Wednesday, March 26, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Elac Debut 3 0 DB63 review- These are a huge UPSIDE SURPRISE! WOW! These are LEGIT HiFi speakers!

My 2 listening rooms:
*Dining room/Kitchen 15’x30’
Stand mount speakers are roughly 4’ from the back wall and a bit over 3’ from each side wall
I typically like stand mount speakers supported with a subwoofer. I have a KEF KC62 correctly positioned in this room and is ALMOST always used when evaluating stand mount speakers
*Living room
20’ wide behind speakers
18’ to the back wall behind my listening position
The room tapers to 16’
There is NO wall on the left side as the room opens up into the bar area
The right hand side is all 6’ tall windows (there is a 3’ tall half wall and the windows are set back 2.5’
The ceilings are 9’
***listening at SPL volumes:
DBs averaging in the 70s
DB Peaks in the low 80s between 80-85 DBs
When peaks hit about 85 DBs I tend to start thinking about turning it down slightly
Nighttime or low level listening for me is DBs avg in the 60 DBs
I only listen at DB peaks in the 90-95 DB range as an evaluation of speakers and amps listening for ability to drive to this SPL volume level and if
there is any distortion resulting from this high volume level?
95 DBs is where “Party volume” tops out for us
**Speaker reviews
1. How do they sound on their own when played on a very clean and neutral Class D high powered amp?
2. Question: Will a LOW POWER (7.6w -15w) Class A amp drive them or not?
These Class A amps do color the sound.
3. Describe how the speakers under review sound changes on this Class A amp
**My reference Class A amps:
SMSL VMV A1 Class A solid state
15w @4 Ohms 10w @8 Ohms
Black Ice Audio FX10H EL-84 push-Pull tub amp
12 w into either 4 Ohms or 8 Ohms
Boyuurange Reisong A50 MKIII SET 300B tube amp
7.6w into both 4 Ohms and 8 Ohms
**Amp and DAC reviews
How do they sound played on 2 different sets of speakers?
How do they sound when A/B compared to another competing AMP or DAC?
**** FYI ****
*The fundamental frequency is the basic pitch of sound
*Harmonics are the integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (FO)
*Even harmonics are harmonics that occur at even integer multiples (2,4,6,8…)
*Odd harmonics occur at odd integer multiples
****Even harmonics tend to add WARMTH, RICHNESS, and a SENSE OF FULLNESS TO SOUND. (a more vintage, analogue sound?)
Odd harmonics tend to add BRIGHTNESS, CLARITY and a SENSE OF AGGRESSION to sound. (a more modern sound?)
**Class A amplifiers operate in a linear mode where the output transistors are always conducting, resulting in a more consistent and predictable harmonic distortion pattern.
**The solid state Class A amps typically add:
Even order dominant and tend to produce more even-order harmonics (2nd,4th, 6th, etc…)
AND they are LOW-ORDER DOMINANT the 2nd and 3rd harmonics are typically the most prominent
****It is widely accepted that harmonic distortion in the 2nd and 4th harmonics can contribute significantly to a listener’s sense of warmth, richness, fullness, sweetness and vintage sound.
**2nd harmonics add a sense of warmth, fullness, robustness, and a perception of a smooth, velvety texture to the music
**4th harmonics add a sense of richness and complexity to the sound and enhances the overall harmonic structure, making the sound more engaging.
***Tube Class A amps add:
*More even-order harmonics (2nd,4th,6th, etc…)
*Less odd order harmonics
**A warmer, more rounded,and softer harmonic distortion character.
Often described as warm, vintage, analogue, sweet, musical, tube-like, etc…
****FYI part 2 **** Soundstage from ChatGPT
Yes, it is often reported that a single-ended triode (SET) tube amplifier with zero negative feedback (ZNF) can improve the soundstage produced by the speakers. Here’s why:
1. Preservation of harmonic texture: ZNF allows the amplifier to preserve the natural harmonic distortion and texture of the music, which can contribute to a more immersive and three-dimensional soundstage.
2. Increased dynamics: Without NFB, the amplifier can maintain a more dynamic sound, with greater contrast between quiet and loud passages, leading to a more engaging soundstage.
3. Improved spatiality: SET amplifiers are known for their ability to recreate the spatial relationships between instruments and voices, and ZNF can enhance this aspect, creating a more expansive and nuanced soundstage.
4. Reduced compression: ZNF can reduce the compression of dynamic range, allowing for a more natural and unforced soundstage.
5. Tube characteristics: Triode tubes such as 300B power tubes, in particular, are known for their warm, rich, and detailed sound, which can contribute to a more realistic and engaging soundstage.
However, it’s essential to note that:
*System synergy: The impact of ZNF on soundstage depends on the entire system, including the speakers, source material, and listening room.
In summary, a well-designed SET tube amplifier with ZNF can potentially improve the soundstage by preserving harmonic texture, increasing dynamics, and enhancing spatiality.

Shop: Amazon (affiliate link below)

#Elac #Debut #DB63 #review #huge #UPSIDE #SURPRISE #WOW #LEGIT #HiFi #speakers

Originally posted by UCi_5jbJcAZ0_FIwbJ2G0oew at

13 thoughts on “Elac Debut 3 0 DB63 review- These are a huge UPSIDE SURPRISE! WOW! These are LEGIT HiFi speakers!

  • Dude! Happened upon your channel via algorithm and immediately subscribed.

    I have Triangle Bro 3 speakers, and IotaVX integrated amp and Rel and SVS subwoofers.

    I am upgrading my Geshelli dac to Burson op amps today.

    I'm so impressed by these Elac debut 3 that…I'm going to buy them even though I don't need them.

    Am I tripping?

  • Very nice review. I was particularly interested because I have these speakers on order. I took a chance since there weren't any reviews out when I decided to pull the trigger. Subscribed. Good luck with your channel!

  • Tube amps “color” the sound and like you have mentioned they tend to distort at high volumes… that’s why electric guitar players love them. Thank you for sharing with us your experience of the new Elacs

  • my major concern with Elacs are the highs (i find them quite dark and not refined enough). would you say this speakers highs offer enough sparkle?

  • Seems youve lost touch, Not only with the middle class, But also with what is affordable….

  • Thank you for a detailed , comprehensive and objective video. I currently use EPI 100 speakers and they do a fairly good job. However, I'm looking to replace them. Almost half my listening is orchestral music like Bruckner, Brahms, Beethoven & Mahler symphonies. Any thoughts? I'm trying to avoid using a subwoofer.

  • I wonder what Andrew Jones would have to say about the reworked sound signature of these speakers? Messing with his original design for the sake of change? – Betcha' they butchered it, lol. – These aren't really Debut anymore.

  • A long but nice review, the problem with YouTube reviews is that each reviewer might have the opposite opinion to the other, and some are always very positive with the items they review and this makes the review useless.
    I liked your approach and the points you decided to bring up, this review sounded valid and authentic to me.
    Thank you!.

  • Fantastic review! Subbed! Thank you! You may have saved me some money. I am currently looking for new speakers for a smaller (10'x15') room and have a modest budget of $1,100 for the speakers. I have been looking at the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 v2 but if the Ellac Debut 3.0 are close to your LS50 Meta I can put more money into the Amp purchase. Thanks!!


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