Fantastic Flying Foelsch’s guitarist will describe our rig rundown as a 2-piece band! #rigrundown
#Fantastic #Flying #Foelschs #guitarist #describe #rig #rundown #2piece #band #rigrundown
Originally posted by UCJVTvk4FgJ8WTs2SIKg6tsw at
I too use a 3 channel setup for my 2 piece band. Everything goes through MXR compressor w/ giggle switch, then into pico POG. Bass output goes direct to some old peavy bass head running a kustom double 15 that my friend cut in half in the 80s for better stage placement. Guitar output from POG goes to EHX switchblade. Output 1 goes through red fuzzface into treble tuned channel of a 68 kustom k200b1. Output 2 goes to low end tuned channel of the same k200b1. Sound guys have my picture on a dart board. "Im not mic'ing both of those!!"