Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Epiphone SG Special Review | Is This Guitar Worthy of Your Money?

So we have tried the Epiphone Les Paul Specials.. But can the SG be any better? Let’s find out!

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#Epiphone #Special #Review #Guitar #Worthy #Money

Originally posted by UC48pduez9uutmCR1pDgb_bA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyW4KOaYa3M

26 thoughts on “Epiphone SG Special Review | Is This Guitar Worthy of Your Money?

  • Before you change the tuners, try installing brand name strings and lube the nut slots while you're changing them. Safe to assume the Asian factories are installing bulk purchased cheapie strings, so for 7 or 8 dollars, go get some good ones. I own this guitar and the Les Paul special as well and that's all they needed. These are inexpensive, lightweight guitars that play and sound decent, and both have served me well.

  • It's worth it ! Mod. Pick ups.
    Locking tuners. All you need !!! ????????

  • These Epiphone guitars are all junk. I would be willing to take these guitars off your hands for $50 each as a favor. Thanks

  • Thanks for the in-depth and honest review! I agree 100% with all you said about it. I bought this model (new) directly from Epiphone in 2022 for $139. I thought that this is a good guitar to keep and try to make better. I replaced the stock pickups with Seymour Duncan JB Model Trembucker (bridge) for $99, Seymour Duncan JB Model (neck) for $99, upgraded the stock tuners to Grover 102-18C Rotomatic 18:1, Chrome, for $78. So it's now an awesome sounding and looking — and still affordable SG — for a grand total of around $415. It's now one of my favorite guitars to practice with and play in public. And it's lightweight, which my old shoulders appreciate (6.8 lbs).

  • TO BRIDGE OR NOT TO BRIDGE The wrap around bridge on the SG sucks its not the tuners if you had a proper bridge (I use a Wilkenson roller) and the tuners are not that bad. there's the problem! just sayin

  • I'm not sure why, after the high e came off due to poor wrapping, that you actually think it's the tuners and not the stringing that's the problem. It's been pretty well shown that there is almost no way for the string tension to actually make the tuning peg turn. Would have really liked to have seen you restring it, let it sit for few days and THEN dig in. Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.

  • Just ordered one of these for my nephew who is interested in learning. It was on sale for $149. I believe Gibson style guitars are better for beginners because of the shorter scale neck. When I get it I'm going to throw a set of faux Grover locking tuners on it that I have laying around. I'll do a quick setup on it and it should be fine.

  • Dude how do you get out of tune so often and quickly? My Epi LP Special TV Yellow has stayed in tune for years now. For under $200. Maybe I don't understand the issue?

  • But the thing is that you can buy a 180 guitar and turn it into a 1,000 dollar guitar i did to my Ibanez GIO changed you just have to customize it to the way you want just have to know how to. I was so close to buying this guitar the other day at guitar center because I was like i can get this cheep and make it better but I was like na. If it was in black i definitely would of got it but blue's not my color. The thing that you can do to this guitar. New string's new pick-ups new volume and tone switch's new bridge and new tuning nobs. You have a better guitar already.

  • I bought one in ebony and it's beautiful! It stays in tune very well with the D'Addario strings on it. I did buy from a place that did check set up and intonation before it went out the door. Very good recommendation. I'm totally happy with my guitar. YMMV I guess. I have found that GC is very dependent on the quality of each store's personnel. Our local store actually has musicians who care about the quality of their work and merchandise. Not the case with every store.

  • I have this guitar as my first electric and I was wondering is it worth upgrading it or should I buy a second sg that’s a little more on the expensive side. I feel like I’m ready to upgrade but I also want to experience working on a guitar.

  • I had one. It was cherry red. I lowered the action, changed the nut to a Tusq, I changed the pickups to DiMarzio D-Activator X. I changed the tuning machines to Hipshot locking tuners, I added copper shielding to the cavity. I added 3 toggle switches to do coil splits and phase reverse. I spent about 300 bucks on upgrades.
    This guitar was just as good as really expensive guitars. I lost it to a pawnshop. It sounded great and played great. You don't have to spend a lot on a guitar to have a great one

  • I had the Epiphone SL. It stayed in tune. I think a lot of the tuning issues is that you have to change out the strings to new strings, ensure the nut slots are good and also lube it and also do a setup. It's not going to sound in tune if you don't intonate it. It is a lightning bar wraparound bridge so maybe not every string is going to be as intimated as others.

  • You're being kinda harsh I have one and I put strings on it and set it up, the tuners aren't great but seems to get better the more you use it, I bought planning to upgrade a few things and make it my own like a lot of players do, maybe you should give it a chance, some people don't want a strat

  • I bought a used Special, no complaints. I’ve owned US Strats and Tele’s and a very nice Jackson, the Epi SG Special holds its own. Tuning with the stock machine heads is a a little dodgy but I’m considering upgrading them. Pickups have great tones thru a Marshall 1/2 stack, worth the $$ all day long. I’d recommend getting one.

  • My friend had one of these and to me it seemed like a decent buy, but now that I’ve seen your review I’m just going to assume he was bsing me on the whole thing.

    Dude was annoyed for my love of Ibanez and was wondering why I didn’t buy a Fender Jazz Bazz instead of an Ibanez GSR250.

    At this point me and the vocalist within our band just assumed he got his ego checked by me because the vocalist knew I was a better bassist than him and he felt some type of way towards me.

    Funny enough Ibanez is leading the future with some of the best guitar innovation, as where I’ve yet to hear anything from Epiphone.

    I also bought an Epiphone Special 2 from the same guy and honestly I’d rather own a Schecter, Jackson, or Ibanez.

    Hell! Kiesal is doing a lot with their guitars and a custom made guitar will always beat out 90% of other guitars.

  • This wasn’t a fair review maybe try setting it up and new strings!
    I’m own one and it’s very solid.


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