Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Fishman Loudbox Mini Review – Wickham Road Music

WE LOVE GEAR! Are you looking for an amp that is transparent and sounds great with any type of stringed instrument? Get your hands on a Fishman Loudbox Mini. Super easy to use. Super easy to transport. This guitar amp and mini P.A. all in one is great for gigging with tracks or just utilizing the track inputs for practicing. With Bluetooth® 4.0 Connectivity and 60 watts of power, you can easily work a small club. Allow Pete & Tom to walk you through this simple yet powerful multi purpose amp. Check out this piece and other gear at Wickham Road Music.

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#Fishman #Loudbox #Mini #Review #Wickham #Road #Music

Originally posted by UCsgFPhrFPGEGkjw_HUyev-A at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGi6jcalvJo

18 thoughts on “Fishman Loudbox Mini Review – Wickham Road Music

  • I mean no disrespect. The man in the black shirt talked throughout most of the video, and the guitar was out of tune for the very few seconds we got to hear it.

  • If this is a demo for the amp to sell it to me then you lost your sell didn’t hear anything from the amp to help me to decide 2 or 3 notes doesn’t tell me anything

  • Don't get me wrong, but it is difficult to learn something about the sound of an amp with a guitar that is out of tune.

  • Why on earth would you a) post this video after that out of tune playing b) not use an acoustic with a piezo which is what most people will be doing?

  • Waited till the latter end of the video only to hear a weird little demo that was out of tune – you got me again, YouTube.

  • I have seen several review and when I came on this one with Mr Tom Fishman I was interested. Disappointed, Either he needed a mic or just not a articulate man. Every review from NON Fishman people were upbeat and awesome. This fell short IMHO

  • This amp really sounds great but ur demo .. well.. people who dont have experiences with this amp with a hollowbody, u may take their mood to buy it. U even did not tune up that guitar well. And u need flatwound strings, man

  • I have been through 2 Fishmans. While they sound INCREDIBLE, I have found them to be very delicate, or not very roadworthy. If you need an amp for a controlled air conditioned environment, that will never be moved, this is the perfect amp. If you are playing smokey bars with salty air, it will not last long. Sounds like this one could have used a built in tuner …. Uuuggghhh

  • Why is everyone that reviews these amps fail to demo the voice/mic capabilities? It’s literally one of the main selling points.


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