Saturday, March 15, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Epiphone’s History, Fender Drama, and Vintage Chorus Magic!

The CME Variety Show is Here!

We are extremely excited to share a brand new series here at Chicago Music Exchange! The CME Variety show will include revolving segments with your host Nathaniel Murphy! We can’t wait to see where this series will go and would love to hear what you think!

In this first episode, we will look at an often-overlooked brand, Epiphone. We will get Nathaniel’s thoughts on Fender’s most controversial finish and learn a bit about the first chorus pedal EVER.

Follow Nathaniel! – @Zeppelinbarnatra


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Gear featured:
Epiphone Sheraton Sunburst 1965
Epiphone Granada 1967 Sunburst
Epiphone Granada 1964 Sunburst
Epiphone USA Casino Vintage Burst
Epiphone EA7P Professional Guitar and Amp Outfit Cherry 1962
Fender ’65 Reissue Princeton Reverb
Squier Classic Vibe ’70s Telecaster Custom Antigua
Squier Classic Vibe ’70s Stratocaster Antigua
Squier Classic Vibe ’70s Precision Bass Antigua
Squier Classic Vibe Bass VI Antigua
Fender 70th Anniversary Vintera II Antigua Stratocaster Antigua
Boss CE-2W Chorus Waza Craft Special Edition
Boss DC-2W Dimension C Waza Craft Chorus

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More Guitar Demos!
The Untold Story of the 3rd Gibson ES-355 EVER MADE! –
Fender’s Most Underrated Guitar?! | History of the Fender Jaguar –
Our New Favorite MAGNATONE! | Slash Signature SL-100 –
Best Guitars Under $1200! | This Just Plugged In Ep. 4 –

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#chicagomusicexchange #epiphone #fender

Songs Played:
Green Day – Basket Case
The Cranberries – Dreams

00:00 – Intro
01:38 – 1965 Sheraton Playing
02:34 – History of Epiphone
16:30 – 1962 Epiphone EA7P
23:04 – Fender’s worst Finish?
30:32 – Boss CE-1
36:41 – Outro

#Epiphones #History #Fender #Drama #Vintage #Chorus #Magic

Originally posted by UCI5tGbwiVHy4BsZUXcSWvwQ at

46 thoughts on “Epiphone’s History, Fender Drama, and Vintage Chorus Magic!

  • Pretty fun and enjoyable. Great music! But honestly, feels a little too much like a sales pitch. I know you’re a store, but if I could change one thing, it would be to dial down the “call now!” vibe. Like the Antigua segment… I personally was a little turned off by the push to “preorder sooner rather than later!” Love the hosts, the history… but after the second or third mention trying to get us to purchase an instrument, I was kind of done with it. Take the critique as you will. I really do love most of your content, and I think this is a great idea – just maybe needs some tweaking.

  • Really like this series. It is a genuine show that in the old days could have been on a network. As a newbie to the electric guitar world (who is an older person), thank you! Given I am a learner, what about a "Skills Skorner" where you quickly teach one new technique each show?

  • My friend had a mid-70s Starcaster (it may have been a Coronado) in the horrible Antigua finish. What an ugly guitar with an enormous headstock you could hammer nails with.

  • I have a 1990s Japanese SG junior… Way better than the Korean ones… The Japanese had an Elitist range wich you can pick up for a grand. Korean Epis need a bit of work pickups muddy etc.

  • SO stoked to be here for this. Just made my first CME purchase of a Classic Vibe Antigua P Bass and CME delivered–setup and inspection were PERFECT! LOVE IT!

  • love the fact that you played Dream by the Everly Brothers every time I turn on my Tremelo I think about them lol

  • The Antigua finish is the most awful one in recent years. The brown bum burst around everything is just yuck. If they did it with a non-turd brown it might be better but… Yuck.

  • Cool show! Regarding that Epiphone Professional, the little red push switch isn’t original—at least the ones shown in 1965 Epiphone catalogs didn’t have it. The big humbucking pickup isn’t original either—that model came with an Epiphone mini-humbucker; I know the one in the catalog did anyway! I’ve only seen one of those guitars in person; I didn’t play it because the matching amp was missing. The Professional amps came in two versions—a 12-watt model with (I think) a 10” speaker, and a 35-watt version with a 12”. Both are really rare, and the guitar is too.

  • My favorite Epiphone was the early-80s Spirit II. Beautiful looking guitar, and sounded great with Tim Shaw pickups.

  • Ive just bought the 70th anniversary antigua 70s stratocaster made in ensanada £1169 its £999 at andertons uk now im fuming squier have released a strst tele jazzmaster n jazz 6 antigua epiphone now are just as good as Gibson ive just bought a Gibson les paul classic honeyburst 2019 8 have a epiphone 55 limited edition its stunning

  • Disappointing to hear you guys repeating the lie about Epiphone being founded in 1873. It’s simply not true, no matter how many times Gibson repeats it.

  • Al Caiola Epiphones never came with an amp, it was the professional that came with the amp, come on guys do your research before you do the video!

  • I have a '81 Epiphone Genesis Custom…Thing sounds and plays amazing… Too bad you didnt demo it! Totally underrated instrument.

  • Nathanial, you need to be sponsored by addidas, loving the trainers. Great playing as always mate! Love from Liverpool.

  • If I am being brutally honest, what is this show trying to be? When the Temu version of the ‘movie guy voice’ narrator was recounting Epiphone history, was that jumping the shark level bad an intentional decision? (When he said “annals of music history” I nearly turned it off.) As it is you’ve got a kind of Ali Express JHS Show meets Anderton’s

  • Thanks guys, I’m a proud owner of a 1962-63 Epiphone Riviera in cherry red. It plays so good

  • I have too many epiphones now including that QueenBee but id love that 65 sheraton

  • Where can i get that 1990's Epiphone SG 70 made in Japan? You don't have a link to that guitar and I can't find it on your website.

  • I love my vintage Epiphone acoustic! I request more drum segments featuring meeee!

  • Love Nathanial’s vibe n playing ,,,,, CME ,,,,,, give him a BIG raise he deserves it !

  • Great addition to the CME portfolio. I'd love to see a segment on what's new and unique in the pedal market.


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