Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Amps

Does the UAFX Knuckles Amp Pedal Punch Above its Weight?

The UAFX Knuckles puts the power of a Mesa Boogie Dual Rec style amp into a little pedal! But, is it any comparison to the real thing? Let’s compare! |

» Universal Audio UAFX Knuckles ’92 Dual Rec Amplifier Pedal |

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» Mesa Boogie 4×12 Rectifier Standard Slant Cabinet |
» Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Head |
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» Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box |

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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
» 0:00 Introducing UAFX Knuckles!
» 1:32 About Mesa Boogie Dual Rec!
» 3:45 About UAFX
» 4:27 Signal Chain & Guitars?
» 5:15 The Mesa Through the OX?
» 9:00 The Knuckles Interface
» 10:06 Let’s Hear the Knuckles!
» 10:43 Extra Options on the Knuckles?
» 13:55 The Cab Types?
» 15:18 Adding an Overdrive?
» 16:55 Orange Channel
» 19:48 Adding Room?
» 23:03 Comparing with the Real Amp!
» 32:24 Trying Presets!
» 36:40 Final Thoughts!

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To record guitar in the studio we always use Ernie Ball cables, a Universal Audio Apollo X8P Interface, a Shure SM57 Dynamic Microphone and a Royer R-121 Ribbon Microphone.

Please note that Lee Anderton has a personal financial share holding in the following brands – Victory Amplification, Chapman Guitars and Burns Guitars. The EastCoast, Landlord & Ordo brand names are used for Andertons’ own brand products.

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#UAFX #Knuckles #Amp #Pedal #Punch #Weight

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at

30 thoughts on “Does the UAFX Knuckles Amp Pedal Punch Above its Weight?

  • OOPS!! Apologies in advance, but after shooting this video we realised that the "Green" Cabs in the UAFX Knuckles are not the cabs that are printed on the pedal. We wanted to use the V30 loaded Boogie 4×12 speaker cab emulation, but that was the red one, not the green one! The Green "CA V30" cab is a Celestion Super 80 loaded 4×12 – so apologies in advance if this makes the comparison less valid. Hopefully you still get an idea of how the pedal sounds!

  • I mean. You have the boogie at the set volume not stressing those tubes for warmth. Then you have the solid state pedal. So you get the sound you want at any volume from the pedal. But you don’t know what you are missing at high volumes with the boogie. For better or worse.

  • How did no one come up with Mark Tremonti? Creed? Alter Bridge? John is playing a PRS.

    Until the end when John dialed in the tones, the pedal sounded like it had a veil over it. The tones were much closer at the end and I may even prefer the pedal to the amp and the OX (the pedal seemed to be brighter and tighter which is my preference). That said not a single tone came anywhere near the real cab at the intro.

  • I don't get it with these UAFX pedals, the one advantage they should offer is the ability to offer better control via Midi for live use. Even that lovely Dual Rec behind you can switch channels, FX Loop and Solo Boost using Midi with the appropriate midi box in to the foot switch connector so it's crazy theres more live switching options on an amp from 20 years ago then there are in a digital pedal.

  • The quality of a business is based on the level of its customer service and how they deal with problems, any company with the funds can have a nice website, hold a good range of products and market themselves well. We realise how "good" a company is however when there are problems and how they deal with them.

    I have spent nearly £3000 with Andertons over the past 15 months, I started using them primarily because they are a family business and I prefer to deal with such because you tend to get a better level of service even though you often pay a little more for what you want. Until a week or so ago it had always been a simple and straightforward process of see what I want, order it, look forward to receiving it and then the pleasure of getting it and using it. This is just as it should be and certainly with guitars there's that wonderful "New Guitar Day" experience that we all enjoy so much, it's a pleasure we guitar players all share and value.

    The experience I had just this last week however wasn't like the above in any way, shape or form, indeed it was the polar opposite and went from understandably unfortunate and frustrating to totally avoidable, stressful, insulting and extremely inconvenient.

    I ordered and paid for a new Sire guitar on the Thursday, I rang to place the order as I wanted to ask if the guitar could be double checked for intonation issues as one of the two Sires I own had suffered with such a problem, the chap on the phone was very helpful and assured me this could be done but it may delay the order process slightly to which I told him I would totally understand and wouldn't mind at all. The order was placed and paid for and I was delighted to receive an email later that day telling me the guitar would be out for delivery the very next day.

    The next morning I received confirmation that the guitar would be delivered any time up to 7.30pm, I was concerned about this actually coming to fruition however because the courier wasn't the usual and excellent DPD it was the incompetent and frankly pathetic DHL but I looked on the positive side and hoped that for once they might just manage to do their jobs (knowing of course that if things went wrong Andertons would be there to help sort things out).

    To cut a long story short after 5 days I still had no guitar, calls were not replied to (by Andertons), DHL lied a lot, I had to shift a total of 5 days work calls to Monday the 23rd and Tuesday 24th which I had planned to take off for Christmas and I was extremely stressed and disappointed. For the last three days of this situation I dealt with Andertons customer service manager because I had been let down by one of their staff badly and so specifically asked to deal with management. I may as well not have bothered. Matt the CSM couldn't rectify the situation so after 6 days of inconvenience I was told "I really can't tell you when it will arrive". I made the decision on Thursday then to cancel the order but said to Matt (on two occasions and in writing) that I was not prepared to wait 3-5 working days for my refund and he said he understood and it wouldn't be a problem. So even though I didn't want to have to I cancelled the order and shortly after received a confirmation from Matt that the refund had been issued. At this point I ordered another guitar but then on checking my account saw that no money had been paid in. I rang Matt but he was busy so I left a message, he didn't call back but at 6.50pm I got an email from him simply saying the refund will take 3-5 working days and its unavoidable. I am now £500 pounds short over Christmas, having to work on two of my rare holiday days and extremely insulted. I emailed Matt saying how wrong this was and that it would cause me serious problems but as yet (now Saturday) he has not bothered to reply. He also said three times that I would be compensated for all my inconvenience but I have not been. This has been the single worst buying experience of my life and I have never been treated so badly as buy Andertons. They will never get any business from me again which I find sad with them being an independent company but the reality is they don't deserve my money and their customers when things go wrong deserve at the very least some respect. I hope that Lee Anderton sees this and maybe won't be too busy making fun marketing videos to gain sales and might do something about it.

  • Both options are great for when you want your guitar to sound like ass. No slight on Digital John, his playing is always great, but these tones are poo.

  • I've been running a single rec for 15 years playing all types of music, punk, reggae, funk, even for a Christmas carols gig and in church worship. it's been great. Just a couple of months ago, i finally retired it for a Friedman IR-D and fender fr10, very happy with the move.

  • let shootout UAFX Knuckles Amp Pedal comparison TC Electronic Duel Wreck, same type pedal both of them

  • 1:45 you were 20 and I was 8. Still love my uncle for taking me to see Alice In Chains, Soundgarden and Nirvana in the same year. That was a great year. ❤

  • Seems like every '90's alternative hit song clean guitar intro was a dual rec. A lot in the early 2000's too. You hear clean dual rectifiers all over pop rock and alt rock. I had one with a 412 matching cab for a while. Sounded good but it was always way too much amp for anyone not playing a large venue. Even then it was often too loud by the time you got the amp sounding good through the cab. Much like 50/100 watt Marshalls, they sound pretty gross when turned down to pub levels. This pedal does a great job of doing the dual rec thing at line level volume which is brilliant. Adding the TS style overdrive is also awesome since almost anyone who uses a Boogie rectifier style amp does this to clean up the flub on the bottom end and add mids to balance the ice picky top end. You know, going for the modded Marshall tone lol I really like what UA have done with this line of pedals. They all sound like the amp they are emulating as if it were miced up or recorded etc. Even put through an FR/FR cab they sound like a real amp and speaker for the most part. You really have to consider with any of these comparisons that any 2 Mesa Boogie dual Rectifiers won't sound the same through the same speaker cabinet, never mind very different speaker cabinets. That you guys managed to get both the real amp and the Knuckles sounding very very close is a testament to the UA's ability to be dialed in to sound like any Dual Rec not just one particular profiled amp. I also love that the UA isn't trying to be anything except the classic and much loved dual rectifier.

  • I SAID!!! I said on the red one, whatever that was, the 51-shifty they made, I SAID, and I quote, "shoulda done a boogie,". This makes me so happy, easiest $400-whatever they ever made.

  • I picked the orange cab on the Knuckles straight away, but Lee kept skipping it. Glad they found it by the end of the video lol. Yeah the cab does a lot!

    Lol just seen that's the correct cab labelled…

  • till he started using axefx (i think – it's some modeler that i couldn't make out from my seats), thomas kalnoky of streetlight manifesto used mesa recs

  • What? The loadbox and speaker emulation doesn't actually sound like the live amp? but EVERYONE keeps pumping the narrative that "digital is perfect". And can we also mention the "compressed" clean sound? Was that the amp or the stuff in between?


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