Saturday, March 1, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Fender Princeton Reverb: One Year Review!

#fenderprinceton #fenderamps #guitar #guitaramp
Check out the Fender Princeton Reverb on Sweetwater! (Affiliate)
Welcome to this One Year review of the Fender 65 Reissue Princeton Reverb! Join me for some tones and a discussion on how I like this amp after using it since I got it a year ago. Featuring the Wampler Belle, Wampler Reflection and Weber 10F150t.

This was not a sponsored video.

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Disclaimer: I do basic audio editing on my videos to account for the microphones, preamp and room. This editing, mostly light EQ and compression, is intended to give you the most accurate representation of how the featured gear actually sounds. NO editing is done to misrepresent how the featured gear sounds in any way.

I also use gear in my videos that I originally received through review deals with the companies. Anything other than whats stated as a sponsored feature is used entirely of my own volition, and no additional sponsorship is involved.

#Fender #Princeton #Reverb #Year #Review

Originally posted by UCEQ_Z17PBn1zm9oEXORwg1g at

38 thoughts on “Fender Princeton Reverb: One Year Review!

  • You’re gonna shoot me down in flames here, but I’ve owned a twin reverb(weighed 16 tonnes) and a few other nice valve amps, I’ve now got a fender mustang 3 V2, and the Princeton setting is honestly way way good enough for me recording or gigging, it’s 100W so EASILY loud enough….
    Also, the Princeton setting is the best on the amp and I honestly never use the other presets

  • If I bought one of these for home, I wouldn’t be able to turn it up past about 3, would it still sound sweet at that volume?

  • I have a Super Sonic 22 combo, I'm thinking of replacing it with a Princeton. I only use the clean channel of the amp, with different pedals (Morning glory, Amp11 and delay and reverb). Does the Princeton sound better clean? I only use it in a room, so lower power would be an advantage, but I've never had a 10 inch speaker. Do you recommend a replacement?

  • Thanks for the great video. I've been hunting around for Princeton because I've got an original 1965 said I don't want to take out therefore I'm looking at a reissue

  • Up to recently, I was a Deluxe Reverb guy (still is my gigging and jamming amp), but it’s way too loud for home use, if you want it to come alive, even on the second channel. Bought a 65 Princeton Reverb, it became my all-time favourite amp instantly. If I had to keep only one amp, it would be the 65 Princeton Reverb. You’re absolutely right, Jack : there is something about a 10 inches speaker sounding better in a Fender Blackface circuit!

  • I’ve owned lots of amps, and a couple vintage princetons. My original ‘66 blackface princeton reverb is by far my favorite amp ever!

  • I have a Sweetwater Fender Tweed Princeton with a Cannabis Rex 12" speaker. I love it – spring reverb is beautiful. I noticed you plug into the #2 jack. Why is that? Most use the #1, I think

  • I remember that you were more excited of talking about the blues deluxe than this princeton. ????????

  • I know it sounds obvious but one thing that always massively helps a Princeton is an amp stand. Makes it sound way less boxy because of the projection angle. I recommend this before any mods/speaker changes because it sounds glorious right out of the box

  • I would love to spend a Full evening just playing arround at your Home Studio!! I am really jealous..

  • Love the sound Jack and your demonstration again!..thanks! Gotta go back and listen to your review of the fender Custom Vibrolux reverb amp with a fender strat! What a combo that is and the sound is amazing!

  • I bought the 64 HW custom. A real pedal fiesta. Boss bd2, boss cs3, mxr comp, mxr chorus, boss ge7, beringher od800, boss dd3, TC Hof2….all shine through this amp.

  • HEYY JACK!! how does the new Tonemaster princeton compare with this awesome amp?? i never like the TM series…just wanted to hear your thoughts…thanks

  • my man, i have one question.. I play on a fender hot rod 1×12. I like it, no issues with only that it's too loud. I always mic it. Not once have I played a gig with it where idon't mike it. I hate that I can't crank it to where i hear the tubes scream as I always use it a stage monitor. If I buy one of these Princeton, will be loud enough to use it a stage monitor and will I be able to crank it enough to hear the tubes scream?

  • Love that tele. I just ordered my Princeton from Sweetwater yesterday. Looking forward to its arrival

  • I have a FSR SweetWater Fender Tweed 65 Princeton with a Cannabis Rex 12" speaker. I wanted a 65 Princeton Reverb forever and this came ups as a demo sale on Sweetwater for under a grand so i went for it! Best amp and worth all the money. Though my main amp is a Fender SuperSonic 22, I love the way the Princeton sounds and how it feels when playing my guitars into it. Even my Gibson LesPaul sounds sweet going through the 65 Princeton.

  • is it worth the money to upgrade to a princeton from a superchamp x2? for clean sounds


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