Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Amps

Every David Gilmour tone in one box! JAM PEDALS RATTLER MK2

Jam Pedals Rattler MkII
In this video I’ll take a look at the new Rattler MkII from Jam Pedals. This RAT-style pedal is upgraded with new features, including internal trimpots, toggle between symmertrical and asymmetrical clipping and a mid range boost. The Rattler deliver classic tube-like distortion capable of covering most of David Gilmour’s tones.

Jam Pedals

In this video
Guitar: Fender Stratocaster, with Seymour Duncan SSL5 bridge pickup and D Allen Voodoo 69 neck and middle pickups.
Amp – Reeves Custom 50, with 2×12″ Celestion G12H speakers
Amp settings: normal channel 2:00, bass 12:00, mids 1:00, treble 8:30, presence 11:00
Mic – Suhre SM57

Evidence Audio cables


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0:00 Intro jam
1:06 Rattler
3:41 End Jam

#David #Gilmour #tone #box #JAM #PEDALS #RATTLER #MK2

Originally posted by UC6JRXuFfSeZ1AzenPh_krpA at

39 thoughts on “Every David Gilmour tone in one box! JAM PEDALS RATTLER MK2

  • Thank You Björn! Ich hab mir die Pedal gleich nach deiner Vorführung bestellt und finde sie genial! Sehr gute Konzept. Du machst es richtig gut !!!!!! Gilmour Number – two!!! ???? ???? ????

  • Hi Bjorn
    I just followed your advice and bought a Laney Lionheart l5t-112. My amp setting is bright mode. Mids 12:00, bass 1:00, treble 8:00, tone 1:00 (o'clock). The drive around 8-9:00. Drive volume 9:00. High input
    Here’s my pedals
    Boss bd2
    Ehx rams head big muff
    Moore e lady into the fox loop(it sounds less present and weak)

    When I use the big muff into the Laney l5t. It sound quite dark and muffled and muddy. I’m pretty upset. I don’t know how to improve it. I’ve been chasing gilmour sound for a long time. Obviously it’s still not what I want.
    Could you give me some advise?

  • Great video Bjorn ! As always, very informative and great review of this pedal my friend ????????

  • whats the song the solo in the intro is from? Not the intro jam but the intro song that plays in every video i always wonder what song that is

  • I like the sound very much!
    But which echo-pedal you
    are using???
    Because there are so many pedals and every
    pedal sounds different????
    And also, some pedals are not working fine! One is louder and others so much rushing, that makes no fun, to continue????
    Txs in advance, for your
    fun to use

  • Love me some rat tones. My favorite is from a small company Sledgehammer Effects called Big Chungus. Imo it outshines them all.

  • I would like an album full of this kind of music, where can I get some? 😉 Hits the spot for me !

  • I'm not sure this will kick the T-Rex Mudhoney II off my board. It sounds great and certainly produces a few tones the Mudhoney doesn't. But those are tones I don't feel the need for, especially at the price point. If the Mudhoney breaks down I might consider this pedal as a replacement. Great demo as usual Bjorn. Short, maybe, but still very sweet.

  • IMHO it sounds like a green muff with a bd2w in front. Smooth, very pleasant, a lot of harmonics. Loved it.

  • I have the big box vintage rat for decades , sounds great but lacking a bit of low end , just ordered the Pastfx TDY (based on your previous video )

  • i think its probably past that time where I put my old BYOC Rat to bed and grab this fantastic new update. Great playing as always Bjorn!! Man, what a touch you have!

  • I have a pastfx mischief which is also a rat. It has 3 way bass eq on it. Regular rat, boosted and super boosted. Then it has 4 different clippings. And then the other things rats have. Personally i like the g-2 more, but who doesnt like classic rat! Great jam

  • hi, Bjorn! Incredible solos! How you get so clear and transparent sound? I have the same pickups, but sounds noisy with big muff. It is a noise gate or smth else?

  • Hey Bjorn, Great demo! I have a little request. Could do a shootout between the Boss Blues Driver, the Big Muff Green Russian, and the Analogman Sunface BC108/109 (in case you still have those, any other Fuzz Face style pedal would do)? I have a Blues Driver, and I am not sure if I need a Fuzz pedal of any kind, or if the BD-2 will just do the job.

  • ????hi, Bjorn. I always wondered how do you make these sounds like at 0.25. E/F#+bend. Something special during attack the string. It reminds me your video Buffalo fx patriot mkii review 0.40-0.45 sec. Also something magic. Can you share?)

  • I love the RAT. I always wanted to use a Big Muff, but it's never worked for me. The RAT gives me what I'm trying to get with the BM, and then some.

  • Interesting. Now I have to head upstairs and mess around with my two Ratt clones for the rest of the day.


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