Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

DSL Tutorials | Classic Clean | Marshall

We show you how to get the most out of your clean channel and achieve some bright, clear tone in this DSL tutorial. ????

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#DSL #Tutorials #Classic #Clean #Marshall

Originally posted by UCmVo7smbyR2PuIgKLawjCTQ at

16 thoughts on “DSL Tutorials | Classic Clean | Marshall

  • Is neutral for presence / resonance set to zero and any adjustment adds to it, or 12 o clock and you add or reduce from there?

  • Don't let this video fool you. Play this amp turned up all the way to 10 like you're supposed to; and this amp's clean channel disappears. Nothing but straight up 59 super lead, AC/DC classic rock glory. Sure you can roll down your guitars volume and clean up your tone…but why would you? It's a marshall. Play it loud, play it dirty.

  • To me I’m quite convinced that the clean of dsl can bring out the quality of the typical strat/tele single coils pickups, not the same for other kind of pickups…

  • Thank you, very clear video, really helpful. The graphics are very useful. I have this amp (I love it) and I am always interested in learning about new settings. Ps I would also suggest videos for strats and Les Paul guitars on this amp.

  • For a nice cleaner tone on my DSL20HR I turn the treble way down and the presence high. A lot less bright and glassy that way.

    I wish Marshall had released a 40HR. Would have much rather bought that, still, I do like the small size of the 20 which fits on my vertical 2×12 without forming a T shape because of the wider head. But man… The 40 has all the versatility with the extra modes and dual masters.

  • Well done, Very nice tones and demonstration! Helpful to many I'm Sure! Thanks for sharing brother and Marshall! Be Well All!

  • Amazing clean tone… What mic was use for the recording of the cab a part of the SM57? Cheers and Keep Rocking!

  • This is a very versatile amp. I use it to play everything from tool to the police and it always delivers. The cleans are very nice too.

  • I recently bought a DSL40 and I love it!! Unfortunately these amps don’t come with a manual. But experience and experimentation is the best way to learn anything music related. Thank you for sharing your time with us on the channel settings and how to get the most out of it! I sure would like to see other instruction videos. What is the digital reverb you mentioned? Does that mean the Classic/Ultra Reverb on the front?

  • That shit is weak. Very weak! You call that classic clean? I can only conclude that you have never heard of a company called Fender. Fender is the undisputed heavyweight champion of clean! Accept no substitute!!!

  • Love the clean tone on my dsl 40. I use it more than the dirt channel. Btw i have an ac15 and i like the marshall cleans better.


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