Famous Guitarists – Amp Tone Settings
#Famous #Guitarists #Amp #Tone #Settings
Originally posted by UCLLuXVVAivTEaclHGnmCJXQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7grFgPz_VA
#Famous #Guitarists #Amp #Tone #Settings
Originally posted by UCLLuXVVAivTEaclHGnmCJXQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7grFgPz_VA
Can you do Adam gontier
Dave grohl pls
brad of linkin plz
Rob Deleon please
angus young
You find SP's amp settings and I asked for Collective Soul's amp settings
Can you do party in the usa
I put all my knows on 10 and blew out my power tube back in the day. We were able to use tubes from an rca TV. Power tube alone was.30 bucks. Alot of money 50yrs ago
Do you just randomly turn knobs?
I once read he puts setting to 10 10 10 for butterfly or jekkybelly
Do Wes Borland