Fender Tonemaster Deluxe Review and Demo
My thoughts on the Fender Tonemaster Deluxe Reverb after a few years of touring and home/studio use.
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#Fender #Tonemaster #Deluxe #Review #Demo
Originally posted by UCrv0IXA0c0uvdeJGPz_RScQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExTYasxsZwc
Cab sim is a bit too thin – I have a TM Princeton – will have to use an eq to fix the DI out to sound like what my ears hear 5’ away
What make and model is your guitar?
My understanding is that it’s not really a cab sim switch, it’s a mic sim switch. #1 is a SM57 and #2 is a ribbon mic. It’s a great amp congrats! ????????
Nice demo, thanks, I have the same amp, great for home and live, love the vibrato and the lush reverb, great clean tones and takes pedals like a champ, easy on the back, a little pricey but worth it IMO
Great demo Andrew…dig your roller box!
Nice demo. This sounds like a great amp and the light weight is a very appreciated bonus.