Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Fender Mustang LT50 Amplifier Review – is the Fender LT50 Worth it?

This is my review of the Fender Mustang LT50 practice amplifier. The Fender Mustang LT50 is a 50-watt amplifier with many effects built-in and comes loaded with a 12″ speaker. The Fender Mustang LT50 is a 50-watt digital modeling amplifier designed to re-create great tones from many different amps. This amplifier is a great beginner or practice amplifier for someone looking for a versatile option.

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Video Chapters
00:00 – About the Fender Mustang LT50 & Disclaimer (Loaner)
00:36 – Jam Track (amp mic’d up)
02:05 – Fender Mustang LT50 Amplifier Overview
03:29 – Clean Preset 1 – Fender Clean
04:05 – Clean Preset 15 – Clean Delay (80’s-style)
04:28 – Clean Preset 6 – Country Pickin
04:55 – Crunch Preset 7 – Skate Punk
05:19 – Crunch Preset 4 – Classic Rock
05:50 – Crunch Preset 26 – Super-Rock
06:17 – High Gain Preset 11 – Metal Lead
07:15 – Heavy Thrash Overkill
08:11 – Blues – Chicago Blues
09:10 – Blues – Little Champ (Champion Amp Cranked)
09:42 – Blues – Blues Rock – Mythic Crunch
10:28 – Fender Mustang LT50 Pros & Cons Review

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#Fender #Mustang #LT50 #Amplifier #Review #Fender #LT50 #Worth

Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at

47 thoughts on “Fender Mustang LT50 Amplifier Review – is the Fender LT50 Worth it?

  • Got a question I so far can't find an answer to.

    Does the master volume get stored in the preset or is it a global (stand alone?) setting for the amps power (attentuator kinda)?
    Tried a Boss Dual Cube and even ran through line outs on this amp it effects the power amp (speakers of the amp) not the line out level.


  • Everything on the LT25 and 50 can be edited right on the amp, so you don't need to connect to your PC to adjust anything. If you want to try out all of the 99 factory presets then you need to connect it. They also do awesome sounding direct recording to your DAW using the USB out.

  • does the mgx4 footswitch work for this amp or not? O already have this amp, although i need a footswitch…

  • I JUST pulled the trigger on this one after being torn between the smaller 25watt and this one. I figured this speaker size would offer more of a dynamic range of tones and of course will be a little bit louder.

  • how would you rate it against the Fender gtx50 is the lt50 worth buying or go with the GTX, i've been taking a break for a couple of years due to health issues so its time to get back into it, so I'm tossing up between the lt50, gtx50, and the boss katana 50 I'm after a good all round, guitar I'm buy the artist AP59 to get me started

  • After watching your review. I went out and bought one. One killer amp. The two other guitarist in the band have to buying and selling off their amps, and can’t come close to filling a room like this little guy. I prefer it over my 1,000 watt amp !!

  • Would you recommend this amp to use with a multifx pedal for band (small size garage type band) practice. Any others? I think 50W is necessary. Thanks.

  • I just got an fender LT50 and the tuner does not work. It’s turns on and I pick and pick and pick and nothing happens

  • I’ve been using this for like 6 years or so now pretty much my entire guitar player career or whatever you wanna call it and for 150 bucks this thing kick ass seriously. That thrash overkill preset has got to be one of the best I’ve legit gotten compliments about my tone over the internet recorded on my phone ????. It’s a great amp for real for 170 or so bucks you get more versatility then you could ever hope to get for such a price tag. A no brainer purchase for any beginner guitarist I’d say. Definitely getting to the point where I’m ready to move on. Looking at a vox ac30 next.

  • you think the fender gtx100 is way better than this lt50? i am debating between the two since i found some good deals on craigslist

  • So does this line not have any options to use a looper behind the affects? No send AND return ports?

  • i bought this as a practice amp, i never use presets on anything digital they are always shite, i build my patches from the ground up and i was amazed at what this thing sounds like for the money if you spend some time with it, it put my old roland cube 60 to shame and thats high praise

  • How do you think this amp might do with lower frequencies? I'm wondering if it would be a good pairing with a Bass VI (not too excited about the modeling options in the Rumble LTs).

  • I would rate the Fender Mustang LT50 a solid 8/10. The amp is rated at 50 watts, and with a 12-inch speaker it delivers a decent and fairly loud sound. Although it lacks Bluetooth connectivity, it does have a versatile range of built-in tones that can easily be customized. The amp's clean tones are crisp and bright, while its heavy tones have a good amount of gain. The built-in tuner is also a nice touch.

    Overall, the Fender Mustang LT50 is a great option for those looking for a lightweight and versatile combo amp. Its presets are mostly of high quality and can be easily manipulated, and its 50-watt power is more than enough for practice sessions, small gigs, and rehearsals. The lack of dedicated reverb control and the use of a micro-USB port instead of a USB-C port are minor issues, but overall, the Fender Mustang LT50 is a solid choice for those looking for a versatile and fun practice amp.

  • yeah dedicated Reverb, Delay and Octave would have been a complete bless for me tormented Doom Metaller soul…

  • I use mine every week to gig with. Since half the band is using in-ears this works great with the line out into the board. The tones are great, the amp is plenty loud to gig with and sounds great. I wouldn't call it a practice amp at all, this amp is gig worthy and light enough for an old guy like me to not break my back carrying my old Twin Reverb or my 85# Peavey combo amp. And I don't need a pedal board anymore I have all my edited presets lined up. I'd recommend this amp for those who want to keep the stage volume down and want something easy on their back.

  • I own the LT-25 and plan to sell it and upgrade to the 50. Shane didn't get into the Fender Tone software, to me that is one of the best features of this amp. Only the 25 and 50 use the software. It gives a graphic representation (on your computer screen) of each preset and lets you change each variable, knob and switch with your mouse, much easier to mod the presets. But Shane did a nice demo of some of the presets, he made them sound fantastic! For $250US I think it's a great amp!

  • I do like the look of the Mustang amps. But I’m invested in my Line 6 pedals so I’m still debating what amp to get for practice.

  • I had that combo at home and it sounded like pure mud and a terribly flat sound. Honestly, the sound like in these videos cannot be achieved from over-the-counter combos. Either there they give a higher quality fender version other than what they sell in stores. Solution: I immediately returned it to the store within 14 days.

  • hi, thanks Shane,… so how does it compare to your old gold standard for modeling amps? the mustangs 3 o 4 v3?

  • Hey mate, thanks for the video. As I commented in that 9 year old video you never know when these resources are going to be useful, maybe in 10 years someone is considering this amp and this will still be useful to them. Mad innit?


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