Saturday, March 1, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Do we need another Klon Centaur clone? Behringer thinks we do.

The Klon Centaur is one of the most expensive and sought after overdrive pedals.
The holy grail. Apparently.
Well now Behringer have made their own copy of the Klon Centaur and it costs about 10 grand cheaper.
But how many more Klon Centaur clones do we actually need?
There are already many excellent pedals available to buy that do exactly the same job as the Klon so do we need another?
Let’s do a deep dive into the lore behind the Klon Centaur and see if the new Behringer version stacks up.
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Originally posted by UCa446t4UFVUvoIkot03eMHA at

8 thoughts on “Do we need another Klon Centaur clone? Behringer thinks we do.

  • I'm just surprised it took them this long. Honestly, I think they may have missed the boat. The market is totally saturated with those things now.
    The REAL question is, what will be the next obscure, slightly-different piece of gear that some famous player uses on a hit record, so every idiot with a soldering iron or a little cash in their pocket just HAS to make a copy of it or own one?
    Figure that out and you'll be able to retire sooner than you planned. ????


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