Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Electric Guitar Workout: ALTERNATE PICKING Secrets

Excited to present you this new series of lesson videos! To anyone that asked me about guitar lessons, this is finally how i intend to create instructional content, i really hope you’ll enjoy this and find it useful, more to come!

What’s in it:
0:00 Intro
2:16 Why you’re stuck
5:17 Picking hand posture
6:24 Correct movement
8:06 Pick angle
9:48 Hand positioning
11:33 My approach
13:27 The fundamental exercise
20:44 Benefits of this exercise
22:12 Outro

????Listen to my music and more: https://linktr.ee/Alessandrozilio

⚫Follow me on social media:

????Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zilioalessandro/

????Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alessandro.zilio.908

????Gear i use:

Ibanez Guitars / Kiesel Guitars
Fractal FM3
Neural DSP
Swisspicks / Dunlop Picks
Elixir Strings
Reference / Klotz Cables
Z Cam E2 M4 / Sony A7Siii

#Electric #Guitar #Workout #ALTERNATE #PICKING #Secrets

Originally posted by UCzGT4BQhZ2Vmwli48Hl_bUQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQjsYPIXI2Q

28 thoughts on “Electric Guitar Workout: ALTERNATE PICKING Secrets

  • Ciao Alessandro complimenti per questo video didattico, 3 parole che secondo me riassumono il tuo insegnamento: semplicità, chiarezza, funzionalità pratica.
    Complimenti davvero, questo video è più utile di un intero libro sull'argomento, perché sei riuscito a condensare il cuore di questa tecnica. Grazie per il tuo lavoro, continua così.

  • Your eyes looks like Liam Gallagher's eyes, yes the front man of Band – Oasis.

    Beautiful ❤️

  • how do you avoid hitting the top of your knuckles on your non picking fingers on the lower strings??

    Also, any tips on how to keep the thumb rigid when you have a hitchhiker thumb?

  • You have clearly mastered the instrument. Your playing is incredible! I had a question about pick grip. Does the tip of the pick stick out perpendicular to your thumb or does the tip point back towards the bridge while playing? I find that the pick seems to always want to naturally rotate in my fingers to pointing back towards the bridge, but I feel that is probably wrong and that the tip should stay perpendicular to the thumb? Hope that question makes sense.

  • Very good video…Patientence and sticking to building up the foundation is most underrated nowadays..sadly it is exactly like u said that social media is playing a huge role in not achieving something important like that..

  • Grande Ale! Molto ben spiegato ed argomentato! Complimenti anche per l’inglese fluente! ???? vai cosi! Cannot wait to see what you wanna teach us next!

  • Thank you so much for this lesson! I think something that still needs to be talked about is the string changes – that's when most people trip and fall on the accuracy/speed! Maybe a part 2?

  • Also I want to suggest a lesson on practicing music theory for example. I think it’d be great to see, how someone can practice the notes on the fretboard with memorization and work through scales/keys.

  • Hey man great video. I agree with the comment that said your videos make me pick up my guitar every time. Definitely does that for me too. Very inspiring dude. Keep it up because alot of people benefit from your playing amd your videos

  • I take presencial lessons and the the teacher correct my left and right hand posture like you said. Also teach me exercises with metronome increasing the speep in semiquaver 2 bit per minute each time, first with one finger, later with two, three and four. I see all good players share the same secrets????.
    He tell me playing the guitar is like going to the gym, you have to do basic exercises everyday.
    I recommend all players to go to presencial lessons in a good music school. You will improve much faster than autodidact. Thanks for the video and greatings from ????????

  • Great tutorial! Loving this new format. Have a great 2024 and keep rocking, man! Your playing is truly amazing.

  • It's always appreciated when such skilled musicians like yourself offers to share your knowledge beyond just showcasing the talent aspect. Thank you, and I cant wait to see more!

  • Looking forward to these lessons. I really enjoy your playing and your style, so I am sure there will be a lot of great, helpful content coming from your side.

  • I've played guitar for several years, and simply clicked on the video because it was from you, without expecting to actually learn anything groundbreaking, thinking that my alternate picking was fine. Can you believe that I've been holding my pick the opposite way this entire time and never thought about it? I grabbed my guitar to compare my holding position against what you were saying and I noticed I tilt my pick towards the other side. Your position feels way smoother especially during string transitions.
    Then during the 2 finger exercise I thought it was kinda obvious and easy, but when I tried, my speed was laughable.
    I just got a massive reality check. Thank you ????

  • Wonderful idea, your playing makes me pick up my guitar every time. Thank you for your time and knowledge.


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