Friday, March 14, 2025
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Easy Neck Through Guitar Tips & Tricks

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Original score: Electric Boogie Dawgs & Jim Jamm Jimmy
Artwork: Joy Kaminski & Paul Shellooe

#Easy #Neck #Guitar #Tips #Tricks

Originally posted by UCrik4MK7fHh2gRNgyZOmKIg at

37 thoughts on “Easy Neck Through Guitar Tips & Tricks

  • I would like to see how you level the back of the neck-through centerblock after the bodywings have been glued on.

  • I am just planning my next build and am wondering on the differences of building the different neck construction types. Bolt on , Set Neck , or neck thru. I would love to see a video on on the advantages and downfalls of building each type of guitar. Why build one over the other ?What benefits does each type give the final guitar's playability

  • Here's a thought… Is there a video's worth of good advice for new guitar builders? A top 5 most common pitfalls or lessons learned from class? I can recall some good advice from the classes, but I don't recall a video. Always appreciate the content. Thanks!

  • You briefly explained the angle between the body and the neck on the through body blank and the 5/8” clearance for a Gibson style bridge. Can you go into a little more detail about how you calculate that angle to ensure your bridge fits correctly at the scale line?

  • I would love to build a neck through one day! More details on the process would be much appreciated.

  • One thing… a number of videos back you were going to answer a question about fret fallaway/falloff… but got distracted and it never got covered…

  • Nice video. One thing I constantly fight with and would love to see on video is how to get the fret slots depth right. I cut them on the stewmac mitre box before radiusing the fingerboard and more times than not end with slots that are either too deep or too shallow at the fretboard edge. I may just do the math (or trials and errors) once and stick to the same fretboard thickness, radius and fretwire and be good, but any advice would be useful

  • Love the use of blind pins/holes to index the fretboard. Did you have templates made to make sure those line up?

  • I could watch neck though videos all day!! Hey, that's not black walnut???? Great video.


  • How about a video showing some aspect of Guitar building that you have figured out what you think is the best way and telling us about all of the different techniques and steps that you went through through the years to get there. Or perhaps an episode on how you go about engineering, jigs and fixtures.

  • Video to route a guitar body without a pin router using maximum templates. Neck pockets, controls, and pick up cavities.

  • You could review the bit on your channel. I find them much safer than standard bits on the pin router. BTW I'm a XL now but I'm working my way to XXL.

  • I love the idea Matt!! Here's an idea, if ya want to do a reveal how bout a leopard print PRS?? Go for it!!! XXL just in case and ya can send it with the guitar!!!????????

  • That body angle is the toughest element of a neck through design. Leave extra meat at your headstock end and cut the body angle first, unless you're an expert like Matt. That body angle needs to be perfectly level when you glue on wings, and you need to max out your neck work before hitting the body. I don't glue on the fretboard until I have got all the geometry right and the wings glued so that i have an obstructed body for sanding flat and routing cavities.
    I'm now prefering "set through" because this step is much easier. once I have routed out the neck pocket in the body with ramps, I can dry fit the neck in that pocket to confirm the geometry, and mark off that body angle with a pencil, cut it with the band saw, and level it with a plane or sander all while the neck is mobile in that pocket. I can also cap the body with a top and the same angle location process applies. Its just that much more forgiving and I lose none of the benefits of neck through

  • Idea: Rear routing for a tele neck pickup that will not have a pickguard, but still have the same clean mounting.

  • hey Matt, what do you think about the myth of changing strings: one by one or taking them all off and replacing? I usually clean the fretboards so it´s all off for me

  • Why not recess the bridge?
    I kept my neck steaight and routed the fender style bridge by ~2 mm.

  • You got this–#1 vid in the bag. I know you have done many videos on fabric tops, but maybe a quick video on types of fabrics, best glues, roller, a getting started video.

  • Matt check out these bits from UltraTool -221 1/2 Ø Burr Style End Carbide Fiberglass Router PVD Diamond. They work like buttah on the pin router. You will thank me!

  • Great idea Matt! How about some video of the students hard at work in one of the workshops. Just a thought. Thanks for all you and Chris do for the guitar community!

  • cool love the video a day idea – so is using a thick piece of wood stronger than a scarf joint ?


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