Monday, March 3, 2025

Faith Legacy Guitars – Earth, Mars, Neptune – Best Acoustic Guitars On The Planet?

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???? Joss and Pete look at the awesome Faith Legacy Series Guitars.

Pete played and looped with the Boss Acoustic Singer Pro and Joss played through the Hughes & Kettner Era 1.

Faith PJE Legacy Mahogany Neptune –

Faith PJE Legacy Mahogany Mars –

Faith PJE Earth Legacy –

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#Faith #Legacy #Guitars #Earth #Mars #Neptune #Acoustic #Guitars #Planet

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at

30 thoughts on “Faith Legacy Guitars – Earth, Mars, Neptune – Best Acoustic Guitars On The Planet?

  • It would be nice to see a video doing a side by side of the mercury/venus/earth/mars to show the difference in size and tone. Which is closest to an OM size?

  • Im glad not a lot of people know about this brand, I’m gonna stock up on their guitars before the prices jump up

  • I watched this video probably 100 times dreaming about one of these guitars. Finally bought the Earth legacy rosewood… I’ll never shop another brand again, the choice is obvious. I live in Illinois, I pray they bring more retailers stateside

  • I would be very curious to play the Neptune in person, it sounded great!

    Unfortunately Faith guitars are not as accessible where I live and we have an incredible guitar shop, Elderly Instruments in Lansing Michigan about an hour from me.

    I'm not actively looking for a new guitar, have a Furch Yellow Master's Choice Gc-CR which is a simply incredible instrument!

    That being said, my "antennae" are always up and these guitars have me very curious.

    They seem to be in the same general range as Walden guitars, which are also amazing instruments at a very good price point. I have the Walden G630 CE and I love it even though it has laminate Rosewood back and sides with a solid Cedar top. However you can get an all solid Walden with the Fishman blend pickup for around 1k.

    It would be interesting to rotate among the Faith Neptune, Breedlove, Furch and Walden of similar size and specs to hear the difference.

    Also the pick discussion was very interesting to me because I definitely find the same thing!

    I love the Dunlop Ultex standard picks and depending on the guitar I'm using as well as the application, I will range from .60 to 1.4.

    I found this great pick holder case that makes it very easy to organize them so I can find the exact pick in an instance.

    Anyway great presentation video, always enjoyable to hear you both play and you are very entertaining to listen to as well, all around great content!!

  • To be honest, soon as I started watching this video,I thought these two are Americans being twats and I nearly left.

  • Hi, did you get the chance to compare the Faith Neptune PJE with the Cort Gold A8? The specs look very similar, but a price difference of around 350€.

  • Great demo lads, actually the Earth is better than both of them, same specs however it plays right across the board and is fantastic for open tunings. Acousticly in the right auditorium it is tonally perfect, sparked up it just blows all away. Thank you.

  • Have you guys done a review on the Faith FNCEHG – HiGloss Neptune Cut/Electro ? also would to see a comparison with a FVHG – HiGloss Venus Cut/Electro. I went to try the Venus which I loved but the Neptune was then suggested . Thats when the dilemma started. Loved the Neptunes tones and resonance .

  • I am interested in the stereo pickup system many of the Faith line have; I believe they are Shadow Brand pickups, if I remember right. It isn't a stereo system in the 2 pickups idea, but one that a y-cable can spread across different sound and signal paths. Can anyone give any personal experience with them?

  • Guys, it would be really good if you could get a hand on Dehradun Guitar Company (DGC) guitars and maybe make a review video on those 🙂

  • Nice video, but Lordy the tone wood issue!! Tone wood will have an effect on an acoustic guitar, because it is acoustic!! Electric is different. A wax potted pickup is creating an electrical signal. Surrounding wood does not influence electricity. Evidence of this is the blind fold challenge Lee and Rob did trying to guess Hollow vs Semi Hollow vs Solid. All guitars different wood but Rob was primarily guessing by feedback quality (this is not tone wood) particulalrly the Les Paul !!!

  • Can you guys do a review on some jazz-box type guitars like you have hanging in the background? They seem to be widely over-looked within the general guitar community. I've never really played them but am interested. While there is this passion for a vintage tone, it's almost as if those kind of guitars are too vintage.

  • "How to impress your friends with a looper pedal." Great guitars, but dang it Pete. I love it when you show off. Joss! Quit holding your breath when you riff! I'm worried for your health at this point. Great job boys.


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