Saturday, March 15, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Fender Champion BEST Settings

The BEST clean settings on the FENDER CHAMPION 20 in my opinion, great bedroom tone!!!

Great affordable practice amp with really good built in effects.

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Tube screamer———-
JamMan Stereo ——–

#Fender #Champion #Settings

Originally posted by UCWv2v81UVt2rdlQeaY8GEQg at

34 thoughts on “Fender Champion BEST Settings

  • Bub, 100 watts of anything is going to be loud, but so much is the more obvious effect of a 100 watt amp and even the more so from Fender. One-hundred watts, even that all the more so because of the decades of trial and error in the question of whether or not what works how, best where and/or when, like the old programmers delay in using what, where, if

  • If i set it like that it sounds nothing like yours. I think my guitar or amp are broken.

  • Hello Eugenio! I'm from India. Please spare me two mins.
    I bought the fender champion amp yesterday. At low vol and low gain there is always a noise coming in. When I touch the guitar strings the noise is gone. Is this natural or there might be some defect in the guitar or the amp? The power cord of the amp consists of 2 pin. I think that the problem might be due to the lack of earthing point in the power cord. If I replace it with a 3 pin cable, will it solve the issue? Hope you help me solve this:)

  • Hola Eugenio, soy nuevo en esto, tengo este amplificador, pero compre pedales analógicos, casi los mismos efectos que ya trae el amplificador, veo que conectaste un tube screamer, mi pregunta es: puedo conectar mi cadena de pedales ( son 5: compresor, overdrive, chorus, distorsion, y delay) ??
    Debo dejar solo el volumen y el gain para que se escuchen los efectos de los pedales?? Gracias!!!

  • Hola Eugenio, ese tono es genial… tengo un champion 100 y una mim con unos saymour Duncan ssl1 California.. mi problema es q suena muy oscuro todo de por si, y si uso ese setting más aún, tienes alguna idea?

  • If I don't pick any amplifier the sound is amplified or the guitar is just connected right to the speaker?

  • Thanks man works for me. And I was wondering if you have a tab for the chord progression loop you played on. I really like that

  • got myself a champ 40 a couple of years ago, really great amp with a couple of different distortions and effects. but in case you are wondering "can I use this to play with my band?" the answer is: if your drummer is loud… well… you can mic it or get another amp, also: champion 40 at max volume kinda sucks, still, you dont need max vol to play at home

  • Hola Eugenio me acabao de comprar el champion 20! solo que me gustaria saber si no tiene footswitch como es que le metiste el jamman Stereo? y te queria preguntar quee tu sabes mucho que micro me funciona parra amplificar el sonido de este amp a una consola viejita que tengo y tiene xlr o aux y tambien usar ese mismo microfono para grabar y pasar el sonido a la compu y hacer mis canciones. Si es que hay un microfono barato que cubra eso y tambien la voz estaria de pelos!! o ya la voz por separado gracias

  • I just bought one of these amps. and love it. Your review and some others helped me decide that this amp was worth buying. Thanks!

  • Please dont take this as being a smart ass I am genuinely curious……Why use pedals with a modeling amp with all the effects built in??? I thought the point of buying a amp like this was to have all the different effects without 15 pedals on the floor. Please excuse my ignorance of the subject. All ive ever had is a 65 Twin Reverb and plugged straight in. Never had a pedal before. I been thinking about getting into some more old time rock and roll stuff and you obviously cant drive a twin without exploding the house LOL. So I been thinking about buying one of these to play around with some overdrive sounds. So I see you still using a tube screamer with a amp that has overdrive settings already on it so I had to ask. I guess I could try a tube screamer on my Twin for same price but I dont think even the Tube Screamer will make the Twin drive much…..I can barely get volume past 3 without exploding windows LOL. Honest question though…no disrespect intended. Beautiful playing!!!

  • I have a question about the delay and reverb setting on the amp. Will the delay sound a delay pedal would where it replays your note? I'm debating if I need to get the delay pedal or not.


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