Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Epiphone Casino Electric Guitar Demo & Review

Epiphone Casino Electric Guitar Demo by Matt Stottmann

For as long as I’ve been playing guitar, I’ve always wanted a cherry red Gibson ES-330. There’s something about the history of that guitar, the awesome transparent finish that shows the wood grain, the vibe, and the killer tone!

But here on my channel, you know that you don’t need to spend a fortune to have a great-playing, pro-grade instrument — and that’s where the Epiphone Casino comes in.

Do these new, Chinese-made Epiphone Casino guitars live up to the hype, or are there better ways you can spend your hard-earned gear dollars? Let’s start with how the Epiphone Casino sounds clean, through my Fender Blues Junior amp.

The Epiphone Casino features a mahogany neck, fully-hollow maple ply body and 2 Alnico dogear P-90 pickups, which are really high output — 11.5k for the neck, 12.3k for the bridge. That’s crazy hot for what’s supposed to be a vintage P90. Right now I like ’em…but I doubt they’re gonna be in there forever.

The guitar is incredibly lightweight and plays fabulously — with super low action and no fret buzz. There’s one thing I’m noticing, however — with just 2 months of play, I’m already seeing some significant wear on the tops of the frets! Granted, I usually play for a couple hours every day, but I’ve noticed this on other recent China-made instruments, and I’m beginning to wonder if one of the cost-saving areas these factories are employing is cheaper, softer fretwire.

As for fit and finish, the guitar is flawless. Epiphone has always been known for their great semi-and fully hollow axes, and they really haven’t disappointed me here! This would be a stellar guitar for beginners or pros alike.

Overall, this guitar is for sure gonna be a keeper — it’s just too much fun. And I’m already looking forward to swapping these P90’s for something a little more classic, which means another gear demo coming soon.

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All instrumentation by Matt Stottmann. © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

#Epiphone #Casino #Electric #Guitar #Demo #Review

Originally posted by UCU5mG2oTJy1M1TGFdNCKTkg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWUiCKqt_TU

31 thoughts on “Epiphone Casino Electric Guitar Demo & Review

  • Great Review! This is how a Review is supposed ti be!
    The Chord Melody version (take five) that you play is fantastic too!!!
    It is possible to have the tab of this song?

  • Why does everyone always play this funky sound when they're testing a guitar why don't you play the rock and roll music that you would normally like

  • You deserve all the praise in the globe. Excellent player. I just come back to this video to hear you play and dream of having an epiphone casino

  • Love that "Take Five." That's almost enough by itself to convince me to buy the Casino (although I'm leaning toward the Sheraton II Pro).

  • You can't beat a Korean made Peerless factory Epiphone Casino. A luthier I know reckoned they were better than the original US produced models.

  • Was that first jam a Kenny Burrell song? I swear I heard it on Midnight Blue.

  • Throw some Distortion behind that baby and play some rock or rockabilly I am going to order my casino tomorrow been wanting one was going to get the brand new American made but come to find out they want around 2,800 so I will probably get the same one you guys are playing right now 2 / 20 / 20

  • Awesome demo of the Casino! Could I ask two questions? Firstly, what amplifier do you recommend with the Casino or Casino Coupe for small room playing, I'm still a beginner so I won't be on a stage anytime soon. I have a 15W Fender Acoustic amp for my Epiphone AJ-220SCE, but have to find a proper electric guitar amp that will make this baby sing.
    And the second question, which are the best type of strings to have for the Casino Coupe as replacements, the one arriving is a Casino Coupe Cherry with whatever the originals are. I read in some of the comments that both the Casino and Casino Coupe models sound better with specific types of strings and particular materials.

  • Best guitar ever!!! Not the Chisino's but the real ones. P90's got BITE!!!

  • Hello! Well vídeo and nice guitar!

    Do yoy know de name of the last song? I love it.

  • yes the frets on my epi es-339 were small, soft, and completely unpolished. a prs se is a much better guitar.

  • Thumbs up ???? for Take Five ???? nice demo not too much drive we get a good understanding of the sound.

  • Well, after years of longing for one of these guitars, I went out yesterday and finally picked up my Epi Casino. I have owned the Epi ES-355 for a time and really liked it, but the Casino is just a clear step above in my opinion. The overall build quality is fantastic (maybe the best neck I have) and the pick ups sound so sweet, when played low with a little reverb/tremelo, but get nasty quick when the V and the gain are turned up. I like the Cherry, but mine is natural like the one Lennon played and it is so gorgeous to look at and hold. The videos and photos can't do it justice.
    Matt, you made a great review and demo, that definitely helped me make my buying decision. Thanks.


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