Elvis Presley – Burning Love (Bass Cover) | Bass TAB Download
This is my bass cover of Burning Love by Elvis. A great bass line for practicing consistency in tone and rhythm. This also shows how much you can do over relatively few chords!
???????? My TAB PLAYALONG video of this song – https://youtu.be/o0Tmv8VKfzQ .
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The GoPlayalong and Guitar Pro files for my transcriptions are available to my PATREON supporters – https://www.patreon.com/basscraft .
???? FREE PDF TAB – https://www.bass-craft.com/elvis-burning-love .
???? Are you interested in honing your skills as a bass player? Learning your favourite songs? Developing a well-rounded and functional understanding of music theory? (I swear it’s not boring!) Contact me at hello@bass-craft.com for 1-to-1 zoom lessons. FREE FIRST LESSON!! ????
???? ???? Practice Time For This Song – 3h 16m. This is how long it took me to transcribe, practice, notate and film this song (video editing/audio mixing not included). I am recording all of my practice and sharing my findings.
For a detailed breakdown of my PRACTICE LOG – https://www.bass-craft.com/practice-log .
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material, in the form of an audio recording and musical notation, the use of which has not always been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. In accordance with Section 17 of the Copyright Act 1976, the material is being used without profit for the purpose of educating likeminded musicians with an interest in the included information. I have the utmost respect for the copyright owners of this musical work, and make such materials available to assist other musicians in their own learning.
#Elvis #Presley #Burning #Love #Bass #Cover #Bass #TAB #Download
Originally posted by UCLo-eJ5cmvGbcejGUWbv2JA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsH2HL6DR8c
Better man than me on that bass. Did a real good job.
That was fantastic! Authentic arrangement, but you made it your own.
incredible! thank you for the free pdf file!
The bass is really the star of this song. I play this with my band and I’m always in awe of our bass player nailing this bass line. Excellent!
Great tune my dad loved this one
Killer! That bass line has to be up there with greatest bass lines ever. Totally serving the song, rolling with the groove, and you killed it. Smooth as the original. Absolutely amazing. Nice work man.
Adrian Marcelo bajista
for next videos…. more ilportant is the tab , not all your body????????????
This reminds me of a Halloween party my band hosted at a local bar. We had a friend showing up that we knew was wearing a full Elvis costume complete with cape and silk handkerchiefs. And he wanted to get up and sing Burning Love, so we learned the song. We had an MP3 of the intro from Hawaii (the space Odyssey) and opened with See See Rider. He came in full get up, pompadour plastic wig and all, and it was hilarious! All the girls rushed the stage, knelt down at his feet and screamed! Burning Love was the next song. He ran out of hankies.
yes I can play it following the tablature, at 50% speed ????????????
bro you sound fantastic.
Love it!!!
Absolute legend. He's such a true bassist that he's nailed art of showing no emotion while playing
FUCKIN loved it!!
Nice ????
Great Job ???? ???? ????
Thanks for the tab. This song bumps when you crank the bass on the original. Wicked bass line. Under appreciated bass line. Do you ever play it like the way the other youtuber has it playing the 7th and 5th frets rather than as many open strings?
What is that scale at about 1:50? Its neither major or minor as far as I can see. ????????