Sunday, February 23, 2025

45 thoughts on “Electron Brothers 228 PRE

  • It really is the blend of the two .. as it came together right at 18 minutes for me to think and hear an oh ya that’s it … cutting the lows is always the engineers way but that combo gain really creates that guitarists ow damn I need that vibe … ????

  • I was just thinking the other day "I wonder if someone's made a preamp/boost pedal based around a mic pre?" Now I know that yes. And I know that yes it does sound fucking rad.

  • That's quite the arrangement on the intro. Who cares what the pedal sounds like, you make music lol

  • I doubt that it's a shelving type bass cut (which implies an even cut from the corner frequency all the way down. This would be similar to a baxandall style tone circuit used on a home stereo).
    Usually, the -3db point is the corner frequency, or the frequency where the filter starts to take effect. It's most likely a first order filter rolling off at 6db per octave, which is easily implemented with a simple capacitor and resistor (or switched capacitors for selection). It is easily calculated by the formula 1/(2*pi*resistor*capacitor). The resistor would be the terminating impedance to ground with the capacitor in series with the signal. For example, a 100k resistance and 0.1uF capacitor would give a -3db frequency of 15.9Hz.

  • Yeah, it nice if I ever lose my FA-1 as the next best thing, meanwhile I'm happy.

  • Those are all my sounds I will have to get one pretty much have all those sounds but I think I can definitely take it over the top a little bit more with that unit what will they think of next?

  • You want negative feedback? Judging by the comments you’re clearly doing something wrong

  • Cool tune. Bro you can frekin play. So what's the signal flow we're hearing here? Can it work DI into a DAW? When you engaged the 228 at 8:00 it really sounded 'mic'd' .

  • I think it's expensive, and the low shelf probably doesn't need some of the lower switch positions….but it sounds good, just not 200+ bones good, going into winter.

  • It sounds great. I wonder how much different in sound is from a RC booster for example, thats the one i have (white one and the new with 2 gains). Sounds like they are similar.

  • Fantastic demo, incredible playing and so helpfully descriptive of a great pedal! I was lucky to try this out in the early development stages and like other people say, it casts magical fairy dust over everything else on the board. Love it!

  • I’m fortunate to know those guys, some of the nicest people on the planet! Got to try the earliest versions of the 228 and the brass knuckle overdrive and have the 228. Makes everything sound and feel better, don’t know how Jono does it but when you couple being a great player and one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, it’s no surprise really. Great demo Shawn!

  • Interesting tone coming out of that. Even with all the different guitars, its like more of a finely tuned EQ/boost. Its giving the amp a natural OD without using a clipping diode or tube screamer.

  • I am in a cover band, and go between my strats and my paul because of the needs of the song… but because the tonal differences and just the volume / level differences it can be a bit tricky (we play venues where we have to watch volume etc…) and I am thinking this would be a good pedal to have when I switch from one to the other

  • Wow. I think I could use that in front of my JTM45… between the fuzz and OD of course….???????????????? sounds amazing. Thank you.

  • Well it’s half the size of the Enhancifier, which is handy! Will get them side by side and we’ll see. Great vid always, ST.


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