Fender Telecaster: The Guitar That Changed Music
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Fender Telecaster: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/EEZo5Q
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Joe Strummer Tele Pickup Set: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/RG6xGa
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#Fender #Telecaster #Guitar #Changed #Music
Originally posted by UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boP1APSuGEM
What is your favourite guitar? Read more about the Telecaster here: https://producelikeapro.com/blog/fender-telecaster-the-guitar-that-changed-music/
Other influential players are Wilco Johnson,Mick Green,Hugh Cornwell, Lynval Golding and Daniel Ash.I tried out many different models of guitars,I have a Stratocaster too,but when I jam at home, after a while I put it back and return to my Telecaster.I love the Strat but the Tele has this special vibe.
Beck's '59 Tele came before the Esquire. He needed a guitar when hejoined the yardbird and bought the Tele from his friend John Owen of the Tridents.
man! what a great story of Jeff Beck at the end!! I suppose I'll mention my favourite Tele player though – Terry Kath – one of my top 5 guitarists and my top Tele player. Was hoping to see an honourable mention for him, but I get it – there are so many!!
I am a Gibson guy through-and-through I own a Les Paul and an Explorer bought mid 90s. About 5 years ago I bought a telecaster just to have other options for recording. I haven't put it down I play it all the time it's my number one.
Cracking vid, as ever Warren!
Rory also played a Telecaster that my mentor Master Luthier Chris Eccleshall built him. It survived a baggage handler incident at an airport whilst his other Guitars didn't fare so well. It fetched a fair price recently at auction.
I'm yet to play one, but I've been looking because of the reputation for reliability and sound clarity that makes it a great recording guitar. But I'll need a custom because I'm way too used to 24 frets, I'm a product of the 90's space guitar era ????
Also appreciate maybe a throwaway comment from you about Sennheiser HD25's being used in studios. Bought myself a pair of the light editions for general use and they are super, thanks so much!
Great video thanks
I got a '75 tele last xmas cheap cause it was beat up and sounded like ice picks being stabbed in your ears. It cleaned up real nice though and has become a favorite. Very comfortable thing.
Completely inaccurate. The solid body guitar that changed music forever was conceived by Merle Travis and constructed by Bill Bigsby. Fender and Gibson only copied the idea and deserve no such credit. Do better research and stick to the facts.
I really love Les Pauls and V's, I know telecasters may sound great, but I really dislike the shape! Kotzen is great, Albert Lee too, perhaps I'll try a tele someday.
Muddy Waters!
I’ve owned well over 100 guitars through the years. The Telecaster will always be my number one! ????????
John 5 is one of the best Tele players out there
Nice video. But how could you not mention Graham Coxon after having him on your channel? ???? He did a lot re-popularizing the Tele at the end of the century… ????
Love the history here!
I've always been a Tele guy. No matter how many other guitars I own, I always reach for my Custom Tele first. (Fender AVRI '62) Nice video, thanks!! (That Jeff Beck story rules!! lol) Btw, Jimmy Page used a bender Tele quite a lot on recordings. (besides the one Jeff gave to him)
Can't play the guitar, but I want one now!!
Great video, ta! If you’re tempted to do a follow up video please consider some of your favourite amp pairings with Telecaster.
I’ve had lovely results with Telecaster into a vintage Marshall but I’m currently using a Vox ac30.
Both amps yield such great results that I rarely need pedals but perhaps you’d like to share which pedals would enhance the sound even more.
Also, since you produce, perhaps you could share some tips on how best to record (and mix!) a Telecaster.
Lastly… I understand Joe Strummer is not recognised as an iconic guitarist but he definitely put his Tele to good use. Love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you… and I don’t think you said “marvelous” once. What’s going on?! ????
Jeff Buckley had such a sweet tele tone too
Another honorable mention, Ted Greene also played a Tele.
Music history captured by the Produce Like a Pro Team worthy of placement in a permanent history of music archive. Such a wonderful coverage of the Telecaster. I hope the team plans to continue this series.
I hate to be that guy, but no Muddy Waters! No Syd Barrett!
Thank you for this!
Early Robbie Robertson with Dylan and The Band was another Tele master.
One of Prince's roadies caught the guitar but its a great optical illusion
Nothing cooler than Keith Richards with a Tele ????
FYI I am not biased ????
Ouch Warren! Grammar! 1m52, "Less than 50 were made" ???. "Fewer" than 50 were made ????. Otherwise, very good, informative and well presented video.
Nice video and I love my Tele, but where are the jazzers? Sco played one for a bit, but the really committed Tele giants, like Ted Greene, Ed Bickert, or Julian Lage, who’s huge now in jazz, all deserve a mention because they use it in a totally different way than twang
Good one! Really enjoyed this. ????
thanks for once again goin deep on a subject that to "the masses" seems to be a non-issue! ???????? and doing a great job on it to boot!
I got to hear Albert Collins play several times at Antone's in Austin, one of the best guitarists I've ever heard.
The first good guitar I ever had was a Strat. I'd always wanted one, all my favorite players played them, they just screamed rock and roll to me. Strats were all I played for the next dozen years and because I was so accustomed to them, it took quite a while for Telecasters to click with me. Teles don't make anything easy on you. But now I absolutely love them. While you can't play absolutely everything on them, they are probably the most versatile guitar out there. Leo Fender designed them to be a reliable instrument for working musicians. They are absolute workhorses in that regard.
Elliott Easton said the Tele was his favorite guitar because he sounded most like himself on a Tele. It's true. There's nothing to hide behind with a Tele, you get out of it what you put in. A Strat kind of likes it when you get crazy and freaky with it and it'll get crazy and freaky back, a Les Paul gets pouty and resentful if you try to pull any crap with it, a Tele just ignores you and does what it does. A Strat is still my favorite guitar because I like those crazy ones that spell trouble, but a Tele keeps me on the straight and narrow. I can't lie to my Teles and they will never lie to me.
Jimmy Bryant!
He could match almost any other picker note for note, while also dealing with a nasty case of post-WWII PTSD & alcoholism, always just playing whichever Tele that Leo gave him when he lost the last one. That guy was abrasive but his talent was monumental
What I heard was Gretsch didn't threaten Fender and more sent him a letter saying people might find it confusing if he didn't change the name,
Morello drop D stuff as well