Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Doom Metal Guitar Pedals

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Intro 0:00
The Proco Rat 0:40
The Fuzzlord Drone Master 3:05
The Big Muff 4:21
The Boss HM-2 8:21
The Harmonic Perculator 10:08
Boss FZ-2 Hyperfuzz 12:37
Pedal Order 15:34
Thank You 16:50

Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate websites where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

#Doom #Metal #Guitar #Pedals

Originally posted by UCGfUI158Yz7PvBKVALm-fWA at

38 thoughts on “Doom Metal Guitar Pedals

  • Just starting mine and I have a Boss HM2 Japanese Edition. I love it so much ????

  • I mostly use a Korg KP3 on "decimator" setting, pushed to the extreme it'll take. Sounds much like Drone Master. Gnarly.

  • Have you ever played a guitar that also has a body of aluminum and not just neck? In my experience it’s a world of difference

  • Fuzz preceded by overdrive followed by vibrato and then delay. Season for taste. Add beer.

  • That orchid riff you played on the Rat. Caught me off guard cuz they are one of my favourite stoner/doom bands

  • Very cool fuzz review! I too use the SF 300 on my mini and for jam board I use the PW2 I want to get the FZ2 but the price right now ???? I like that big muff too and I'm surprised no swollen pickle ????anyways man awesome review and demo. You keep rocking man!????????

  • Like @josearjon3728 said, Acapulco Gold is a great one. With Rats, I prefer the Turbo. TC Magus Pro is my choice, because it gives you three variations, normal, fat & turbo. My preferred Muff is the Green Russian. But Metal Muff can be nice too, because of the EQ and noise gate. My chain is Guild Polara Deluxe->PolyTune->Hyperluminal (Comp)->Earthquaker Plumes (TS)->GreenRussian(Muff)->QueeQeeg2(Oct)->MagusPro(RAT)->BluesDriver(OD)->TC SCF+(Mod)->Rubberneck(BBD)->Surfybear(Spring)->->DelVerb(TapeEcho/Hall)->Marshall JTM+Creamback stack for Dry fx+Spring & Vox AC30 pair in stereo for wet stereo fx. If I'm doing more ambient/drone, I add in Chase Bliss Mood mk..II, and Walrus Sloer or MercuryX. Very happy with the setup, but would like to experiment with adding a phaser, maybe even a stereo one, and something that does octave up like the Mandrake. Because the Earthquaker Life shows that combining that RAT, Muff with an Octave up pedal can sound amazing.

  • Opened for John Spencer Blues Explosion several times, but only saw Pussy Galore once- nothing comes close to Pussy Galore. JSBE was great, but Pussy Galore was like watching God get blown to bits by a bomb onstage. Almost no comparison. Mind Blowing.

  • rat into superfuzz sounds so stanky and heavy but as soon as you play anything even moderately fast you lose all clarity completely ????

  • My pedalboard order (constantly changing mind you lmao)
    Dunlop Wah > Holy Grail Max Reverb > Phase 90 > MXR Univibe > Boss EQ > Fuzz Face > Proco Rat > Blues Driver > Big Muff > DD5 delay which splits off into a tremolo in each output, one goes into a fender champion 100 (FX loop: boss chorus, joyo flange, nux tape delay and behringer reverb) and a fender mustang amp

    Some days I'll switch the order of the drive pedals for different tones and different ways to play with sound but mostly I'll keep the big muff at the front of them all cuz it's the loudest one I got along with the rat

  • I had hopes for the Op Amp BM reissue from EHX (that orange BM fuzz), but I can't get it singing like the OG was capable of (does easily work well on bass though).

    But, maybe I'm not doing it right, which is usually the case when I meet such frustrations.

    Man, there are so many little tricks, techniques, our elders would have called them "spells", little combinations of just the right settings, of the required devices, used in just the right way, and the Universe unzips, and miracles come forth, special sounds that resonate up and down the chorded octaves of our Spirit. Sounds that are not achievable through any other way, but the narrow path.

    And if you don't know and aren't taught these spells, it takes a full greying of your beard to find just a few of these on your own through decades of penniless, fruitless combinations, following endless leadings to nothing but embarrassment, chasing countless rumors that are absurd and false, or seem surely false, but perhaps after all, if finally done in just the right way, in a way that is entirely non-obvious and counter-intuitive, you may find the truth at the heart of the rumor, and make a sound that is otherwise unobtainable, a sound that soars beyond the reach of what we’ve cursed as gravity.

    As counterfeits of counterfeits follow the same rumors in maddened haste, and in vanity, but not in truth, claim their dead sounds to be alive, scales thickening over their ears. Or, the more fortunate of these pretenders simply dismiss the rumor as false, as they've tried every way to exploit the rumor, but always ended in a barren, their fragile hope darkened, their light, less bright. And after how many such darkenings, endless dimmings, is their light finally extinguished in perpetuity, all rumors declared false, all hope lost, doom propagated and reached at the totality of its horizon?

    And in contrast, therein lies the nature of the Narrow Path, that amongst the doom that rains down seemingly supreme, those who can keep their light alive, in absurdly cursed, foolish hope, amidst the clobbering deluge that brings so many, even almost all, to eternal dissolution in the sinking depths, these strange few following their light to its home beyond the strict confines of the Rainbow Room, finding their dim light transfigured, now unfiltered, unrestrained, blazing forth from and to the One True Source and Destination of All LIGHT, the beauty of its realization far, far exceeding their mortal body's capacity to contain, and they are released, in freedom, into the Darkness of the Light, the Totality of All, EL, where they will, in turn, flicker and even shine, but never entirely darken, in the hopes of all subsequent true seekers who have or will forsake rationality and reason, departing unknowingly unprepared for the lonely rigor and eventual reward of the Narrow Path, where they too will Rejoin the Community of Light until all Darkness is extinguished and realized as Light.

  • What is your opinion of the Earthquaker Acapalco Gold?…v1 oe v2…I keep hearing how awesome they are…1 KNOB???
    One popped up in my area used, I may have to check it out. Any experience with one? Thanks.

  • Cry Baby > Green Screamer > Swollen Pickle > Rat > Heavy Menace > Tuner > Tape Echo (this normally goes into amp, however, as a backup amp on my pedal board I also have an Orange Getaway Driver used as an Amp-In-A-Box through a DI Box. If my amp fails me, I can quickly remove the instrument cord from the tape echo and patch the tape echo into the Getaway Driver and plug the DI Box right into the PA, and we're back in business.)

  • Another one to shout out is the Earthquaker Devices Hizumitas. Absolutely fucking vile fuzz, sometimes a little bit Too Much if you aren’t careful.

  • I've been moving around the pedals a bit, mainly changing the "main distortion" and using the others as an EQ or pre amp. Anyways here it is.

    Marshall Jackhammer JH-1 to a Behringer HM300 to a Behringer UM300 to a SubZero Forge Metal to a Behringer SF300 to a Behringer UC200 to a TC Electronics Thunderstorm Flanger.

    Yeah, I'm cheap. But I honestly don't see the problem with Behringers, I've heard people say they broke it after just a few days and stuff, like do you guys really stomp on them that much?

  • I like having a tape delay at the front of the signal. With each repeat getting darker, and having that run into a fuzz, that creates some cool sounds. It can get into pure noise territory if not careful, but oh well.

  • my little setup view I'm in an orange micro dark apartment with a 1×12 cab with a greenback pedals I have the SF300 (it was my first fuzz 6 months ago to test) a tube screamer a mini Russian muff a metal muff and the fuzzly bear 2 (with which I pick up Eastern European radio when I push it all the way) a blue mxr eq6, I'm considering taking the Acapulco gold and the KATZENKNIG fuzz in the absence of your typical pedals preamp because bringing it to France will be too expensive

  • During the hyper fuzz comparisons the recorded sound seems overly thin?
    I’m a Rat nut and love that Fuzzlord version, my compliments! ????????????????????????

  • I always liked the MXR Distortion+ as a boost for doom. Deep, "full range" sound but not fuzz territory. Great pedal when it's more doom metal than stoner rock. Otherwise it might not be chaotic enough. And I must be cursed when it comes to the proco rat. All these players get great tones out of it but when I plug into one it never feels or sounds right. The mid control seems like a great addition to a muff style pedal. And you're right, the HM2 works great as well. I always used it for Death Metal with exactly the settings you would think but with less extreme settings it's a great fuzz pedal. I woud turn the drive way down for this but I guess the important part is not turning the treble up so high that you get that buzzsaw resonance thing that it typical for the swedish death metal tone.

  • Guitar- tuner-op amp fuzz-bad monkey- boss metal core-tc elec chorus-eqd hummingbird-wampler multiverse- eqd astral destiny-boss looper pedal.
    Thats my current setup. The stacking of the drives gives me some pretty crazy ranges. And the other pedals help get some wicked out of world sounds. I chuck a looper on the end to somewhat self jam.

  • i dont play doom but my pedal board and tone is pretty doom inspired my chain is set up like; boss tu-2 tuner -> clean boost -> hm-2 clone -> phase90 -> boss dd-3. pretty much 100% of the time, if needed i might change out the hm2 for a different fuzz, mainly i love my dba fuzz war, which i would love to hear in a doom setting (i dont think i have). and if i want some wah ill stick it between my boost and fuzz pedals. cheers from detroit

  • Very informative, please review Joyo Voodoo Octave pedal and comparison to behrimger SF-300 or the like. very much appreciated.

  • One of my all time favorites!! Thank you for your informative video!!! Love you guys!!! You're great to have in the community!!! I haven't ever had an opportunity to use any fuzzlord effects, I will though and post a video asap!!!

  • My chain is: Muff into Rat into Behringer Bass Graphic Equalizer into some cheap looper I got off amazon. Gnarly in Drop A!


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