Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

DO THESE 5 THINGS To Your POD Go Presets !!!

Here are 5 things you can do to make your Line 6 POD Go presets sound better. Subscribe now!

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Originally posted by UC3I4KoeEZmP18wUGDdFc3mQ at

4 thoughts on “DO THESE 5 THINGS To Your POD Go Presets !!!

  • Ok hi there
    I have the pod go ..
    Everything you say sound right .
    Pre set sounds good
    My one word of advice
    Is to move your mic that’s at the speaker back .. 4,5,6,7 ft till happy it’ll give you a much better live sound
    Your move air like a real cab … anyway hope it’s helpful try it …

  • I never understood why the chorus is put after an amp. I mean if I had a real chorus pedal I would plug my guitar into it, and it would go straight to either the effects loop or just plugged in the front. In fact with my old laney amp it was always plugged in the front as it didn't have any effects loop.


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