Easy ONE STRING RIFFS on guitar #shorts
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#Easy #STRING #RIFFS #guitar #shorts
Originally posted by UCmnlTWVJysjWPFiZhQ5uudg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwyJDT-XDLw
Thanks so much i kept lookin through videos and urs was the only one that made sense
Thanks man, you so helpful, got me playing tunes in 4 weeks bro
Full armor
Good thing the second one was T.N.T riff
what kind of tune do i need to get for my gitar to sound it like that
Really enjoying your stuff, Marty. Thanks for these videos!
Goose bumps guaranteed
Rock on
Best teacher around????
HA HA !!! I'm a beginner and I just played this !!! I'm a Rock God !!! ???? ???????? show me more !!! ???? ????
wait why did this actually work
Want a guitar to impress my dad with some awesome music this helps a lot
Dude…. This is the first time I felt I was playing something
Smoke on the water is the best 1 string guitar riff
Great tutorial Thankyou
Why can I only up vote this once?!?!?!?
I thought he would play t.n.t by acdc
I love this
530 000 305 is another bite the dust
I been watching Marty since 2007!
Mine sounds like a cat screaming ????
Wow thank you so much, I’ve been drilling an and e major but haven’t been able to actually play along with anything yet. Thank you for this vid
Also called as the Jake solo from 2 and A Half Men
I highly advise not playing this song on guitar because there is a 99.9% chance you will get murdered by another guitar player.
0245 545672 7654 67895 A@w theme song any string works
First song i ever learned was the A@W theme song from the 80's
The best teacher for someone who never picked up a guitar, and the onky teacher I had success with. Thank you
What s the name of the second riff?
Youve earned yourself a follow stranger
What song is this?
What is the 5-3-0 feeling good song called?
Dude this was so helpful I'm just starting
Got my 10 yr old his first guitar and this made life easy. Thank you
I just got a guitar, can’t even do this probably not for me.
Do you have to have a certain guitar to make it sound like that?
I said m m mm m m mm mmm
mine don’t sound like dat