Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Effects

Do we really need a Pedal Bass Synth Emulation? ???? Cherry Audio Lowdown Review

Continuing with Bob Moog Appreciation Month, Cherry Audio has launched yet another Moog Emulation. This one is based on the unique Moog Taurus I, but do we really need a bass only synth? Well… yeah! In this video I’ll show how fat and nasty this beast can sound.

Check Lowdown here: https://cherryaudio.com/products/lowdown
Buy Lowdown using my affiliate link (I earn a small commision): https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/9098-Lowdown?a_aid=6345a619437d2&a_cid=1461e21b



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0:00 Intro
0:23 What is the Lowdown?
1:25 The Sound
2:23 The UI + more sounds
6:04 Is it worth it?
6:41 Improvised Jam
7:31 Closing Thoughts

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#Moog #Lowdown #AnalogSynth #Bobmoogappreciationmonth

#Pedal #Bass #Synth #Emulation #Cherry #Audio #Lowdown #Review

Originally posted by UCMjLWD58XIR20wH4Vkyns3Q at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlXA6MEzzHY

12 thoughts on “Do we really need a Pedal Bass Synth Emulation? ???? Cherry Audio Lowdown Review

  • i've owned the real thing since the 80's. this is the closest i've ever heard to it in digital form since Anti H developed Taurus.vst in the early 2k's. this is more functional, and just beyond amazing.

    great video <3

  • In about 1992 I saw Daniel Lanois with his band in Vienna. He was using one of these. The concert was an insider thing and he played in the technical museum amongst the locomotive.

  • ????☁Its funny when I 1st started playing VST
    they sounded so thin compared to hardware_so I only trusted ROMpler VST multisamples
    but now_to my ears_when it comes to kick & bass virtual analog DSP_they sound larger than samples
    partly i think because render/export to wav decreases audio quality_& DSP emulators maybe surpassing ROMpler wavs

  • This is a great emulation it sounds like the real thing. The presentation alone is fantastic. The pedals drop when pressed. 10/10

  • I think the 'beat' knob is an emulation of a property of some analog synths from the 70's, which Is how the oscillators received the current signal that controls the pitch; basically the beating of the oscillators you hear when detuning Is mantained the same all across the keyboard, not speeding up when you go up on the keyboard nor slowing down when you go to lower notes. If I remember correctly, synths like the CS80 or the VCS3 did this


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