Don’t Buy This Pedal…There’s Something Better!
In this video I’ll explain why you SHOULD NOT consider buying a vintage Nobels ODR-1. The Keeley Noble Screamer is the best alternative on the market and I’ll compare the Noble Screamer to my vintage Nobels ODR-1!
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0:00 – Intro
2:17 – What is the Nobels Sound?
3:49 – Session Example
4:03- ODR-1 and Keeley Comparison
6:12 – Higher Gain Comparison
7:43 – Add TS Tone to ODR-1 Circuit
9:14 – Outro
#Dont #Buy #Pedal…Theres
Originally posted by UCY00_qWCatxDb6cdqYw6ybw at
Enter to win a Keeley Noble Screamer!
Check out the Noble Screamer and Keeley Pedals!
Check out Nobels Pedals!
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And now another option (and even better than those two imo)… the Nordland ODR-C "H/L". The Nordland was developed by Nobles ODR-1 creator, Kai Tachibana and has all the original sound and feel of the ODR-1, but is even more tweakable and versatile. High and low drive settings, more and better settings and feel specifically for low drive, presence, low-cut for a less 'muddy' sound, independent mid control in addition to the Spectrum knob, compression reduction in drive stage. It's everything I wanted after getting the ODR-1, and didn't quite get from the Keeley Noble Screamer…
I usually favour more present drive and I have a feeling the Keely has a different filter on the top. I actually don't like the Tube screamer for that very reason. Only application of it that I like is as a filter with minute drive going into a super heavy amp distortion
Yeah baby! I removed my original post. Once he adjusted that gain and tone, LOVE that Keeley pedal!
It helps with all of this stuff to be able to make the guitar sound good with your hands before using pedals.
Truetone VSXO is massively tweakable and one side of the pedal is based on the ODR-1.
Also, on a budget, Tone City makes the Nobelman. I heard a comparison demo and it sounded nearly identical to the ODR-1 they had.
Agreed, the ODR hype is out of control.
Thousands of $$$$ ? Ehr…electronics do not age well either.
I like the nobels better. Sounds like it has more presence and sheen.
Have a mini, sounds like Tom Sholz , Boston. Love it 10:06
Truetone also makes dual overdrives with their versions of the nobels, the vs-xo and the jeckyll &hyde which are respectively associated with a version of a tubescreamer and a version of shredmaster, I wonder what they're worth compared to those presented here?
I bought an ODR-mini a few years back. I was convinced by all the YT videos that it was the BOMB. I had it on my board for a few gigs THEN I went back to my Fulltone Fulldrive 2… much better for my useage. I do regret selling my Marshall Bluesbreaker 20 years ago…. I should have stuck with it and would have saved my time and money. Chasing overdrive pedals is a worthless task…. only my opinion.
Wampler Belle is my jam; Brian has great ears, and he's a breadboard wizard.
just got my first odr mini for 50 at guitar summit from nobels boss himself. been avoiding em… its rerally pleasent. 18v makes a big feel difference. like between golden retriever and bernhardiner? it feels like thick heavey bright green rubber matress. a jam rattler set trebbly and lo gain helps A LOT opening up that woofiness. very bass heavy. but it makes single coils sound like proper pickups. i see why those tele plinkers dig it.
The Classic ODR1 is still availlable. 70 bucks more for the Keeley clone? I don't know…
I just bought a Nobels ODR-1 directly from Nobels and I am absolutly happy with it. Nobels introduced this weekend the next generation the ODR-1X at europes biggest guitar fair, the guitar summit. I am looking forward to the new version.
lost me at session guitarist.
There isn’t anything special about the odr-1, it’s literally just a dark flat sounding overdrive, Lots of modded tubescreamers and timmies blues breaker clones can do that
The mini version of the Nobel’s is $150 …and it’s great. And these pedals are not thousands of dollars…the updated full size model is $120….bunch of lies here! They are some of the best transparent overdrives I’ve ever played through!
I bought one, didn’t like it as it was too dark for me and my humbuckers, so I sent it back…
Prefer the OCD meself for a distortion pedal. And its got way too much gain with the knob on zero to be an overdrive or boost for me. But hey its trendy!
Hey Corey Great video as usual. How do you like the New Nobel's with the Bass switch?? Thanks
Buy the Nordland ODR-C better than both of these, just gotta be patient.
I completely agree with this video!!! Nicely explained my man ????????????????
Have you tried to Browne Atom?
Yeah the protein is pretty great ngl
Now all the tube screamers are in one pedal for 30 to 50$. Various brands but Biyang is a standout.
or you could just crank the amp
I'm strapped for room wondering if belle mini and ts mini would be better tone wise than nobles screamer. I do love keeley pedals, have a halo and it's the only delay I'll ever need. But i already own a wampler belle
Cool, very cool. Subbed.
Always preferred the sd1 to any screamer. The noble was showing up everywhere so I bought one. Nope , the boss SD1 still beats it. I don’t know why it’s so underrated, maybe because it’s cheap, but the sd1 is the king.
The price of the original Nobels is so (SO) ridiculous.
You buy 3 or 4 Vemuram that put Nobels in a slipper! ????
Nobels odr anniversary is the best choice
Nobles is the best period
Power jack is hangin' on by a thread? Oh NO! Better take it to a scientist for diagnosis.
Funny how guitar guys are religious about pedals. They are all a bunch of 0.01$ simple parts. A bit more mid, more bass, etc.
Look into "where tone come from" serie on youtube to see the insanity of it.
They are only hyped in Nashville and people that like that music. The world doesn’t know it
The sleeper OD pedal that few know about is' the Dan electro Daddy-O.
I'm playing my Jr. with a single Reilander P90 more and more than my SSS Strat and LP lately. I think it's the perfect Pup for a wide range of music. Especially if you work the tone and jump from fingers to pick you can get tele tones to LP grit. I have the LTD Nobels that I leave on and then use an octonaut hyperdrive as a mid-boost for any gritty lead I need to do. Love your SG Jr. Corey.
Original ODR-1 wins every time. Definitely worth the $
I had a silver Nobels ODR-1 from the 2000's and then suffered through a house fire and lost many things including that pedal. I was extremely dissapointed sad to see how outrageous the things are pricing. I just want my pedal back.
imho, the orig Nobles way u got it set up sounds bigger than the Keely, i hear a bigger sonic pic w/orig n im sure the Keely could be dialed in to match 4 sure..
What about the 30th anniversary one?
have you tried Line 6's Nobels emulation? If so, what do you think?
Nobles pedal look like they should be $50 pedals and have like $10 worth of parts. Looks like a joyo or Behringer plastic job.
Leave it to drama club guitar players to hype up something so much that they’d pay $2k – logic circuit not included. Get a soldering iron and build your own for $50 including the iron. Then make a klon and a king of tone and you just saved all kinds of money.