exhaustion with pretty much non-stop tour, then record in a never ending vicious cycle.

    However, proof indeed that suffering can create something incredible.

  • I LOVE THIS! Such a great way to start the day (I am across the pond, coffee time). As a DM fan, this is just a treat! And yes, an album for the ages. They are one of the few bands that managed a flawless one-two punch, art-wise. (Violator and Songs of). Thank you for such an enjoyable morning coffee! 🙂 *also, In Your Room (the album version) is my favorite song ever from them.

  • Great that you returned to Depeche Mode! What a great album, especially considering the difficult circumstances of its making. Certainly very different to Violator, but great in its own right. I don‘t listen to it a lot anymore, so it was fun to dive back into it with you.

    „Black Celebration“ is a standout for me from the 80‘s. „Ultra“, the follow-up to Songs of Faith and Devotion, is another brilliant, yet very different album from the late 90‘s. And, I have to say, 2023‘s „Memento Mori“ is up there with these.

  • Was doing other things today and didn't see this until this evening. Clicked on it as soon as I did since I love this album. Glad you loved it too. "Higher Love" is actually one of my favorite songs on the album with "One Caress" and "In Your Room" rounding out my top three. So our opinions differ on that note. When the band was on tour for this album I had the chance see them but didn't and it's something I have always regretted. One of my co-workers had tickets and at the last minute his girlfriend couldn't go so he asked me if I wanted to go with him. I won't go into the long explanation of the reason why, but I told him no. So here's a lesson for everyone. If someone offers to take you to a concert for a band you love, don't say no. I want to kick myself every time I think about it.

  • Favourites: The small plant. Rush, In Your Room, maybe One Caress. Least favourite: Get Right With Me and the other gospel style tracks.

  • I love DM, this is my personal No. 1 album of theirs, it really impacted me so deeply… Dense, intense, moving, it touched me so strongly that to this day it remains one of my favorite albums of my life, Each song is special, nothing is left over or missing, perfect album.

  • It's my no 1 DM album, followed by Violator, Ultra, Music for the Msses, Black Celebration, and then it gets harder to rank, all depending on my mood. But I like most 80's and 90's DM.

  • 30 years ago* I bought the music book for this album. I think it was in there, or another interview, that Martin Gore said he deliberately wrote songs on this album in unfamiliar keys and ranges to stretch David Gahan’s voice. He was trying to bring out something new in his voice.

    *where did those years go?

  • This live albums live tour is their strongest I think. Dave's voice even though he was going through alot was so strong

  • Rush and In Your Room are so amazing. To me this album is even better than Violator. I also love Black Celebration, you should hear it as well

  • For me it was a disappointment at that time apart from some songs like In Your Room, Walking in my Shoes, and I Feel You (nevertheless I like the album much more nowadays). Martin wanted to go more into rock and soul but he did it better later on the much more consistent and darker Ultra.
    Black Celebration was and still is thier peak musically. Masses was a poppy mainstream album which was at that time their second worst even though it contained some great tunes like Pimpf. Violator was really up again nearly on the level of BC especially with their One of these Days interpretation Clean and the hits Personal Jesus, Enjoy the Silence, and Policy of Truth. SoFaD just didn't bear that quality anymore and you feel the troubles the band had at that time – Martin dominating more not only as their songwriter, Alan leaving after the tour, and Dave died (he really did!).
    I saw them live at that tour… and it was horrible, Dave hardly could hold himself on the Mic. I saw them a few years ago before Fletch died and they were a new fantastic band, and Dave a reborn Freddie Mercury like frontman.
    BTW One Caress (as Judas) was Martin Gore himself singing. Up to that point (83-93) the band was very organized: Martin wrote the songs, Alan was responsible for the soundscape, Dave was singing, and Fletch… actually he was the one holding the band together in the backround and cared about the finances. But One Caress was actually a Martin solo song like Yesterday was Paul's.

  • Justin, SO glad you hit this whole album. This is my favorite DM album, and I kind of consider Violator, Songs, and Ultra as a great trinity of CDs.

    I think you will really dig Ultra too!

    Also, Martin Gore sings Caress and Judas 🙂 It's okay, I think their voices are pretty similar but you can hear the difference when you get more used to DM.

    Back to Songs, though. Man just perfect production, arrangements, writing….the whole album is SO cohesive. And this album, Violator, and Ultra all sound like their album covers, with dark, velvety tones. So glad you appreciated this album and am very much looking forward to a full-album listen of Ultra 🙂 Cheers!

  • Daruma. I loved this album as a teen and I appreciated your video, thanks!

  • The cow. A good album , but still behind Music for the Masses and Violater, and maybe Black Celebration.
    A couple long song Saturday suggestions. The new Cure album or the new one from Magdalena Bay.


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