Saturday, March 8, 2025

33 thoughts on “Fender Twin Tone Master Live On Stage. Guitar Amplifier Review.

  • I'm looking forward to the new Tonemaster Bassman (that's got reverb, effects loop, multi-power settings & line out).

  • I love he TM deluxe. Finally found a perfect go to amp. Best clean, low gain sounds and pedals work well. I love playing in straight. Usually I’m a pedal guy but this I can noodle all day.

  • There needs to be more live demos of amps. Amps change when you get them to gig volumes. I've played a Twin Reverb TM at at music store and loved it but it really matters to me how it responds live. Thanks…

  • Excellent video! Very helpful to hear the various songs being played and how the amp reacted to pedals. I bought the deluxe tonemaster but I’m considering either the twin or the super reverb tonemaster cause I want more headroom and a bigger overall sound that is easier to get with more speakers in a bigger cab. I wish they’d do a fender tweed twin tonemaster or Bassman tonemaster or both cause the tweed amps sound different than the silver or blackface fenders. But they are definitely very nice amps. I put a mic on the deluxe tonemaster and it records great. Anyway, thanks for your video, very helpful to hear the amp in a more real world setting. Thanks

  • I have the Twin Tone master. Been gigging it for a year. excellent fender tone. Consistent. I call it a "digital tube" amplifier. You'll love it!

  • That helped thanks and the band sounded great
    Off to buy me one today ???????????????????????????? cheers From England

  • I have one and use it in a loud bar band. It has no problem cutting through the muddy sea of guitar frequencies we create. And the power scaling means I can get good tone at home, rehearsal, or gigs of various size. Add in the portability factor and it’s a clear winner.
    Final point: critical tone trolls live here in the comments…bar band patrons appreciate the tone and wouldn’t know a Dumble if they tripped over it.

  • Thanks for this. Still the best way to hear an amp. Sounds like a proper Fender amp !!

  • Yep! The best video on this particular model, a live setting which is what its all about from a performers point of view.. Fab video thankyou

  • Excellent job on this….thank you so much ???? …when these came out…I had one in my hands before the ink was dry on their ad campaign ! So, one of the first batch….and I’ve been totally happy ????…. I own 30+ guitar amps and in that stable there’s only 3 solid state amps that cut the mustard….my Tone Master Twin….my Roland Jazz Chorus….and my Orange Super Crush 100….all the rest are tube amps????….truth be told , I probably takeout one of solid state amps the most ☝️….even though I love em all ❤

  • At last someone demonstrating a amp in a live situation, thank you so much, please do more of the same.
    Cheers from Kevin Shotter

  • great video! been playing hand wired tube amp for 30 years, never have i played 2 of the same type and years that sounded alike, they both sounded good buy slightly different. Picked up a Tonemaster super reverb, love it, after 2 back surgeries this thing is a keeper

  • I havent played a show with my tm twin yet. But when i take it to band practice, it holds its own against a heavy handed drummer. Thats all i ask of it

  • I’m 68 years old. Been playing rock n roll for 50 years, used Fender amps most of the time. Currently have two Tonemaster Deluxe Reverbs. One accompanies me to gigs, other stays at rehearsal room. I don’t use anything else these days. Sounds phenomenal and only weighs 23 pounds‼️. Digital is here to stay (IMO)!

  • Im a tube guy but honestly i dont think i would know the difference in this situation as a listener so I would say it works fine for this kind of thing

  • Nothing will ever take the place of a twin tube amp Nothing. You will see more of them sitting on stages than any other amp because they're too heavy to carry off. They were designed that way.

  • Sounds amazing. I’ve tried this amp in a guitar store but in a live situation it sounds even better and real.

  • Been playing theaters and outdoor shows on my Tonemaster Twin for a couple years now, it even took a 6 foot spill off a loading dock and landed smack on it's face on the concrete and hasn't missed a lick since. Same great tone night after night, still love it

  • Was the guitarist using drive pedals for his dirty tones? I find the Twin Reverb is the odd choice to have offered in the Tone Master format, because I feel that most people use Twins for their cleans only, and honestly, cleans must be the easiest thing to simulate in a modelled amp. So my big question is why not make an analog solid state version of a Twin Reverb instead. It would absolutely be possible to recreate Twin Reverb cleans without having to resort to digital modelling. Would have been almost as light, and definitely less expensive.

  • Hearing equipment in a live setting is always better to my ears than testing at a music store. Every venue will have its subtle ( or not so subtle acoustic challenges) I finally pulled the trigger on a blonde Tonemaster twin amp my current go to is my Fender 22 super sonic tube amp. I’ve been researching the Tonemaster series since the debut and I feel confident that it will be a solid addition. Thanks for this video, it was and is very helpful.????


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