Faded (Alan Walker) EASY Guitar/Lyric Play-Along
Pitch has been adjusted so you can play with open chords. Tune down 1/2 step to play with the original recording
#Faded #Alan #Walker #EASY #GuitarLyric #PlayAlong
Originally posted by UCQiE-pm7RI3rpWR2k1btyXQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDVOIa_YoOU
hello world pls pls by alan walker plsplsplsplsplspls
Pls pls don’t blame me it my fav
Please do rewrite the stars greatest showman
Past life song it's my favorite song please
What great????
Pls add moonlight densetsu ukulele
È bellissimo

I used to hear this but did not know the name
Strum pattern DD DD
Thanks going to keep practicing


Hi I am ant 8 yr old girl and I was looking for a song for my piano and I found out
What a nice song with a beautiful voice .. that came out from the ocean..???? Thank you!
You should do if you die today by Natalie Jane
6th sting= F ????
Brilliant for us campfire dudes keep em coming ????
Can you pls do bones or believer
Alone please ????????
Thank you so much!
Can you do Vampire
Love this channel much better

Thanks so much I do this everyday
Love it thanks
Please play Tokyo drift

See you again gutair chords please ????????????????????
Sturmming pattren ?
Can I request what makes you beautiful by one direction plssss in guitar
could you do Rival – Let It Die (ft. Philip Strand) please
Could you please do Blackbird by the Beetles easy version
Lovely ????????
What is the pattern?
Thanks my dear.nice????
Thank you very much, amazing
If I sing you a love song please
Dreamer by Jungkook pls
What o and x mean
Put the capo on the 4th fret and then play for better melody
i love you by bille eilliesh
Thank you
can you do my love by WESLIFE
Can you do "IHANA KIPU" guitar chords please i wanna play that song????