Wednesday, March 12, 2025

36 thoughts on “Fender Tone Master Twin – The Only Amp You Need OR Time For Version 2???

  • I would get rid of the Tremelo, change the spring to a hall or plate reverb with a delay knob. An EFX in/out would be nice. BTW- I play steel guitar.

  • I use this twin for 3 years and set the power at 5 with the back switch at 50% of the amp and use a volume pedal that is a great set up for playing always for my self at home …. But , yes …. Not all pedal are good to add gain … I use the sweet cream pedal for blues that is great but for more rock on the boss overdrive is good but not as good as I expect … scuse my English lolll I am a French quebeker lolll’ thank’s for your great review of this amp ????????????

  • Your wish list is good however that all adds more money to the cost of these Tonemasters and at the moment they already are quite expensive. For most of us who wouldnt want say midi that extra cost is not warranted. For me its great the way it is. (I play pub rock / country rock in a 4 piece band)

  • Twins arent for metal?…Ask Ted Nugent or Steve "Lipps Kudlow from Anvil- Plus who needs or wants the Bright switch..Clipping the bright cap is the most done mod on fender amps..Its still clean and sparkly with it clipped or turned off.

  • Gotta say, I am so happy with my Tone Master Twin. I agree with many of Aaron's points here. I started out life loving overdrive and fuzz, etc. Now, 50 years later, I'm so much more in love with clean tone. Especially this here with the Tone Master. I'm just a bedroom old guy working on his own material, but man I am in love like never before with the tones I am finding (also having super fun with my limited pedal collection).

  • I own this as well as 2 old Twin Reverbs. My thoughts, leave it alone. We don't need more features on a clean Fender amp. If you want to play pedals and midi there is enough crap available to suit that market. Stop reinventing the wheel. Fender Twins have been the staple on stages and backline amps for years. Get over the digital gadgets and embrace the brilliance of simplicity.

  • Why don't you do what i do and use a channel switcher pedal to have your cleans going into the vibrato channel with bright switch on, and all your drive pedals going to the normal channel with bright switch off…

  • I've been playing the Twin for several years now. One of the points that I think you missed is that, using the power attenuator, you can get all those beautiful tones with out deafening everybody in the room. I'm playing in our church's praise team, using the DO, with the attenuator set at 12 watts, the sound is amazing.

  • I don't know; you're giving it great reviews for being what it says it is (but with some incredibly useful added features) but dissing it for not being what it doesn't claim to be. I think the Tone master Pro device meets your wants, but the amps are meant to be stand-alone products, ya know?

  • Not too simple at all. It’s a Twin Reverb, it does everything a Tube Twin does and more.
    I always wanted to play shows with a Twin, but knew I was not willing to drag an 80 pound tube amp around.
    The Tone Master Twin Reverb was the answer to my dream.

  • I saw a guy walk in with a twin reverb, plugged his guitar into a boss blues driver as an opening act and kicked ass with fantastic tone. One guy can blow people away with the bare minimum and another guy can flounder in mediocrity obsessing about midi and 10 other tone chasing gadgets. People should worry less about gear and more about being something on the guitar

  • I bought the deluxe nice amp but not good in a band setting we have a 3 pc country group and my amp gets lost in the sound not even close to my twin and the louder I bring the volume up I lose bass and treble is all I hear

  • I see a lot of people using the attenuator while demonstrating the DI and I don’t understand why. Maybe you could clear this up for me. The attenuator is so that you can crank the amp gain while keeping the volume reasonable coming out of the speakers. But if you are using the DI out instead of the speakers, isn’t the DI volume control on the back of the amp doing the same thing in the DI to recording device signal path that the attenuator does in the amp to speakers signal path? Why use the attenuator when going direct out? Is it just that people are not muting the speakers when they demonstrate the DI, so they need to also attenuate those as well for their own hearing in the room?

  • Hi, an excellent demonstration of the Amp., it was clear and with a speech without resorting to very technical aspects it was understandable. Thks.

  • I have a tube twin but don't use it much. I take a Tech21 Blonde deluxe to gigs and run it straight into the mixer. Much easier.

  • another here been running a "real" twin for few decades and i love it…but… yeah the weight is a killer. normally only pedals are a MXR distortion+ and a boss chorus. that covers most things. also been using a mustang GTX100 this year, like it (its light) has a bit of punch. ive been looking at these tonemasters tho havent had a chance to try one yet. pretty sure ill get one just so i have two amps at a gig (one spare) and not have to lug the real thing. my back will thank me. (maybe the creme cabinet with the celestions version)

  • I’d love to have a floor switch to change which pickups on my guitar, rather than the switch on the instrument itself

  • I bought one of these directly from Fender several months ago. I've been playing tube Fender Twins since the 60's, and they all sound slightly different than each other. I learned to live with that. After playing the snot out of my Twin Tone Master, the speakers have finally broken in and this amp meets EVERY expectation I had . This amp is now my main go-to gigging amp. We play squeaky clean traditional country and this amp delivers in Aces. Clean, punchy, purdy and in your face loud.

  • It's supposed to be a replica. Adding anything would definitely require a name change. I just got the Tone Master Pro I'm connected to a Mackie mixer with KRK 5" V4 and the 8-inch sub sounds great. BTW I have the Line 6 Catalyst 200 you can add the hum lol. Maybe I will experiment with the HX Stomp on Tone Master Pro's 4 effects loops 2 are for stereo in.

  • Sounds great. I have a Tone Master Twin Reverb and have tired running the XLR into an M Audio audio interface into my IMac/Garageband. It is quiet but sounds noisy and still like a line in no matter what the cab sim is. Attenuator doesn't make difference. Any ideas? I love the amp and sound otherwise .

  • This amp opens up only over 5.5 on the volume. Set attenuation as needed. Thank me later.

  • I’ve been gigging a Fender Twin for years! However, I now just use a Headrush straight into front of house and use a fold back monitor. It’s an awesome sound and so convenient. Also, your “distortion” sound is my clean sound ????

  • Hi Aaron, I really enjoy your video's!

    I sold my Blonde Twin TM, but it sounded really good. (Right now I'm enjoying the Fractal FM9 with a Redsound MF10) Maybe in the future I'll buy a version 2 TM. ????

  • Hey Aaron .. Good review … if you haven't come across him Lyle from Psionic Audio is worth checking out .. he is an Amp technician.. I wouldn't buy an amp unless he gave it the thumbs up …
    T ???? ???? ????????


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