Friday, March 14, 2025
BassBass Guitar

FLAGSHIP PRE/POWER | Audiolab 9000Q/P (vs 9000A) Amplifier Review

Audiolab produce some of the finest amplifiers for the money. How good is their new flagship pre/power, how does it compare to the Quad 33/303 and the Audiolab 9000A integrated? I find out…

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9000 Series

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Related reviews:
Sugden IA4

Quad 33 & 303

Hegel H400

Accuphase E280

Trilogy 921

NVA P50SA / M600

Moor Angel Pre & Angel 4

Quad Revela 1

Alta Audio Alyssa

Kerr Acoustics K300 Mk3

Amphion Argon 1 (early video, poor production quality, sorry)

Dali Menuet SE (early video, poor production quality, sorry)

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
1:44 Audiolab 9000A
8:24 Audiolab 9000Q/P

#FLAGSHIP #PREPOWER #Audiolab #9000QP #9000A #Amplifier #Review

Originally posted by UCMADmrBg2mMall8bpC4anQQ at

28 thoughts on “FLAGSHIP PRE/POWER | Audiolab 9000Q/P (vs 9000A) Amplifier Review

  • what do you think is the best amp in the $4-5 K price range? Looking to power up my SVS Evolution Pinnacle speakers, svs sb17 sub, with my tubed phono amp and my VPI signature turntable. Would like to add a streamer down the line. Let me know your thoughts.

  • Also audiolab do mono blocks 250 into 8 ohms . 8300mb it's called supposed to be amazing at 800 pound per block . Class D.

  • I've got a Cyrus Pre-XR feeding into a Cyrus Stereo 200. Absolutely stunning sound, fast, dynamic, punchy, detailed and controlled. Given Cyrus is an all British company – design and build, I'm surprised that you never seem to review their products.

  • Great review.Im trying to find preamp with dac and phono for my elac navis arb-51. Not easy. This one looks like an option. Maybe you can recommend something?

  • Another great video . I’ve never touched Audio lab nor Cambridge products . I have a dedicated headphone system , a big Michi , & a big Onkyo AVR . I’m happy with them

  • Audiolab always seem to have good vfm and relatively low pricing in their strategy. Many they fear going to higher price points would not be worthwhile for them given the wide amount of competitor products there.

  • I've been running my Primaluna Prologue Two for years since messing about with Arcam/Audiolab/Cyrus/Naim/Chord and other combos.. This for me is kinda all I need, I have 3x sets of KT88s and 2x sets of EL34s to roll with and have played with all sorts of vintage pre-tubes.. tube rolling means I can experience different sounds and combos out of the same box, and that keeps me loving that amp. Cant see any reason to upgrade, its warm and silky smooth with no background noise or distortion when cranked into my Neat Acoustic floor standers

  • Still got my trusty Roksan Kandy K2 amp and power amp and adore the sound. Do you reckon the Audiolab would be an upgrade?

  • Thank you for another great review. Would love to hear your take on the Cambridge Audio Edge A integrated.

  • I was thinking about the 9000a to replace my Marantz PM6006 UK. For me it's in the scale with the Arcam A25 and Cambridge Audio EXA100. Didn't know the pre/power combo would be so close in price. Thank you for the video!

  • Im happy with my amplifier state of play but, ahem, that may be because I currently have seven in three systems. An Allnic audio T2000 25th edition KT170 tube amp, an Allnic T1500 300b tube amp, a Kinki Studio EX M1, a Luxman L540, a Sansui AU7700, a DK Design reference mk 3 and a Musical Paradise tube preamp with Fosi V3 monos.
    All bring something different to the table, and I switch between amps depending on music and mood. Its great, but the wiring and switching is a nightmare.
    Also Im reliant on my wife being the saint like, tolerant, creature she is.

  • Hi, Tarun. Currently using X30 > 9000A. How does 9000A compare to Musical Fidelity A1?

  • Nice review Tarun.
    I upgraded from a NAD 3130 to an Audiolab 8000a back in 96'. After a rebuild 10 years ago it's been running just fine with a pair of Warfedale evo 4.2s.

  • Great review Tarun. ???? I am a fan of the Audiolab sound for some genres, better matched with slightly warmer speakers as you noted. Thank you ????

  • Hi Tarun at the beginning of your YouTube channel you tested a Technics SEM100 amp. You were going to get it serviced possibly recapped and see if it made a difference are you still going to do this.14:59

  • I sold my Audiolab transport. It sounded wonderful, but was too annoying to use. If you need to pause a disc for five minutes it loses its place, and I no longer trusted the tray-less loading slot.

  • I looked at Audiolab dacs and amps in the past because I liked that detailed, controlled sound. Went rather well with the warm Quad 11l. My current amp is a lot more lively and warm and I very much enjoy that. In fact my Rega io is perfect in size and sound to me, I won't be changing it. The next step is vinyl. I went to the city to browse record stores which I haven't done for ages, I enjoyed it immensely.

  • Just had a couple of days at the Bristol Hifi show. I am looking to upgrade from a AVI Laboratory Series S2 Integrated with AVI Biggatron speakers. Very impressed by the Hegel H190 and amps from Atoll and Lyndorf . Nor sure which I preferred but the H190 with the Amphions sounded beautiful and seemed very good value. Thanks for your reviews which I find very helpful. I must confess to still missing Hifi World Magazine which was my hifi reference for many years until it went under after lockdown. Keep up the good work.

  • Great review mate ???? just the perfect amount of info and presentation.

    I’m still eyes open for a pair of exposure 18 supers or a dual 4, they pop up on ebay from time to time but I’m waiting for the right one thats in good condition. The stereo 18 is probably good enough for me so theres no mad rush to change but, well ya know, the curiosity is still there ????

    Hope you guys are having a great time in Bristol.

  • Hi Tarun. Thanks for your reviews, I always like to watch them. However the world of hifi is confusing at best to me. I have an Audiolab 7000A with Audiolab 7000CDT and a Rega P2 turntable. My speakers are Rega RS3s, but I feel the speakers aren’t not quite the right match for the Audiolab. The speakers were part of my previous system with the Naim Unitilite which worked really well. Do you have a suggestion for speakers to fit my system, it’s a medium size room. Thanks Steve,

  • Why did they bother to give it a volume knob? Surely the engineers know better than us at what volume the music was intended to be listened at.

  • Hi tarun, saw you today at the Bristol hifi show, wanted to have a chat but didn’t have that long to peruse all the hifi treasure that was displayed there, but next time aye. I enjoyed what I saw and will probably go everytime now and have a chat with you. Till then keep on rockin bro

  • I really enjoyed the sound of the new Leema ???????????????????????????? pre & power amplifier combo at Bristol Hi Fi Show this week – very musical (£2800) ????

  • I am not interested in new amplification. I own a Sugden IA-4 and a Michi S5. But I enjoy your content so much that I watch as many as I can. Cheers for your efforts, sir!


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