Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

Do $50 Micro Amps Suck? | Marshall vs Fender vs Danelectro Shootout

I bought a bunch of Micro Amps from Fender, Marshall and Danelectro to see if they are just toys or can actually be used as real amps.
There are no surprises I think but the test was still interesting!

Buy them here (if you REALLY want to)

Marshall MS-2: https://thmn.to/thoprod/104122?offid=1&affid=288
Fender Mini Tonemaster: https://thmn.to/thoprod/424657?offid=1&affid=288
Danelectro N-10: https://thmn.to/thoprod/278309?offid=1&affid=288

Marshall MS-2: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/vnoREv
Fender Mini Tonemaster: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MX06Rq
Danelectro N-10: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/ZdP9qX

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#theguitargeek #miniamplifier #guitar

#Micro #Amps #Suck #Marshall #Fender #Danelectro #Shootout

Originally posted by UCI5i6aBbINMIEkYW3b6olHg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX-mpcqHya8

29 thoughts on “Do $50 Micro Amps Suck? | Marshall vs Fender vs Danelectro Shootout

  • Could you do a review of the Leksto amp. It's cheap and small but the reviews and sound seem to be better than any of these amps.

  • There is no sich thing as bad tone but i had the honeytone amp hooked to an acoustic electronic guitar. Sounded awful. Hooked it up to my streamliner sounded even worse and didnt do it justice. I have a boss katana battery amp and it does the gretsch justice atleast. My suggestion is the boss katana. But thats me. I drive truck and have one power outlet thats hooked to an inverter and i cant gook up a big amp wothout burning up the electric on the outlet.

  • I completely disagree with this video. It’s unfair. They’re fun little toys, yes. But the Marshall MS-2 is great for cigar box guitars and diddley bo’s. One of my lead guitarists used to play thru the Marshall MS-4 (the 2 speaker version of the one shown here) live on stage with it mic’d up and it sounded massive and good.

  • Run the Marshall MS2 or MS4 thru a Peavey CS power amp into a Celestion V30 loaded 412 cabinet. Thank me later

  • I know your review is based on Guitar playing but the Daneletro Honeytone is excellent if you are a Harmonica player. You can get great sounds paired with a Green Bullet Mic.

  • (Twiddles knob) "God, that's rather stiff … my Goodness … " Sorry, couldn't help it … 🙂

  • In one of the early videos that Philip McKnight did, he had modded one of the EVH versions of these to run out to a cab and it sounded great through the 2×12 he had.

  • I fried my Honeytone amp cus they put a speaker that WILL fry it eventually, so I gutted the original circuit and put a tube amp inside it lmao

    The reason why I say it WILL fry is because, according to the datasheet for the audio power amplifier IC they used in the amp (TDA7052), an 8 ohms speaker should only be used for up to an 8v supply. For 9v and over, 16 ohms should be the appropriate impedance. This is because at 9v, an 8 ohms speaker will draw too much current for the chip to handle, especially with heavy playing.

  • I disagree entirely. The Daneletro Honeytone is a fantastic little package. Excellent for Harmonica as well as Guitar. I think we just have a purist doing the review.

  • There's no such thing as bad tone .. but.. get a Roland Micro Cube. They sound good and they're portable. If you want new, than get a Boss Katana.

  • Just take $50 and drop it in the trash instead of buying one of these then at least you won't have a plastic piece of junk taking up space.

  • I have the Marshall one,and i have to admit,it feels more like a toy than anything.
    But i also bought the boss Kitana Mini,and THAT is no toy,it may be a tiny amp but it does exactly what it's supposed toh,and it is indeed a small bedroom of practice amp.
    The thing even though it's only 7 watts,has more than enough of power to take it Busking, which i do all the time.
    This little amp kicks serious kiester.
    As for the Marshall, well that's just a decorative piece of crap that i have hanging on my wall with my guitar and bass guitar collection

  • I suspect the honey tone has a power usage issue because you can put a brand new battery in it and it’ll be flashing like that after one song especially when it’s over driving and it’s always over driving the amp that fits in my case amp only

  • Granted, none of these sounded great compared to a dedicated full size amp, but for the form factor of something small enough that you can clip or attach to yourself for mobility these are almost your only options. Recently I got a Spark GO which blows all of these out of the water, it almost sounds like a full size amp and is actually smaller, but also costs 3 times as much.
    Out of these I'd recommend the Honeytone; the sound clears up much better once you get a fresh 9volt in there and you can actually control the overdrive. Since they're so cheap, I got 4 of them to teach the kids at my middle school's guitar club as a simple solution to get everyone amped without having cables and cords laying all across the orchestra room.

  • Toys, every 9VDC unit is a toy. I bought every one I could find and have found that once you take the leap to a 6 cell “AA” unit they at least become usable.

  • There is no such thing as bad tone however, I have an MS-2 and it is gash it also buzzes like a jar of wasps without a string being struck ????????‍♂️

  • What about the portable battery powered micro amps on Amazon. Several are under $100 and look viable. Besides portable speaker technology has come a long way since these little novelty amps we first produced.

  • There's no such thing as bad tone but these things do sound like what they are!
    I was given a Mini Tone Master and tried it through a set of studio speakers. There they sound like a micro solid state amp through good speakers. It sounds alright, but I'll stick to my real tube amps. ????


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