Fender Rumble Studio 40 Bass Amp
A quick run through of the Fender Rumble Studio 40 Bass Amp. Ideal for practice or small gigs this amp offers the latest in technology including bluetooth and an app without compromising on a great traditional Fender tone.
#Fender #Rumble #Studio #Bass #Amp
Originally posted by UCluzlfFgNtZdxwMaQ7LFpnQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d_9fKJDhUQ
Fantastic quick demo. But was blown away by the old Promars you got in the background – lots of fun gigging with that – until it was stolen over 20 years ago – plugins arn't quite the same – even the roland ones tho the Roland system 8 gives that hands on again it's nice to see them still around every now & again.
Thanks for demo, has made up my mind to get one – especially with the studio grade I/O & USB. Saves me a lot of work M&S miking up cabs when this little beauty can emulate a whole host of cabs & heads without taking processing power from my DAW. Nice to get back to hands on sound carving.
I'm very unimpressed by the downloaded tones. I wanted to get this, first review I've watched, so hopefully this was just a really bad demonstration of the amp. Cheers????
The amp has nice tone and clean effects, the Studio Rumble 40 and Rumble 100 are both nice bass amps, I'm glad I own them.
So this is just the DI that's been recorded, right? You can see at 0:32 that you've recorded from the PRE line out. Which is quite funny for an amp showcase ???? I thought the differences were VERY subtle until I heard the "Funk Envelope" and the penny dropped.
Is this wi fi or bluetooth?