Wednesday, March 5, 2025

6 thoughts on “Fender Rumble Studio 40 Bass Amp

  • Fantastic quick demo. But was blown away by the old Promars you got in the background – lots of fun gigging with that – until it was stolen over 20 years ago – plugins arn't quite the same – even the roland ones tho the Roland system 8 gives that hands on again it's nice to see them still around every now & again.

    Thanks for demo, has made up my mind to get one – especially with the studio grade I/O & USB. Saves me a lot of work M&S miking up cabs when this little beauty can emulate a whole host of cabs & heads without taking processing power from my DAW. Nice to get back to hands on sound carving.

  • I'm very unimpressed by the downloaded tones. I wanted to get this, first review I've watched, so hopefully this was just a really bad demonstration of the amp. Cheers????

  • The amp has nice tone and clean effects, the Studio Rumble 40 and Rumble 100 are both nice bass amps, I'm glad I own them.

  • So this is just the DI that's been recorded, right? You can see at 0:32 that you've recorded from the PRE line out. Which is quite funny for an amp showcase ???? I thought the differences were VERY subtle until I heard the "Funk Envelope" and the penny dropped.


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