Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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FM3 Firmware 9 | New Amps, Mu-Tron & More

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00:00 – Intro Noodling
00:30 – FM3 & FM9 Updates
02:00 – FAS Stealth Blue
06:30 – Mark IV, 2203 & AC30
09:58 – Mu-Tron
13:20 – Sidechaining
15:30 – Conclusion

#FM3 #Firmware #Amps #MuTron

Originally posted by UCrlsD6OalGm8pIqKVo81k6A at

26 thoughts on “FM3 Firmware 9 | New Amps, Mu-Tron & More

  • I take it you prefer Fractal to Kemper, Mr. Todd? I don't think I've seen you do any Kemper videos but you probably have some.

    A lot of my old teachers at GIT are kind of split on the modeling stuff even though most have switched to it now for live gigging. Some prefer Fractal. Some prefer Kemper.

    I usually catch up with them every few years and ask what they prefer these days. Who am I to argue with a place with Scott Henderson on staff and Paul Gilbert as an alumnus?

    I like the 80s racks stuff so the Kemper toaster thing always looked like something out of Fallout to me. I never got into it. Fractal seems way more flexible, but Kemper seems quicker to set up with its profiles.

    I'm weighing an Axe FX3 at some point, a Duncan Power Stage 700, and an FRFR speaker once a few more of them are on the lightly used market. First new live gear I've bought in 20+ years probably because I mainly practice in my DAW with plugins now at my desktop.

    Thanks as always for your videos and gear. Helps me learn about everything I've missed out on in gear since 2005 or so.

    Will we have another live chat with you coming up sometime? Cheers and best wishes.

  • Thanks Leon for another great video and for sharing your amp blocks. You have been a great help as I've come into the Fractal world.

  • Ohhhh – that Mutron is the goodies – I always struggled to get the perfect AutoWah/EnvelopeFilter in the Axe, this sounds great at every settting (at least when you play it 😀 ).

  • Very informative, thanks. I’m a Helix floor user. Wondering about swapping to Fractal. Does the FM3 sound better? Appreciate any comments from anyone who has used both. Thanks.

  • Aussie Gov is. Corrupt …set guitar down and prepare for the NWO and get ready to defend your freedoms. Then let's jam! ????

  • They always keep getting better and better that’s why I love Fractal audio than with them almost 16 years. Great job my friend.

  • Man, since when do you have an earring lol
    Sick tones as always, I'll definitely, ahem, borrow, your multitap delay settings, it sounds killer!

  • Hey Leon…. I’m trying to use a tc spark with my ax8 as a solo boost. Do you know how I can get the loop to turn it on and off from the panel? I’d really appreciate it if you do.

  • Honestly, I don't know why you don't have more subs, you are great and always with the best videos about gear. Great video, btw.
    On the other hand, in the support page of FAS website, I still don't see this new firmware, the most updated is 8 from April.

  • If you had to pick ONE of these multi effect thingys, would you pick This one, Headrush, or Boss GX-100 for stuff like 80"s tones? I feel better asking you cause you get such awesome tones out of these things. Im not the brightest star in the sky so i like fairly simple but Im really curious what one ya would pick out of those 3 since i know ive seen ya do 2 out of the 3.


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