Saturday, February 22, 2025

40 thoughts on “Fender Mustang GTX50 Review ???? NOT Spark 40 ????

  • I've had both fender GTX50 and 100 there is no difference between them even volume only thing is the 100 comes with foot switch they are the best modelling amps I've ever played

  • Thank you for posting this. I’m getting back into playing after 30 years and have dug out my Strat and Ultra Chorus. I wanted to purchase a modeling amp with all the neat features and started with the Spark40. It didn’t work right out of the box. I went to the help forum, but that has been offline due to “maintenance” for days. ???? Luckily for me, many people have the same issue and identified it as a bad input jack.

    I then noticed all the online reviews about poor build quality. Many users have problems with the unit after 1-2 years due to failed components or blown speakers. By that time the unit is out of warranty and Positive Grid’s customer support is nonexistent. Makes sense since they took their money and ran. Looks like they put all their effort into the smartphone app.

    Looks like the GTX50 is right for me. It’s too much power, since I don’t gig. But I’m most interested in playing the blues so modeled Fender amps are what I need. Thanks again for the non biased review.

  • I have only ever even seen an amp with binoculars that wouldnt focus i live middle of thforest cant test amps. I keep hearing about celestion 12's.
    I know from radios i hate mono.
    My question…
    Should I get a fender 40 in stereo 2 speakers or will 1 bigger higher quality celestion 12 fill my little cabin better then stereo?
    I just feel like stereo will hit my soul better. No?
    I just want a better feel.
    What do YOU all think???

  • GUITAR AMPS* (finally &accurately)  EXPLAINED
     (See vid link below)
    Perfect. Hugely useful video.
        As I am wndring is 1×12" celestion no stereo superiour to 2 6" that (has) stereo.
      What d'you think??
         ThMarshall seemed totally inappropriate not being stereo which was perfect in illustrating verifying a stereos MASSIVE leverage. Was extrodinarily helpful vid. 
       People need 2stop buying flat mono amps I was th1 began preaching stereo 35 years ago. (U cant even make this stuff up. Mono amps mercillesly worshipped entire past century? Really?) 
         I want true (TRUE) stereo not psuedo marketing snake stereo.
         I want (MUST also have) also SURROUND SOUND technology.
         Didnt think i would make out thstereo thru a you tube vid but especially in a couple modes i… definitely… could… oh yea that Fender stereo vs thflat sounding 1speaker Marshall.  
        I think Grid 40 too muddy lower notes? How d'u spell duh. As if company dont know that.
          In contrast Fender boys seem especially crisp in studio quality sensitivity amps. 
       2many amps dont pickup th absolutely massive detail embellishments i pack in2 only 1note. I mean they downright ERASE THEM. 
       (Neither does my potatoe mic. but see my attempt play Buckethead vid Y.T.)
        "As th amplifier king of kings…"
          ..i can define definition of a benchmark epicentre amp in 1 word. "Studio speakers." U want that in an amp. Fender, i think seems 2grasp this "concept" more then other (idi*ts) I been hearing. 
       Seems obvious there4:
        Grid 40 amp personnel? ..deliberately downloaded 2much unanimously acknowledged thumbs down muddiness 2cripple buyers delibetately as a means 2 materialize a demon they could later delete, quench& or "upgrade."
       Plus their so called apps smtimes more ads 4paid upgrades then apps that actually wrk. 
       Stop buying from companies that divide ideal in 12 slices of pie each1 lacking so as 2keep customers hungry in2 buying yet another slice of "ideal" = factory stocked with 12 comprimised models 2increase stock& profits. 
        These are egineer "appetizers" advertise with marketing sugar highs that once u buy in2 them, product only function 2increase hunger. 
    Lol there should be 3sizes amps only period worldwide engineered 2 th overwhelmingly obvious (by now, after 100 &*$#ing years?)
        …ideals. (Re read the above "definition of an amp.")
        Note an amp needs2 speakers that… seperate. Get it?
         ITS A STEREO.
         Speakers either side u head. Period. Everytime. 
     Positive Grid butted 2speakers 3mm apart in their Spark Mini. I think I know deliberate snake engineering when I see it lolmost. 
       Note an amp needs a feature wherein u can upload/record/save any sound or song BOTH via a mic., and via a wire/bluetooth so u can play along it. 
       "What a concept."
           (4Practice &so as u can play along with it while simultaneously uploading a video 2You Tube? Hello??)
       Oh noooo… but these devils need u 2buy an entire army equipment b4 u are able do that.
       Snake engineers, they always about seeing how many Polacks they can trick in2 screwing in 1lightbulb more Polacks they can horde in there pattented fence they built th more paychecks filtering in 2amass max customers max cashflow. 
      95% on earth are not humans. Lol they Satans tares. Tare race ALWAYS build fences. 
        Did u know? Th(good) indians were Yahwehs people? Yep thats why Satan annihilated them.
          They had NO FENCES. 
           They had endless too much buffaloe meat swarming just past they nose like army annoying giant mosquitos. 
     Did u know?
         In heaven there is no money. They BUILD a house 4 thpoor.
         Demons think they so smart in bulding, selling with copyright fences. Lol all they (get) is hell on earth. U recieved free give free. 
      Quit snaking your customers 4cash u not foolnhg any1. Every person u snaked quietly said a prayer 2God cursing your snake oil company. 
       Yea digital is a lying sack o sht a&&h*ole. No its THAT bad. U can lie all OVER thmap with it endlessly. And 2day, engineer snakes can &u BET they do, download demons in2 so called "upgrades."
        Fun fact. 95% humans digital. They are Satans biblical TARES. They are NOT humans they are, Yahweh gave me those stats& calls them Plasticines. (All demons are digital. Threason they spirits is cuz they fade in or out of our reality. Satan puts them in human bodies, but, they DONT know they are demons as he erases re scrypts their entire memory.)
       95% You Tube creators arent humans. 
        Chipping people is how Satan rules his kingdom. He can do ANYTHING once he does that.
         101 Level 8:
      Understand lucifer can download EVERY….
     ….Malmstein spent a life learning in a few seconds & you WILL PLAY IT. Read this:
     Yea digital is a lying sack o sht a&&h*ole. No its THAT bad. U can lie all OVER thmap with it endlessly. And 2day, engineer snakes can &u BET they do, download demons in2 so called "upgrades."
        Fun fact. 95% humans digital. They are Satans biblical TARES. They are NOT humans they are, Yahweh gave me those stats& calls them Plasticines. (All demons are digital. Threason they spirits is cuz they fade in or out of our reality. Satan puts them in human bodies, but, they DONT know they are demons as he erases re scrypts their entire memory.)
       95% You Tube creators arent humans. 
        Chipping people is how Satan rules his kingdom. He can do ANYTHING once he does that.
    Greatest musician history manking and creation currently lives in Wister Ok walks this earth.
         He doesnt play any instruments cuz he had some jobs 2do putting Satan in jail for Yahweh. But, i did purchase a guitar again recently just cuz I know it disturbs Satan. Satan was Jesus elder of 2million years back when our solar system was heaven.
       I played as beginner guitarist 21 year old 80's. Discovered i am best. 
     Lol most ALL songs u hear are Satans. Lol Pink Floyd didnt write welcome my son. That song was about me by thway.
        Most songs u hear, written back in ancient heaven. 
        My method of playing, my approach as beginner UTTERLY dffrnt, superiour 2any1 else. They all possess a virus i lack. 
         Bcuz both earth heaven are old school Lucifer school. He has a virus. 
      Yahweh creating  a new heavens &new earth.
        Lucifers witches breaks my fingers, equipment, uses memory alternators, &destroyed ALL my cappilary system &then gave me FIFTEEN strokes. So no playing is next 2impossible now 4me. 
        They also did fun stuff like give me a massive 50lb 10 year chest cancer grew up my collar bone, strangled my neck, smashed my heart, gave me 15 strokes 2 thbrain, and broke 5 ribs causimg me vomit 60 times a day.

  • I have a Spark amp. I agree with all of your comments on that and would also add the the amp EQ is heavy on bass, no top end. The jam track is worthless as well, no looper, no footswitch, it goes on and on. Today, I got a text from Fender and the GTX50 is selling on fender's site for only $299. I picked up the GTX-7 footswitch for only $69, so even with some tax, I got both for $385 which I feel is a good price. Looking forward to it! Your review really helped me decide.

  • I'm waiting for mine which should arrive in a couple of days, since the time you have your amp would you say it's worth changing the speaker to something more high-end?

    Or do you think that on the contrary it might not be better or even worse?

  • Some samples to see how good the different tones were would have been nice. Your review could have been done with just text.

  • yes the spark has a good idea, but practical usage at a venue of any type, is not good…the worst thing in my opinion is the low volumne.

  • great video. i'm about to start playing live shows, pubs, parties, clubs for like 40 to 70 people (i hope more than that) gtx50 is enough? or should i go for the gtx100? thx

  • I have a slightly different situation. I play bass, recently got a guitar, so I started with a Rumble Studio 40. It is similar to Mustang GT 50 with modelling function but for bass. I now create presets for guitar that keep the mid, cut the low and high with envelops, EQ and compressor. It is a quick solution, but work well as a quick substitute, before I pull the trigger to order a GTX 50 or LT50.

  • Thank you so much for starting out talking about the Spark, because I thought the same things, was basically ready to buy it, but I’ve only been playing guitar 23 months, already have a practice level amp that I’m happy with—it’s just an amp, not a modeling amp with bluetooth and all that—and as a musician my whole life, originally a sax player, I was thinking I needed a gig worthy amp. The Spark just seemed less and less like it was something an actual musician would use in any kind of gig situation, and you confirmed my suspicions.

  • hi, if you can't change the volume of what your're streaming with the dial of the phone you can still adjust the volume on youtube itself under the video you're streaming at least if the streaming music is too loud.

  • My experience exactly. I started with the Spark and didn’t realize how limited it was until i purchased the GTX. Wow, huge difference for $120. Definitely worth. Thanks for an honest, factual review!

  • I disagree with almost everything here. We have someone who bought a spark never reviews it just talks crap about it. Then proceeds to heap praise on the fender 50 which first of all is a great amp but way too loud for most average players to find useful. We get 4 strums of the guitar in this review 2 at the start of the vid and 2 at the end. And it sounds horrible, not the amps fault. I have several amps and the spark is my first practice amp and it absolutely delivers. Listen to this garbage if you want but you may be disappointed. And to to guy in this video I hope you learn another chord one day.
    If this is a satire comedy video i apologise.

  • Nice! Is this amp easy to control at low volumes? Want to buy one but I live in an apartment and I’m afraid it’ll disturb my neighbors too much.

  • The spark is good for high gain sounds that don't sound that fizzy. It's not good for clean tones, and it's always a bit distorted.

  • Is it possibile use it in apartment with low volume?. Does it loose sound quality? The playback sound quality via usb, bloothoot or audio connection is good? Thanks

  • What led you to choose the 50 over the 100? 100 gives a person the foot pedal and more headroom?

  • Spark 40 is trash. All those youtube reviews were most likely sponsored by Positive Grid. I waited a while for my amp… I shouldve purchased a GTX50 instead. What a waste.


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