Free Beginner Bass Guitar Lessons With Scott Grove 1 Hour
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#Free #Beginner #Bass #Guitar #Lessons #Scott #Grove #Hour
Originally posted by UCFuEvs_baSE2v4QWtQL2dsw at
Thanks for the video, I found it very helpful!
I like your shirt
Scott you’re awesome. Thank you my friend
Thanks Scott. This is great compared to many others on You Tube. Cheers Brotha.
Great stuff! Excellent teacher
Nice job Scott, very informative
this hits the spot . I didn't know ware to start ,
nice theory lesson without being a theory lesson. 🙂 its all about the intervals
Awesome, thank you ????????
I just found this site and excited how explain 3rds 5ths etc. Never got that before! I play marginally in a church band but have to play at our high school reunion and really want to learn Mustang Sally!!! Help!
I'm almost 50 and I just started playing the bass. I figured why not..
hello Mr. Scott, you're the best!!! thanks so much for this bass lessons tutorial video presentation!! blessings to you in this New Year, cheers!!!
Wow….just Wow. I have always wanted to play the bass, and recently decided that it was time to try.I have been struggling for months, and was about to give up. Then I friend turned me on to your videos. (your video on the Peavey T-40 has caused me to have serious desire to own one!) And sincerely, for the first time, this video has given me at least a hope that I might be able to actually "get it"…someday anyway! 😉  Thanks Scott, your videos mean more to some of us than you will maybe EVER know…..THANKS !!!!!!!
Hi Scott, I just happened to find your lesson and it was great, and I never would have thought to listen to country music which I love…anyway in your lesson all that you explained was what I needed…now I'm a beginner, real beginner, took lessons and still have not advanced…my issue is this a great problem…keeping my baby finger on the this a issue? I'm 58, and intend on playing this bass, tell me what I should do…I really appreciate you taking your time to explain…Help!!
I have learned more in the first 14 minutes than I have in all of the videos I have watched. Awesome video!
Hey SCOTT..! just started to learn bass,1 week into it and i am learning a lot from your vids. this is my second one i have watched and i am amazed how much can be done with 4 strings and how you do it.. so cool!!i didnt think i would like bass but its a challenge like i never thought it was gonna be.i bought a cheap ass bass,a douglas one pick up no frills right? well i am doin the left handed play because my left hand is a little disfigured from a skillsaw accident back when i was a kid but my righthand is normal.tried the book lessons and its slow going from them but its informational at best. watching your videos i have learned about 5 seconds of play in this video in 4 hours i am up to the 28 min. mark. i am not complaining, im playing is no where near what yours sound like ..thanks for the videos you have posted here, they are generous and well worth the time ..i'll be watching them, learning the bass. thank you.
As a beginner I really find this is a very worth while video.
Thank you for putting forth such a fine video. Now is the time to subscribe !!!
Thank you Thank you
Well, well, well. Someone who cuts the cheese on this stuff. Might even be better than my series of videos which center on the same thing — root – fifth — root in time for beginners. It's the only way to get right into the music. All these other vids with scales, fingering, all that jazz? Superfulous and plays keep away from just playing music.
Cool shirt 50 watt orange bass amp and a epiphone thunderbird good to start with
gonna take some work to get my fingers to do that!
Thanks, Scott! I love the bass and have always compensated for the lack of bass and drums when playing my classical guitar on the can by playing tons of beats (hmmm, that didn't sound quite right). Any chance you can do a mini lesson on right hand placement for beginners so we can start out with good habits? Other people's lessons have made this confusing and awkward. Thanks again for jump starting many a stale life. There are many of us who've been sitting on the can too long.
I really like this little Hartke Kickback 12 amp. It's all you'll need. Look for one used.
LOL, I've never had either one. Hey…..I checked out your red Fender P-Bass. Nice bass my friend! That new camera is crystal clear too. That sucker is sharp (the camera and the bass)!
That is the first time I've seen the Explorer III in a designer finish. Too sweet. I'll have to get one if a clean one ever comes up for sale. That thing is beat to hell. The neck is getting ready to come off of it. I've had so many Gibson necks come unglued and just fall off. lol Plus, that horrible nitro finish has really taken a beating. Too bad. At that price I would've bought it right away. I don't have Sirius….wish I did. No entertainment here at all. lol
dude go check out the explorer III designer on ebay sweet axe. if you have sirius radio on the hair nation channel at 11:20 est my bands going to be playing the m3 music fest if you want to hear some tunes. were only playing for like 20 minutes so im going to make the most out of it. Ratt and skid row are the headliners and they play at like 9 est. going to be a great time. then im opening for a kiss cover band "love gun" june 1st lol. any chance i get to play i take it lol
LOL, I can't say any of it forward. lol Yeah, the T-40 is a boat, but what a great boat for sure. I will have to run it through the talk box and see if I can blow it up. lol
My pleasure. I hope it helps out a little bit. I have some more free bass videos on here too whenever you want to check them out. Enjoy!
Holy smoke….I learned so much in that hour….Thanx Scott……..
Cool, I got a dislike for a FREE lesson. I guess next he'll want me to PAY him to watch them. lol