Sunday, March 16, 2025

Fender CD60SCE vs. CD140SCE | Two Quality Affordable Guitars

Today we’re taking a look at two extremely popular guitars, both for holiday season and in general! The Fender CD60SCE and CD140SCE are great entry level guitars, with just a couple key aspects that account for their ~$110 price difference. With solid tops, cutaways, scalloped bracing, and comfortable neck profiles, spending less than $500 can afford you an excellent instrument that will age well; but spending a little more for the CD140SCE gets you a nice hard case and some upgraded components. Which one is right for you? Do you own either of these guitars? Let us know in the comments below!

Playin’ starts at 11:35

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#Fender #CD60SCE #CD140SCE #Quality #Affordable #Guitars

Originally posted by UCIB3DqQuXKmM7DzEMppafDA at

29 thoughts on “Fender CD60SCE vs. CD140SCE | Two Quality Affordable Guitars

  • My son bought me the 60sce for Christmas,guitar center was running a special $149 , I was looking for a cheapo to take to work with me to play while I, sitting and waiting ( truck driver) really impressed I must say ! And I have a Taylor, Gretch, ovation and a 74 sigma by Martin I’m in love with!

  • Bought mine in 2012… Maybe not with the recent improvements, but it does hand over a solid crisp sound.
    Still lovin' it.

  • Isso depende muito regulagem braço e as corda tbm no vídeo, ele tem que falar isso não vi muita diferença não

  • I don't understand the difference between the two guitars in the video when playability.

  • Alguien tuvo problemas con la altura de las cuerdas en esta guitarra? Como lo corrigieron?

  • How does the CD-140SCE compare to the FA-345SCE from a playability standpoint? I've had the same Yamaha Costco special since 1996. Looking to upgrade to something that is easier to play (closer to my electrics) that doesn't break the bank.

  • I first played a Fender acoustic about thirty years ago, back home in New Zealand,…Somewhere around there ! Anyway it was the worst piece of crap I had ever had the misfortune to put my hands on. I was so disgusted that Fender who make amazing electrics, would ever let something that bad,..wear their name. I've never played another one !
    So It will be interesting to see how these sound ! No I haven't watched this yet !!!
    Just watched the vid and yep they sound grea,…look great !… And for the money would be a good buy.
    But there are also so many great acoustics out there now , that i would still look elsewhere !
    Seagull s6 for instance !

  • god inflation sucks the fender cd-140sce is $589 her in canada as of may 2024 looking at that or a yamaha storia ii $499 Plus a gig bag well come to $670 for the yamamha and about $700 for the fender but the fender has a tuner and hardshell case also considering a denver DEN-GAV-RW-E as it super cheap $400 don't know much about denver but simular specs to the yamaha LL6ARE which sound amazing would be the guitar i'd buy if i could afford it atm so torn between the 3 ( fender yamaha srotia and the denver)

  • My first guitar was a $20 good will find. A brandless nylon 6 string that couldn't stay tuned for more than 10 minutes but, man was she pretty! A shiny sunburst red guitar that gave me hours of fun. People worry too much about price. I recently bought a $75 beginner guitar from Amazon and i was pleasantly surprised by how bad IT WASN'T… you hear all the horror stories but really its just word of mouth.. i just purchased the Fender CD 60 SCE mahogany with plans to "move up" to a Taylor but when i took that Fender out of its high quality hard case, i was mesmerized by its stunning beauty! I tuned it up, strummed her in G and i was blown away! Its solidly built, sounds beautiful and looks like it costs a lot more than it does; which begs the question: is it necessary to buy a $3000 Taylor so you dont have a "beginner guitar" and feel like you have moved up?? Taylors sound great. So do Gibsons, Martins, Yamahas, Ovations, and, of course, Fenders… you'll be hard pressed to find a good reason to pay $5000 for a guitar when it simply ISN'T $5000 BETTER. ..

  • this video is exactly what I was looking for. i think they both are definitely worth it, just depends on your wallet.

  • I bought the GC 140 SCE which is concert size and a bit easier for me to manage. There are so many who buy a guitar like this, take a few lessons, and sell it like new for less than half price. Quality is top notch, sounds great, stays in tune, with a lot of extras, what more could you want.

  • Both are very good guitars but in my opinion Fender Cd140 Sce sounds more vibrating and warm plus it also adds to a good base

  • The 140 has more chime than the 60, the 60 is more brassy. I would like to hear the 140 12 string. I had a 54 Hofner made in Germany how different would the 140 be? My nephew destroyed it. I want to find another 12 string like it but I can’t find any specs on the 12 string dreadnought Hofner?

  • I played mahogany CD60sce two month ago, the build quality is really good, i think the build quality is the best in the price segment. However, … maybe it just me that i don't like the sound. The sound was was warm and pretty accurate but tiny. I have never experienced cd140sce yet. Surely the cd140sce will be louder and better but I doubt now. I'm thinking of getting Gretsch g5024e (same price) or the Epiphone ej200sce( a bit costlier). Will be really appreciate, if u please share your thoughts on the choice i have , dear intermediate guitarist.

  • I own the 140 SCE burst finish with Solid Spruce top and Ovangkol b&s. Very nice playing and sounding axe. Also aesthetically beautiful. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Fender cd 100ce has a fishman isys III pickup while cd 60sce has a normal fishman pickup. Does that make cd100ce better?

  • I’m confused which one to buy could you suggest me one among 60sce and 140sce, I’m only into playing chords for supporting vocals

  • Is the solid top a big deal? I'm looking at a CD-60CE on markerplace and there are not a lot of reviews out.

  • The American will never be good, the invaders and invaders cannot have anything good, only greed, speculation and lies covering it up. Fender shit created by the geeks of the colonialists. One advertised label and nothing else.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • CD-60SCE is on sale at 20% off. Take another 10% for fender play members. @ 237 is this guitar worth it?


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