Monday, March 17, 2025

Don’t buy these 3 Telecasters | Telecaster Review

Which Fender Telecaster should I buy? This comes up too often.
Fender Telecasters – there are tons of those guitars. Different Telecaster Models, from Squier Classic Vibe Telecaster, to the Player Series II Telecaster, to the Custom Shop Telecaster, and everything in between. This video answers the question “which Telecaster should you buy?”, considering price, specs and features. The classic question about “Squier vs. Fender Telecaster” comes up as well as “Is a Custom Shop Telecaster really worth it?”.




#Dont #buy #Telecasters #Telecaster #Review

Originally posted by UCdDBhUmXxDUXnfR3oIaBHOg at

40 thoughts on “Don’t buy these 3 Telecasters | Telecaster Review

  • you havent played shit all its guitar to guitar not series to series every other guitar could be perfect try all guitars dont write them off cause a d nag says it no good

  • You were hoping that a '50's guitar played like an '80s / '90s guitar? They can only overlap so much.
    For what you're after try the EVH Music Man or Peavey models.

  • I disagree on the American Vintage II. I sold Fender at a mom and pop store in the late 90's and early 2000's. I played EVERY Telecaster available. I owned a 52 reissue that was great. I have owned lots of Tele's. My American Vintage II is a FANTASTIC guitar. Aggressive, twangy everything you want in a Tele. I like the radius. It helps give it that snap. I am an accomplished player of over 40 years, I can solo just fine. I prefer a fat neck. It sounds like its more things that you dont like, which is fine, to each his own. But I have to disagree with you on this one. The first and the third I am in total agreement

  • I would not own anything made by Fender made in this century. I built 5 of my own from Warmoth. Tele, 2 strats, p=bass with a j neck and a bad ass p90 all mahongany jazz master with Gibson scale neck. World class guitars for about $1200 including Plek. My bass was $1000. Nothing in the Fender catalogue come close to my Warmoths.

  • I have a MII Classic Vibe and I honestly do not need anything else. It is a great guitar for the money, and I see nothing wrong with the pickups.

  • Why would I prefer a Chinese guitar though no matter how good it sounds or looks. The made in China thing would just bother me forever. It’s not just the “Fender deckle” lol

  • You’re no longer allowed to have any facial expressions when you play your guitar. The new generation doesn’t like it. ????????????

  • Hey, you hate that Master Built so much. I’ll trade you for my 62 team bout CS. Let’s make a southpaw swap.

  • Telecasters are the best guitars in the world. Why…? Because they can be customised at home using just a screwdriver and a soldering iron. Anything you want is available. Pick ups, necks, bodies, pots, capacitors, switches, scratch plates, bridges, and wiring options. Most important item is the neck.
    Get the neck that feels right for you regardless of any deckle ????, and make whatever you like.
    This is one instance where it literally ain’t rocket science.

  • Ive been playing and buying guitars for over 50 years-now that does not make me an expert but I feel what I have to say is absolutly correct. What is the secret to buying a great guitar you may ask? The answer is there is no secret. Thats right, becasue you can pick up and play a hundred guitars priced at around $5,000 to $50,000 thousand dollars and yes you might find a cpuple of keepers in that price range, BUT you might find one that is even better for WAY LESS MONEY. You just have to keep looking and depending on your budget you will eventually find that diamond in the rough. My personal favorite and take my word for it – it was " one in a million" was a late 80s Super deluxe American made Fender Strat with lace sensor pick ups….I was in a bad spot in my life and sold it to a vintage guitar shop in Seattle for $1000….I was sick…and still thats all they would give me becasue the resale value was $1500 yet that guitar sounded and played better than any of the $25,000-$125,000 dollar vintage Strats they sell there….I actually got back on my feet and had them track the guitar down for me as I wanted to buy it back. To my suprise they did find out who they sold it too…..I was totally depressed to hear they sold it to somebody in Ireland….uggghhh — lyrics to an old Ten Years After song……And if I don't get to heaven,

    And I go down there below

    Better be a guitar when I get there

    Or, I will refuse to go

  • Let's make it simple………just forget Fender products will save your money ????

  • This must be satire right? The Vintera II and American Vintage II are the only way to get these specs without spending a kidney. If you have 6,7,8 grand to spend on a masterbuild you'll get more value for your money with a team built…???? Surely this isn't a serious video, literally none of the points make sence.

  • Bought my Classic Vibe about 4 or 5 years ago. I replaced the u/ps with Pure Vintage '52 Telecaster P/Us and it plays and sounds better thatn my 2015 American Tele!!!

  • Pretty interesting video and I see that your choices are a kind of standard especially when it comes to the frets but as far as your video goes I personally bought 2 Squire Telecasters that were a factory screw up because instead of popular body they had Alder , now for me I have played Ibanez RG series thru JEM series upto my Custom JEM (that I didn't let go into production for a couple of reasons but the big part was I designed it for me not the world) I played Jackson and had a couple Frankenstein guitars of my own made like from a Paul Gilbert model the neck broke and my guitar tech knew how much I loved that Ibanez he installed a Fernandez Blues neck and it was beautiful, playability was tight and some ways better than before … So when it came to my Squires I knew what I wanted so in 2020 a Mexican plant ran short on wood and made 300 Tele's not from Popular but Alder , the wiring was top shelf , the things Squire was known for didn't exist, held tune, played nice , frets were done right but I didn't like the junk pickups that came but rarely do I so I ordered my DiMarzio pickups and now for $400 I had basically a Richie Kotzen signature clone and I was offered another one and I bought it , this time $210 Fender was buying as many back as they could find so I upgraded this one as well different set-up from the first one.. These things played as well as many Custom Shop Tele's and had people wanting to buy it for a pretty penny it I refused to sell however the ones that didn't get bought back by Fender ended up on upgraded much like mine and about 125 or so sold for between $1,400 – $2,400 and to be honest I have not heard even a word about it saying Squire and not Fender which is the only thing there to complain about.. So because of this I have pretty much retired my other guitars and primarily use my Squires Telecasters and a Music Man EVH guitar and I am very proud but honestly have just debated on replacing the neck on my Richie Kotzen setup to the actual neck from that line but don't know if it would be Worth it when it already comes with a beautiful Maple Neck and having the actual signature neck just adds the signature from what I can see so even with being at $800 total when I am done just doesn't seem to be a real solution for anything.. Anyway these guitars can be awesome if the base of it is strong and as a player I am not as worried about the value because I don't buy them for that when all that matters is playability and comfort for me but please correct me if I am wrong… anyway cheers on a pretty good show you gave a personal yet great explanation of the why and why nots of each guitar you talked about .. I am impressed!!!!

  • Refreshing to hear someone's honest personal experience. I didnt grow up playing the guitar during the 60s, if Jimi used vintage specs thats good on him. I grew up in the late 90s and use to the specs we had. Trying out vintage specs now makes the guitar feel dated, poorly designed and less playable then an avg. off the shelf standard flagship model. I got a Pro 2 tele instead of vintage 2 for that exact reason. The neck, frets, and radius & versatility and it cost me $500 less.

  • Funny, the 3 things i like most about the AV2 '51 Tele are the 3 you mention as negatives lol Just goes to show, everyone MUST put those hands on as many guitars as you can and find what you want, and then put your hands on guitars you want to buy. Because one man's eww is another man's ahh.

  • I've been playing for 57 years. Still play 4 times a week. Owned 100 fenders. When the vintage reissue is set up by a professional and the frets are level and crowned, it plays as good as anything else. This guy is mostly a guy that plays with a rock sound and pulloffs and hammer ons. I wouldn't listen to him.

  • Yes. LIGHT is Right! I have a 1966 Esquier that is 5 lbs. Alder that was cut from the OUTSIDE of the tree trunk.

  • I think that if you know how to set up a guitar you can play any guitar and make it sound really good different radius doesn't matter to me I can work with any radius no problem ✌️✌️✌️

  • I have owned 2 Mexican made Telecaster s 1 Squire Affinity Telecaster & I just now received my Classic vibe Squire Telecaster That I ordered through Guitar Center
    I really only bought it because they finally made a factory metallic Green Tele & it's my absolute favorite color ever on any guitar. I was looking for anything wrong with the new limited edition Squire classic vibe Telecaster..Note I'm a professional country musician & front man .
    This guitar is heavy & I like that because I hate light guitars…they feel like toys & cheap crap to me if there super light & this guitar is NOT! It stays in tune fairly good it's neck & fretts are good enough I don't feel I need to use sandpaper & steel wool witch I did do in my Affinity Tele, the paint & finish are better than the 2 Mexican teles I had before, has through body for strings
    I love not having to put tape on the thing every time I change strings , I could go on & on about how much I love this guitar.
    In my opinion the new line of Squire classic vibe Telecasters are the best models they have ever made just can't buy a better Tele for the money
    & I'm sure they will go up in price next year . If you want a nice playable quality Tele & you gig & are a musician but can't afford $1,000 + dollars to buy a overrated name brand Tele just to have the decle – deecall lol..on the neck ! This is the best one your going to find brand new & you will not be disappointed..the only thing I may do? Is get premium locking tuners
    You can see me on here if you put in the following..Dan Daniella & Oregon Rain.

  • Hey Joe, Do you have any experience or opinion on the Road Worn 50s Tele or the BAJA model? I'm in the market to get a maple neck Telecaster as i do have a 2012 Chinese Classic Vibe 60s Tele Custom,which is amazing for the little money i spent . Anyway, really enjoyed this vid and learned from it. You are a helluva' player bro! Thank you.

  • Don't buy a new Mexican, go to a guitar store and get a good used American for the same price. Speak to the people at the store, try the guitar, take your time, the neck is really what matters, get yourself a good quality American Tele for life, teles are in abundance and cheaper than strats, LP's and unfortunately SG's are expensive now because their very trendy, you'll always be able to find a great tele for a bit less (this didn'tuse to be the case with SG's but times have changed). Under 1k will always get you a used American Tele for life if you look around and are prepared to later mod it a little to your own personal taste.

  • Love your video. Teles started to get my attention lately specially after discovering Julian Lage ???? he is playing a Collings now. What is your take on the American Performer Hum Tele? Where I live prices are higher than in the US and there a guy offering a used one at 1.8K USD. A lot of money in this latitude. Would you recommend this for someone who has been playing semihollows and want to tap into the Teles ?

  • I've got a Vintera bigsby. Killer guitar. Did change the pickup like everyone does even on USA made guitars. It's a perfect quality platform to customize it. Proper wood also. I'll never buy a pine guitar again. It's fragile, is never dried properly, and it never sounded good to my ears.


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