Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Don’t buy these 3 Marshall amps | Marshall amp review

As a guitar player, chances are you want a Marshall amplifier at some point. Problem is, some of Marshall’s current offerings you simply shouldn’t buy. Here are 3 Marshall you shouldn’t buy and 3 alternative guitar amps you could buy instead.




#Dont #buy #Marshall #amps #Marshall #amp #review

Originally posted by UCdDBhUmXxDUXnfR3oIaBHOg at

27 thoughts on “Don’t buy these 3 Marshall amps | Marshall amp review

  • A plexi w an fx loop as a pedal platform is def a good trade off. If you wanted a practice amp you don't need a tube amp. Grow up

  • Dude makes some really dumb faces when playing. I wouldn’t take advice from him about a single thing upon this planet. Then he said the DSL amp? If this dude lived in America, he’d absolutely be voting for Kamala and bragging about it at Starbucks, while talking about how much he hates being white. This dudes seriously dumb. Ad the JCM800 is the most overrated MBP ever made.

  • So what you're saying is if you want a Marshall plexi tone ,buy a Marshall plexi clone????????????

  • Yeah no..sv20 is the best amp I've EVER HAD! Thats literally the only complaint is its "too loud"… a plexi is supposed to be loud! But a fkn attenuator! I have a tone king iron man ii 100 watt attenuator & it's perfect! The problem is anybody can have an "opinion" these days on YouTube! Don't listen to this guy!

  • DSL40 is a great combo. Tip… run master channels hot and dial in the channel volume. Dont use much gain = pure marshall

  • As somebody who donsnt like Marshall.. the DSL its a really great sounding amp, honestly, very good sound for the price.

  • I disagree with the dsl 2000 vs dsl c/cr argument. Yes the dsl 2000 was made in England, but it had many design flaws, and is very hard to service (mainly overheating problems). Meanwhile the made in china dsl c/cr is perfectly fine, easily servicable and can be moded with ease. I've had both, and the 2000 line really is not good, when it comes to maintainance. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter where they're made, but how they are made. With that said, Muse used marshall 2000 for their tours, so that's that.

  • Rwl 40 sounds like shit.
    My buddy has been weekly twice a week gigging a marshal haze 20 and has needed zero repair and sounds killer..
    I rwtubed n biased his dsl 50 with jj e34l n it's a just way too much Hu it comes out for outdoor gigs and is a beast.. Yah a jcm 2000 dsl50.
    Since new it heeded new tubes once a re bias once each set of power tubes..
    Still on original preamp.
    If your gonna bitch about crappy amps have them and show why amd demo them.
    Otherwise none should really take it but with a grain of salt.

  • I’m a Marshall guy. Had all the boutique stuff and for my original nothing beats the TCL100. But for home rig I wanted to set up a versatile board, bought a Studio 20 hand wired “plexi” style combo. Thought maybe I got a dud, it’s so harsh and sounds like the speaker is cracking when cranked.

    BTW an amp attenuator solves the “load” so don’t let that scare you for buying an amp that needs to cool. Just soak the power and I think it gives a little more brown, akin to classic channel strip.

  • Opinions are alike assholes – everyone's got one. The SV20H is an amazing amp of used with an attenuator and the DSLs have been used by everyone from Gary Moore to Bonamassa. The new ones are great too. This guy's opinion is worthless.

  • I think one should buy the Origin 20h! It does not look exactly like the plexi… but it does have 0.5W mode if you're too lazy to hook a reactive load up!!! Plus, it does the 4 inputs plexi magic with one knob called "tilt"! I know 4 inputs look so cool but… it is cheaper too… no wonder it did not make it to this video!

  • I have a DSL5CR which I put a G10 Greenback in and it sounds great for classic rock. Effects loop is handy, reverb isn't terrible, and it's just a great all-round practice amp

  • LOL! Putting the SV20 FIRST in the “do not buy” list (while also admitting it sounds good) is the fastest way to ruin what little credibility you thought you had.

    I wish all YouTube lunkheads would show their colors so soon! Sincerely, thank you. I’ll never ever have to watch another video of yours.

  • i have to be honest the only couple of marshalls ive ever really liked playing through is a jvm or a valvestate
    however im not into vintage or classic tones at all so that might be the reason why lol
    i find the jvm sounds fine at bedroom volumes [through 2 1960 cabs lol] but i avoid power amp breakup as much as i physically can same with cone breakup I'm purely getting my drive from the preamp but its still interesting to see what guys with a totally different tone goal are doing


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