Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Eric Clapton on Led Zeppelin | “They became the first heavy metal band”

▶ *DECOUVREZ MES TROIS NOUVELLES MÉTHODES DE GUITARE BLUES* : https://florentpassamonti.fr/collections/frontpage

▶ *Soutenez la chaîne en laissant un pourboire : https://fr.tipeee.com/florent-passamonti

▶ _Salut, je m’appelle Florent Passamonti ! Je suis guitariste, journaliste et enseignant. J’ai plaisir à partager ma passion pour le blues sur cette chaîne, et j’espère que ce contenu vous plaira !_


Profitez d’une remise sur le logiciel d’édition de partitions et tablatures Guitar Pro 8 en passant par ce lien d’affiliation : http://bit.ly/3JewX7C

▶ SOUTENEZ LA CHAÎNE EN DEVENANT MEMBRE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5NRGeR4eCd97-pO_NeT_og/join

– Gibson ES-335 (1968)
– Fender Stratocaster US Custom (Reverse neck / Gold hardware)
– James Trussart Steelcaster
– Harmony Stella
– Plugins Neural DSP – Tone King Imperial MKII & Archetype: Cory Wong
– Cordes Ernie Ball 10-46
– Fingers

– Carte son : https://c3po.link/QCqyv9uavH
– Micro voix : https://c3po.link/QVYMweRj7R
– Casque : https://c3po.link/QCR7TzXUDt
– Caméra + objectif : https://amzn.to/3JcpyFG
– Objectif : https://amzn.to/3T9O5ja
– Lumière : https://amzn.to/40hhkTV

– Plans Blues à la guitare : https://c3po.link/QPTrNknSM4
– Voyage en guitare Eric Clapton : https://c3po.link/QhhrwDKd2t
– 8 petits Blues (en solfège uniquement) : https://amzn.to/422fFTN

#Eric #Clapton #Led #Zeppelin #heavy #metal #band

Originally posted by UC5NRGeR4eCd97-pO_NeT_og at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qun9izU9saM

34 thoughts on “Eric Clapton on Led Zeppelin | “They became the first heavy metal band”

  • When they disbanded cream that’s when coffee went black !!! Now I want my baby back !!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Met u Eric, Ray, Nathan during Journeyman tour through the pilots.

    Was great honor!

    You told me to wait while you cleaned up after performing. I had to step away for a bit: then, u ended up playing fuzz ball with my girlfriend. Pilots took us to hotel & got a migraine. Omg! Can’t imagine what might have happened had I not had to go home?! ; ) Think my grandfather who was guitar Master wanted us to meet. He didn’t think the guitar should go electric! He helped Bay put first guitar onto paper & was friends with Segovia. Played like Segovia actually until grandfather passed at 87.
    Maybe see u at your 80th?
    God Bless the GUITAR & Electricity!!! ❤
    Saw Ginger once. Omg!
    Zeppelin , like Cream … beyond words!!!

  • Met u Eric, Ray, Nathan during Journeyman tour through the pilots.

    Was great honor!

    You told me to wait while you cleaned up after performing. I had to step away for a bit: then, u ended up playing fuzz ball with my girlfriend. Pilots took us to hotel & got a migraine. Omg! Can’t imagine what might have happened had I not had to go home?! ; ) Think my grandfather who was guitar Master wanted us to meet. He didn’t think the guitar should go electric! He helped Bay put first guitar onto paper & was friends with Segovia. Played like him actually until grandfather passed at 87.
    Maybe see u at your 80th?
    God Bless the GUITAR!!!!❤

  • Toute mon epoque ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • I love Cream. But I have NEVER considered them close to metal. They rocked! But I just notice The Clap taking credit for being a predecessor to metal. Come on man.

  • Zeppelin doesn't have a single song that is Heavy Metal. They are strictly a Rock n Roll/ Blues/Folk rock bands who at times ventured into hard rock… Achilles Last Stand etc.

  • cream ledzep sabbath reste parmis les meilleurs de notre génération des annees 70 et d auyres groupes exeptionnel on à eut cette chance❤

  • I disagree. Just. None of that really flavored heavy metal like sabbath. Silly, actually.

  • The importance of Cream is exaggerated, compared to Led Zeppelin. Cream had a short life and a few good songs. LZ is a prolific Rock and Roll institution! I'll choose them over Clapton any day of the week.

  • If my son took a header off 50 story building I think more then writing a song as tribute . He should have stepped away from music and did charitable work for his human frailty . Disliked him since that day .

  • He has no idea what heavy metal is..he heared the word and tried to have it stick on zep

  • I thought someone said it was the Kinks?
    Regardless l'm a Rocker thanks to my cousin introducing me to Led Zeppelin and the rest as they say is history.

  • It makes no sense that people keep saying Black Sabbath was the first heavy metal band because if you listen to Communication Breakdown or Dazed and Confused that is actually heavier than anything off of the first Black Sabbath album and at least on the same level as far as just super heavy and hard music goes and when you listen to paranoid it was totally influenced by communication breakdown so I understand the fans of Black Sabbath and how they influenced a lot of music but when you just look at them and listen to both of the songs I am talking about Led Zeppelin did do it first it's indisputable

  • I wouldn’t call Zeppelin heavy js they were Blues Rock & the best band ever! That did all types of great music

  • Ginger Baker said that if Cream was responsible for giving birth to heavy metal, they should have had an abortion. He despised heavy metal music.


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