Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Every Amp Modeling User Needs THIS – Quilter Tone Block 202

More info and to buy one –
St James Cab

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#Amp #Modeling #User #Quilter #Tone #Block

Originally posted by UCbawdoeGr439blez7bqmjHQ at

36 thoughts on “Every Amp Modeling User Needs THIS – Quilter Tone Block 202

  • the mid range sounds a bit hollow or something. Definitely turn off the IR if you use a cabinet or it'll sound like a bag of poop

  • I have the SuperBlock US…..25 watts, 3 Fender type voices, FX loop….THE perfect pedal platform. Fat, warm clean sound as a base, pedals to taste. Never going back. Wish I had discovered Quilter years ago. This coming from a guy that's been a Boogie man for more than 40 years.

  • Please present a video running your full Helix preset with both amp and cab modelling turned "on" into the FRFR setting of the Tone Block 202. Thanks.

  • I have the discontinued ToneBlock 200. I run a ISP Theta preamp into the Quilter for Metal. This amp is insane! I can run anything from a 1×12 to 2 4×12 cabinets. The quilter is only 4 lbs. I would take this set up over tubes any day…For metal anyway.

  • Hi Steve I use the Tonex for this purpose in front of my AXE III same thing maybe better as far as tonal changes and a lot cheaper 🙂

  • Loved the demo – but then your tone is always great lol. Got a couple questions on the product that hopefully you could help address:
    1. I thought these have been around for a few years now. Am I missing something or is this a newer model/ upgraded/ revised version?
    2. How would you compare this against products like the Seymour Duncan Powerstage or Orange Pedal Baby… or dare I say even the old Crate Powerblocks (or any solid state poweramp for that matter)? Thanks much!

  • I love my Quilters. 2 Microblock 45's, a 101 Mini Head and an Interblock 45. My tour rig for the last 3 years is my Interblock 45 thru my Frontliner 2X8. I use a Freidman Dirty Shirley pedal for overdrive tones and I recently added a Nu-x Atlantic reverb/delay pedal for abient effects. It is the perfect rig for me because of its portability and versatility.

  • Does sound good and like it works well, Quilter is abit of a mystery brand in the UK – you hardly ever see them anywhere and not many even talk about them as an option

  • Someone left a comment saying "this doesn't sound very good" The lie detector test determined: That was a lie.
    Sounds great man! Great video, as always.

  • I have had a Quilter 101 Mini Reverb for a few years which is pretty good as well. Linked with my HX Stomp XL (in 4 cable method) is absolutely great. I'm getting a nice Fender-style clean if I want, and can add in any kind of other amp I want. The 101 is lacking a little bit in power, but it'll do fine for home use.

    For the HX Stomp, I'll use either preamp or amp models based on what my ears like (but 100% no cab blocks) and then go to the FX Return of the Quilter and into a 2×12 with V30s at home.

  • Love my quilter. Guarantee it’ll still be around when all my modelers are old news.

  • I like my tube amps during the winter when they double as space heaters, but in the hotter months I switch to Quilter Superblocks.

  • Great review. I have had one for a couple years. Works great with my Fractal FM9. Powerful creamy clean headroom. I have mine in a Quilter 12" BlockDockHD. Very light, very powerful, yet can sound great at low bedroom volumes.

  • Remember the old Crate Tone Blocks. There selling used for 170 to 250 bucks. I had a budy get one back in the day new for 99.00. Used it as a back up head on gigs.

  • My cousin uses this with four pedals and a Marshall cab. Best live Strat tone I’ve heard in person on a stage.

  • A lot of (dare I say niche?) metal bands use Quilters for their backline, either for modelers or preamp pedals. Cave-In, Mutoid Man, and Converge all use Helox through Quilter live and Deafheaven uses Peavy 5150 preamp pedals through the Quilters. I played a combo one and it was stunning.

  • Another question/request. Have you tried for kicks or out of curiosity to run the Stomp into the Vintage voicing vs the FullQ? Wonder what differences you hear with all EQ knobs at noon.

  • Nice piece of kit…I love gear like that can seemingly just do it all. Sounds really good. Great review!

  • So at 6:45 or so, are you running the Stomp’s cab into the Quilter into the Blackstar cab, or were you recording direct. Thought it might sound odd running a cab sim into a real speaker cab.

  • Quilter is mind blowing at first…. I had the toneblock 202, the aviator cub and the superblock. They're loud I'll give them that. Over time i found more things to hate about them. The eq doesnt function the way you need them to in gigging environents, it always feels like a compressor is running, the reverb is not ideal. If they fix the eq and ditch the limiter I think they could be a lot better, the cab sim is not very good at all. Another thing to be aware of is the resale value is horrible. You have to advertise 1/4 of the price just to get bites. If you're using a modeller, i recommend the seymor duncan power stage over this, or the blackstar amped1 which i really love and think you get more bang for your buck. One more thing about the quilters, if you have to use them at a low volume in a gigging situation, the tone is terrible, and since the eq sucks, you cant adjust it out. The best quilter ive heard is the steelaire, even though its made for steel, it works well for guitar. I play in a band with a second guitarist who uses one, and my dr Z blows it away though.

  • I've been using Quilter's for going on ten years. I had heard great things about them and then my friend became a Quilter dealer. He called me when they first came in and I went down to his shop and they totally blew me away. I A/B them against a Silverface Fender Super Reverb, a Japanese Marshall SLP100 clone and a real vintage Vox custom made AC30TB. The Quilters kicked the shit out of all of them. I sold all my tube amps (a lot of them were boutique) and never looked back. I have four of them now and am extremely happy. For those that don't know, Pat Quilter is the Q in QSC and started out in the late 60's building tube amps. He's the only one that actually made a solid state amp that sounds as good or better than tubes.They take modelers and pedals really well, something that a lot of tube amps don't do. I highly recommend them and no, I don't work for or am an endorsee for Quilter, just a (retired) working musician much like a lot of you.

  • Been using this amp a few years now, very happy with it. Tried the Quilter Super Block US and 101 Reverb as well. Like this best of all.

  • Nice. I've got the Quilter Aviator Cub (US) and my HX sounds great either in front or in the return of the effects loop. And, it sounds great alone – I use an ABY to plug into two inputs/pre amps (usually Tweed and BF).

  • I have the Quilter Mach 3 combo and it is awesome too. Same 200 watts with 6 voicings and a 12" speaker. The whole thing weighs about 21lbs. With a modeler you can do 4 cable method or go into the return. All by itself, you can switch between 2 voices and it has tremolo and reverb. 🙂


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