Friday, March 14, 2025
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FIRST TIME HEARING The Beatles- Abbey Road Medley (Reaction)

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FIRST TIME HEARING The Beatles- Abbey Road Medley (Reaction) | What a surprising and rich musical journey in this medley!

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#TIME #HEARING #Beatles #Abbey #Road #Medley #Reaction

Originally posted by UC6HbOryoZIxDuHFqFFstneg at

29 thoughts on “FIRST TIME HEARING The Beatles- Abbey Road Medley (Reaction)

  • The End was the intended end of the album. Her Majesty was initially placed earlier in the medley (between Mr Mustard and Polythene Pam, I think?) but cut out. An engineer taped that cut piece on the end of the tape as he knew never to throw anything by the Beatles out. Paul liked it and it was kept in just before the runout groove.

  • On some tours, McCartney used Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End as the finale to his shows. Going from the virtuosic guitar solo trade-offs to the emotion of The End (accompanied by stunning visuals of a sunset) made from a total emotional catharsis. Unbeatable ending to his shows!

  • The Beatles' songwriting, singing and musicianship are unquestionably virtuosic. This together with the volume of the quality material they produced in that short period of 10 years has not been matched by a single artist or band since. It would be wonderful to hear this music for the first time again as the host of this channel and many others born these decades later have the opportunity to experience. I really enjoy watching their reactions. What is difficult for these new listeners to grasp and is often completely overlooked in their reviews, is the context of the time in which the Beatles produced this music and the fact that the Beatles and their production team were inventing and synthesising new musical genres, recording techniques and creating a breadth of musical expression that did not exist at the time, invention that changed the course of popular music forever and upon which just about all modern pop music is founded.

  • Tossing in "Her Majesty" like that at the end was a typical bit of Beatles cheekiness — on the one hand, yes, they want to achieve that lush, orchestral and very emotional finale, but the lads from Liverpool always had a bit of subversive wink in their spirit. On the one hand, you can say it doesn't seem to fit in, it feels like an add on — but on the other hand, it is so quintessentially Beatlesque to do something a bit crazy, quirky, and unexpected like that.

  • This long-medley is the testament of the Beatles.
    PS: "You never give me your money" talks about the problematic relationship that Paul had with Allen Klein who had recently become the Beatles' manager (John, George and Ringo trusted him, but not Paul who suspected a scam). In the song "The End" three guitars play in the solos: the first one by George, then Paul and John

  • Here's a trip: try playing the entire medley through at 0.75 speed. It's like hearing a passage you know intimately well for the first time. You hear things like have not not heard them before.

  • This has always been my favorite Beatles…..anything! Ringo's drum solo is the only one he ever played. He didn't like doing drum solos but Paul talked him into it. The surprise of Her Majesty by waiting for a minute for the very end.
    This has been remixed, and Her Majesty comes after Mean Mr. Mustard. I don't like that version.
    So glad you appreciated it.
    The stuff sounding like a foreign language was just made up.
    I have listened to this for 56 years. I know every word.

  • I always see it as someone giving you this big over the top goodbye that's super melodramatic and then you gotta get that one last funny "one more thing, just real quick" that really punctuates the humor the Beatles had even at their most dramatic.

  • I was a bit low and then I have found this! The Beatles ALWAYS make me high! Thank you, dude!

  • 55 years later and we are still listening to and enjoying this music of my youth, such quality just timeless.

  • As "Let it be" was in the vault first and, as the minutes passed away on this session, so was it the end of the most magical era in music history.

  • I have listened to this medley many times, and each time find something new in it. I know John was dismissive of the medley, but I think he got it wrong. It is an extraordinary piece of music, and keeps being extraordinary time after time.

  • WOW says it all. What everyone else said. And, as a bonus, you should watch the SNL skit where Chris Farley interviews Paul McCartney. It is epic!


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